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Posts posted by JAG

  1. 15 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    I believe you nailed it. I do not think the administration ever considers the ex-pat community for even a nanosecond. If they do consider us at all, it is to figure out how to make our lives harder, how to make the visa process more cumbersome, and how to get rid of us entirely, so we do not "influence" the Thai women we are involved with. We can be a very "bad influence", after all. Knowledge of history, democratic institutions, functional law and order, science, and geopolitics is to be avoided, at all costs. 

    Oh I don't think that they take the slightest bit of notice of us, unless we are (and I most certainly not) wealthy to be of business interest, and therefore a source of investment or profit. The "making our lives harder" is collateral damage, if you like, from the beaurocratic stasis of the establishment. Visit any place where the Thais interact with their government agencies and see what they have to put up with.

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  2. 22 hours ago, Vacuum said:

    What's wrong with the existing one?  :biggrin:

    Well if the picture in the previous post is anything to go by it could do with weeding!


    These sorts of indoor Close Quarter Battle Ranges (CQBR) - because that is what it is - are very high tech, and require a lot of maintenance. If they are to be any more than up market games of cowboys and indians, they also need thorough prior training and carefully conducted shooting practices. Umhh...

  3. How utterly, utterly pathetic.


    And of course, the inevitable men in camouflage suits to inspect and enforce.


    Maybe they will need to issue a special "cuddly toy ops" camouflage uniform to those deployed to combat this menace - overprinted with patterns of Hello Kitty, Winnie the Pooh (although that might upset their Chinese masters!) and assorted other cartoon characters?


    There are so many more practical and useful things for children to spend their time on rather than playing with cuddly toys.


  4. I wonder if I can see what is coming here? An "EU" browser, an EU " Facebook", an EU alternative to Google.

    Setup at vast cost - funded by the EU of course as no commercial undertaking will go near it, controlled from Brussels. Just wait for the argument over whether it is to be in French ( cultural leaders) or German (we are paying): maybe they will alternate on a monthly basis?


    Then the dawning realisation after the trumpeted inaugurations, (Beethoven Symphonies all round, blue flags everywhere, Ms Sturgeon demanding that she be allowed to play too - after all Tim Berners-Lee is known to have enjoyed a holiday in the Highlands) that no one is using it..


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  5. 3 hours ago, Monkeycity said:

    They need to be taught bilingually, where they are taught science, maths or a couple important subjects in English. Just having a few English lessons a week is not enough. It needs to be 50/50 if you want good English speakers.

    Howcome Scandinavians can speak English almost perfectly?

    That is what happens at the school I teach at, Maths and Science are taught in Thai and English to primary classes.. Funnily enough all the Filipinos and West Africans (all with 4 year degrees in Education - at least one with a Masters) complained it was too hard, so I get to do it as a mere TEFL Mong!

    • Sad 1
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  6. 19 hours ago, Russell17au said:


    And now the Aerosol transmission


    Whether you like it or not it would be advisable to start wearing masks everywhere because you never know when it will become airborne here in Thailand

    There are no masks available to the public, of any sort, anywhere.


    There is insufficient manufacturing capability for masks to enable adequate supplies to become available whilst demand continues.


    The claimed stockpiles seem to have disappeared - possibly either retained to supply the favoured ones, or even sent to another nearby influential country?


    We should not worry as there is no shortage of masks, and everything is under control...

  7. On 2/8/2020 at 8:32 PM, BobbyL said:

    I assume they contacted this 'expert' to release something ASAP to help their health minister try and save that all precious 'face'. 

    Dr Suwanchai Wattanayingcharoenchai, the chief of the infectious diseases centre, may well be, probably is, a learned, experienced and competent man in his field. Unfortunately, he also inevitably owes his position to the patronage of his boss; and so has no real choice but to come to the support of his boss, who has got into a mess through a temper tantrum which is all to do with loss of face, and nothing to do with the realities of attempting to control the spread of the virus. This latter is obviously an area in which the boss, (who was appointed for reasons which had the cubed root of b#gg#r all to do with competence, knowledge or ability) would not matter if he kept quiet, and allowed his staff to get on with things, but having struck a pose (and lost face) he has to regain face, so his expert staff are diverted to supporting and justifying his imbecilic blatherings.


    The advice of Dr Suwanchai Wattanayingcharoenchai, good as it may be, is of little consequence, as we are not told the true figures ( including areas in which the virus is most present) and due to the incompetence of the ministry, despite claims to be in control of matters, and that there is no shortage of masks, masks are totally unavailable. Given the potential production figures quoted there are unlikely to be any available any time soon.


    Face, patronage and corruption. The triple curse on this unfortunate country and it's people.

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  8. 1 hour ago, leeneeds said:

    True, but the 700, does not go to the parks or insurance for tourist, for my mind make it a thousand baht connected to ticket and have a fund to cover non insured injuries that happen where medical treatment is not paid for by the patient, it would be easy to then attach such payment to any potential scammers trying to re enter the country until that bill is paid this can picked up on the biometric system.


    Any fund, in virtually any area of activity in this country, will be emptied by the corrupt individuals who run things, (virtually everything) in this country.


    I am fascinated by the concept of "revolving funds"! Does that mean that when the wheel stood spinning, if the arrow is pointing at you, then you get the money?

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