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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. They say about 83 billion US's worth. If Biden didn't want it he should had given it to Taiwan. It looks like they are sure as hell are going to need it.
  2. I don't think too many Afghan's and the thousands of Americans trapped there like him very much.
  3. Vampires are finding it much harder to survive today with all these jabs and booster jabs.
  4. I live in a small town, and there is just no choice of vaccines. Most here are worried that when the Pfizer vaccines come in and we get the first jab the second jab may be a Sinovac, it's almost like one cancels the other one out.
  5. How many died while making love with their wife with a mask on?
  6. Does he see signs of the 30 million Pfizer vaccines coming? Or is it just a illusion!
  7. Who eats baked beans these days when you can buy S&W Chili Beans that taste so good and yes you can buy them at Makro for a little bit more.
  8. I guess us Aussies are still thinking of the vaccines on offer. We don't want a lot of sh-- going through are veins.
  9. He must be talking about the surrounding countries. Because there's one thing we all want for Christmas, and that is some bloody good vaccines.
  10. So if we got a AZ than a Pfizer than a Maderna toped up with another Pfizer Booster would we need a blood transfusion after 6 months?
  11. Yes and Yes but my GF did it in 17 days as they must have ran out of the AZ vaccines. But if you take 2 of the AZ vaccines the wait for the second one is about 3 months. GF still in bed after 2 days too weak to get up.
  12. Everyone that I have seen take these 2 vaccines and most only 14 days apart have been very sick. Most take 2 days off from work but if you take 3 days you need a letter from the hospital where you got the jab.
  13. Yesterday a friend of mine went to the hospital where I live and got her second shot of the AZ vaccine. When she was there she asked the people in charge about me, They said as long as I was over 60 just bring yourself and your passport in and I can get my first shot, Sounds dead easy to me.
  14. Lets not borrow the vaccines from Germany as there might be a big surprise? https://thehill.com/policy/international/europe/567358-german-nurse-accused-of-switching-vaccines-with-saline-thousand
  15. I like the pizza place good pizza and sexy girls what more would you want?
  16. We could always dump them in the South China sea you know the place where they dump all their <deleted>.
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