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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. So, just what are the tourist going to do when they get here? What will be open to them? Can they have a glass of wine with their meal? Staying in a hotel in their own country would be much cheaper.
  2. I'm not too scared as long as I don't come back as a cockroach.
  3. I smoked for over 20 years and I smoked everything even newspapers when I didn't have the money. But what made me stop was my chest x-ray. I carried it around with me and when I wanted a smoke I would look at it first. E-cigarettes are not the answer I had friends that tried then but didn't like them at all.
  4. All these diets, but who follows them and for how long if you do? I am in better shape now than when I was in my forty's. Yes I exercise everyday, I would like to walk some, but the dog packs in my area are many.I have found drinking 1 tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar mixed with water gets rid of most of my belly fat. Try it it might help you
  5. Nor New Zealand or the poor countries around Thailand that have low covid 19.
  6. So far so good but I have only been here 20 years. We all know the virus has been making things much more restricted and I hope the government doesn't start mandating everything like in many countries. If or when this virus fades away into the night, we will all be a much happier bunch for this I'm sure.
  7. Low risk countries? Will there be any poor countries in the 10 low risk countries? Or will it be 10 of the most richest countries?
  8. The Chinese just want to get out of the dark to come here. But I don't think the CCP will let them come. They all must suffer together.
  9. Heck, just come on in we won't even check your bags as we know they are full of money!
  10. How can you open the Bars or Pubs with utmost care? I bet someone has never been pis--- in his life.
  11. The poor Africans are too broke paying off the Chinese debt traps.
  12. Nice picture, is she a Thai girl? It would be nice to see the face of a beautiful Thai girl in the picture as they are up with the most beautiful women in the world.
  13. I disagree with your statement as I had many vaccines in my days. I got most when I went into the service. About 6 or 7 in one day ,sure my arms were sore but no one said sit down for a half hour after I got the jabs. My point is why are they making such a big deal after 1 jab? The paperwork they can do anytime. In my small town people are waiting most of the day there with a good chance of catching the virus while you wait.
  14. Today they are giving Sinovac first than Pfizer a few weeks later but you have to be a student. They say they have a system but what kind of system? There is a lot of old people where I live that can't make it to the hospital. Why can't they send people to their houses and vaccinate them at home? It doesn't make much sense.
  15. Does that mean I can play with my dog again? https://www.facebook.com/WoofWoofTV/videos/579004546849921
  16. Who's butt do I have to kiss to get two AZ vaccines as I can only get where I live? The other one in Chinovac. Even if I offer to pay for them they won't do it.
  17. Young in age or young at heart? Also I can see all these young people lining up with their chinovac vaccine cards waiting to come into Thailand as the door in open. This may not be the right thing to do, don't you think? I need new glasses as I thought he said Young guys, sorry.
  18. And young people complain a lot but do nothing about it. Their body's are good but their mind lacks education on life. Why people live in Thailand is a matter of choice. We learn to accept the good with the bad. Some don't, so they leave, as simple as that.
  19. It's true the numbers are going up. Maybe if they stopped giving us 1 vaccine that works and the other 1 that is a dud we can get over this and back to some degree of normality.
  20. Better weather down Hotchilli as this may hit you first in Chiang Rai than me second, but who knows it just may change course.
  21. Don't you know Foreigners are always in the the sh-- whether we do things right to protect others or not. . That's why so many are dyeing to get here to build Condo's. Ain't life a kick in the pants.
  22. Now that we are taken off the list can we get two jabs of AZ vaccine instead of 1 sinovac and 1 AZ so we can go to the UK?
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