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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. It is sad with so many Thai's out of work with no unemployment help from the government. The people that have jobs are also working much harder and longer hours without extra pay. Lets hope things get better.
  2. It will be like casino's all around the world, cheap drinks, cheap food and at the end of the night you walk out with empty pockets
  3. We only have to look at SA as Omicron is the top variant there. IT looks like it is changing from a pandemic to a endemic which would be good for everyone. Hopefully in time it will be no more dangerous than the common flu.
  4. Your not going to stop Omicron, in a month there will be many cases. So far no deaths anywhere, so get yourself vaccinated and put up with the mild side affects if you get it.
  5. To me why not, just as long as they don't have kids as life will be very hard for her after he is gone.
  6. Omicron spreading fast but no deaths so lets hope for the best! https://edition.cnn.com/world/live-news/omicron-coronavirus-variant-12-06-21-intl/index.html
  7. I never said some people on this site, I said some people. Now if the shoe fits wear it.
  8. You are right, but what I can't believe is some people don't want this virus to end and the Omicron could end it. At least make it into a virus that won't kill us.
  9. It's as simple as that. now if only the government would get off our backs!!!
  10. Couldn't the government at least wait to see how dangerous Omicron is before all these rules come into play? Either you want tourist or you don't. Too many governments around the world hit the panic button without having all the info.
  11. Until people start dying from Omicron there's not much to say.
  12. Yes it is a cheap helmet but the visor should be ok. Take it back to the shop and get another visor try a tinted one. I had a Index helmet when I first came here 20 years ago now I have only a few Shoei helmets. So if you can't see well change the visor first.
  13. We don't know if the vaccines will work against omicron but better to have than not at all. Also we know that the people that have been infected before can be reinfected again according to S.A. doctors.
  14. As I said before, gambling will become legal for all government run casino's for anyone to come and lose their money tourist or Thai, just show your wallet at the door and they will let you in.
  15. A lot of Thai people I see in my area wear the cheapest mask you can buy. Why don't the government subtilize the good masks so the poor Thai people can afford them?
  16. Your right, if Omicron only gives a mild symptom only with no death and gets rid of Delta what need would we have for vaccines? Just live with it!
  17. Their ghost writer must be a real ghost because nobody knows about the 2-5 alcohol freeze.
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