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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. I hope the Pfizer comes soon and I hope we could get 2 jabs without mixing it with Sinovac. Even if I have to pay for it. We should have the choice.
  2. Yes delivery times will be cut down. The Fake goods can now come straight to us without going through Burma first.
  3. Some people just never let go of their hate no matter how old they are. People are different and this should have been learned a long time ago. At 76 he hasn't grown up just yet give him a few more years.
  4. I'm sure Thailand will do the right thing by her. I wonder if anyone contacted her family in Hungry
  5. If they were purchased in Thailand 99.99% are fake I got some at the markets which they got from China for 20baht each they wanted a thousand baht each and gave most to friends as a joke.
  6. You might want to try China town in Bangkok. There is also a mint in Laos also beware of the fake bars being sold in Laos. Your best bet is the Perth Mint if your buying bars.
  7. 2 Sinovac vaccines and 1 Sinovac booster= how much protection and where can I travel to other than China?
  8. I think if the are looking for a better class of people the rich ones are not the way to go especially a million of them. You think we hurt your feelings, they will want improvements from day one.
  9. With the 10 year visa they seem to have 80,000 on the brain but they don't say 80,000 what ,US dollars? Australian dollars? Thai baht? Japanese yen? Who knows. I would be happy with Japanese Yen!
  10. You mean like the Sinovac and the Thai AZ? I wonder how many countries will?
  11. There are also a lot of people that have had covid19 and have a natural immunity to it. Which class does that fall into?
  12. Not all taxi fares are legit. Sometimes they use the meter sometimes they don't.
  13. Speaking even a little Thai wrong can put you in hot water as I have seen this happen too many times in my 20years here.
  14. It's hard to say who's right and who's wrong as we where not there. But if it was over 10 baht their both wrong.
  15. Pitbulls are a danger to everyone. The red Thai dogs are everywhere in my area. They roam the streets in packs but never have been a danger to me or anyone that lives here.
  16. I hear lead taste good. the way they are adding it on as a must little by little each day your better off getting a vaccine. So make it a good western one and don't mix it.
  17. What about us people over 60 that want 2 jabs of the Pfizer vaccine and are even willing to pay for them. Can you spare a few out of the 71 million jabs? And please can you send them to a Public Hospital?
  18. Soon we will have to wear waterproof masks in the Hotel swimming pool. Or are they already doing that?
  19. Watch out when you bend over these may be the new and improved test kits?
  20. Forget all the options the best thing about Thailand are it's people, that's why it is so good to live here.
  21. Just remember if you go to Pattaya right now learn to swim first!!!
  22. Yes, this is a bad time for this when so many people are going broke. It might be a better time when the sky is black with all these millions of good vaccines coming in. But when or if this happens everything maybe open anyway and all you have to show is your money.
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