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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. 0 Bookings for CM It might have something to do with the amount of covid cases here.
  2. That's one thing to do. But I hear Japan has come out with a water proof mask so they can go swimming as well.
  3. I have a GF that is the same, she lives in a big house with camera's everywhere[ plenty of money] when her workers come she won't let them in her house not even for a pee. She puts money in a envelope and pushes in under the door. Some people are just so scared of this virus that they have no life.
  4. It is a hard question, as they say they do the testing but do they? Many people in my area are Hill tribe people that don't know what to do if the get the virus. They go to the hospital and they say go to anther hospital we are full so they go home and pass it on to their family. It looks like this virus is going nowhere fast.
  5. It's getting better in some areas but Chiang Mai up to Burma it's very bad. Many people infected. Right now they are giving free Pfizer vaccines to students only at a public hospital. Forget old people first.
  6. Let me know when they to 197 low risk countries as we will be running out of countries.
  7. More and more unvaccinated people may have to sleep on the streets? How stupid!
  8. I think this will be a huge disappointment for Thai people, plus a why did I come attitude for the tourist who come.
  9. So will that put everyone back to work? Or will everyone be scrabbling for more vaccines?
  10. They might be fighting the virus at home as it looks to be growing and growing everywhere. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72Ut1Qnlm6U
  11. There is that 1 in a million chance but the inflatable will never nag you to death, or ask for money, cheat on you, or say it has a headache.
  12. Much better off with a inflatable, as I been married twice to Thai's. Happy at first than the BS wears off.
  13. Some tourist may be on a plane coming to Thailand but don't know the rules Changed Again. What happen to the one day Quarantine for fully vaccinated?
  14. This may be hard, but why don't they just send China the bill I'm sure they will pay. These are the best reasons for not drinking while covid 19 is with us. It might answer some of your questions as to why we shouldn't drink with this virus among us. https://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0010/437608/Alcohol-and-COVID-19-what-you-need-to-know.pdf
  15. I live on the outer area of Chiang Mai and the hospital is full and there are many in the field hospital.
  16. When they do come will they be bringing a new virus with them. Because like all of us, we are sick of the masks, sick of not finding most places open. My barber hasn't opened for months and my hair is almost down to the middle of my ass. So please don't let them in.
  17. What would happen if they were all tourist? If they sent pictures back to their home country from jail. Would more tourist come?
  18. So just how good is the sinovac vaccine against the new Delta Plus? It doesn't get better if it spreads.
  19. I also do not drink, but for the life of me I can't see why they don't have a system for lets say a 3 drink limit keeping most people happy. If tourist can't have a few drinks after going threw all the BS just to get here than they might not come at all.
  20. Thai people are not stupid, most know this is not the time to open the gates to let hordes of tourist in. They know the vaccines that were given to them were of low standard two doses of Chinese or Chinese than AZ. and still many Thais have not been vaccinate. What's the rush, a safer Thailand is a better Thailand for all.
  21. They say talk is Cheap, maybe they found out that the bars were closed?
  22. Anything is possible with France than Canada being number 1 & 2, I would sooner retire in Timbuktu.
  23. I think most people would like to retire in their own country but don't have the money to do so.
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