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Everything posted by JAG

  1. The overwhelming coverage of this awful scandal has died back, so the "establishment" (whose policies and actions, or rather inactions allowed it to happen for so long) pushback has started. Soon it will be time for a BBC or Channel 4 documentary on the terrible affect of the white racist anger upon the Pakistani community.
  2. It is remarkable: how Mr Trump veers spectacularly between wild nationalism (renaming international waters), territorial ambitions (Greenland and Canada) personal victimhood (his various legal entanglements leading to convictions, civil and criminal), and now national victimhood (The EU existing to harm the USA)!
  3. We think highly of you as well!
  4. And screwing the United States is most definitely his job, now he is President"😄
  5. Mind you, so did George Washington! As for The Guardian, although it's left wing opinion stance can and does at times grate with me, it's factual reporting is fair and it is the one serious UK paper which is available internationally without a paywall, which is why I read it, and make a modest monthly subscription.
  6. The savings being sought are unachievable without massive cuts to medical care, social security and other social provision. Many of the most vulnerable people are in Republican constituencies. The Republican party are going to have to wake up to the fact that they "own" these cuts.
  7. Years ago I travelled from Bangkok to Heathrow sitting next to a monk (Eva Air I think). He was a member of the community at a Wat in the West Midlands. He was I would say a fairly "Hi So" young man, a very pleasant travelling companion. I am a Catholic so we had a very interesting conversation, not in the slightest bit antagonistic. We parted friends at Heathrow.
  8. https://youtu.be/Q3B3qEPQA_M?si=Ag9-v-Yd_H65ubsH
  9. Don't skip past these photographs, they show the actions of total utter <deleted> savages.
  10. The signed photocopies are scanned into the PCs and laptops (colour of course, so they can discern the blue pen) before the papers are physically filed for "future reference". It is just another layer of pointlessness!
  11. The Terminals are for show. They have the runways and refueling facilities etc. Siem Riep gives them a base which covers the Gulf of Thailand Gwadar will be handy for that side of the Indian Ocean and the sea approaches to the Persian Gulf.
  12. You have rather confirmed the point I made. Thank you.
  13. Which given some of the bold and persistent statements you (and others) have made about biased, political and corrupt judges on these forums in relation to Mr Trumps varied and many legal entanglements over the last couple of years is actually rather funny! Irony at its best!
  14. Votes not donors. Money, and particular massive donations from corporate sources and the extremely wealthy have utterly corrupted US politics. After all you now have the bizarre (if you believe in democracy) situation where the man who made the biggest donation in the last election is now in government, and believes and behaves as if he is not subject to any accountability!
  15. Can't say that over many years I have noticed a particularly vibrant (declared) female membership on this platform. You calling for "permanent silence from this creep" does however suggesting that you are trying to drive people off the platform - not because of misogyny but because their views do not agree with yours! That would not be a good thing for this forum, it would simply turn it into an echo chamber!
  16. I actually think that she is rather attractive. She is clearly not interested in her husband, and only appears when "duty calls". I feel rather sorry for her in a way, when she was persuaded to climb aboard the Trump bandwagon, she never expected it to end up in the Whitehouse!
  17. I understand Immigration are investigating whether or not he was on overstay.
  18. "Common Purpose"! An "Educational charity" which ran (runs) "leadership programmes" for targeted members of organisations expected to rise to positions of influence. Their "alumni" are well represented in the civil service, the judiciary and the senior echelons of the police force. The Masons are so passé! These people are far more dangerous!
  19. Well, at the risk of wandering off topic, you are absolutely right, I am neither an American nor a lawyer. Certainly, in the case of the first, something for which, under present circumstances I thank God daily! Nor am I a lawyer, tell us, are you? As for real estate prices in Palm Beach, I have no idea whatsoever as to the value of Mar-a-Lago, as I believe it is correctly styled - if it's based on good taste then $20 million is definitely a bit high, maybe the value is determined by the value of the secret documents stacked in the spare khazi?
  20. Trump is on the hook to the New York courts for over $600 millions. Sooner or later they will wish to collect. Musk has cash. Make no mistake, he is not going anywhere.
  21. In simple terms, Musk gave Trump's campaign $288 billion (by the Washington Post's reckoning), which got him over the line, and so is calling the shots on the government.
  22. Credit where credit is due, unlike the majority of the USA's attempts to "defend democracy" since 1945 Trump has managed to cede democracy to its opponents and betray the country it set out to protect without any American casualties and avoiding an embarrassing "evacuation". I suppose it is a plus...
  23. Steady on, didn't his doctor say ( as reported by Trump) that he was the healthiest man, for his age, he had ever seen!😄
  24. This alone demands a major investigation - how did he find out, who leaked that she was talking to police, and what the hell was he doing free to make such threats?
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