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Posts posted by 96tehtarp

  1. Actually...there is nothing wrong with having a monitor lizard or two around; unless you simply don't care for them or are afraid of them. They won't bother you but if you

    have chickens the monitor will devoure the eggs. We have one around our place that's about a meter & a half long & quite friendly as far as lizards go. To that add six rescue dogs and still there never has been a problem. But if you must get rid of it...

    try sulphur around & in the hole...they don't care much for that but also it may want to

    make another nest in a place you feel is also inappropriate. Last resort is a capture

    & release...use a bamboo pole about 6 feet long and some nylon line about 1/2 to 3/4

    inch in diameter...fashion a noose at one end of the pole and the fag end is what you will pull to tighten the noose around the monitor's neck. Have a large (50Kg) rice sack

    readily available to put the monitor in.

    Be Warned...a noosed monitor lizard even a small one will put up a fight like you have never experienced. It's not the bite you should be concerned with rather their claws and tail, both which will rip you skin open faster than a straight razor. Their bite can be nasty as well & you will require at least a tetanus shot...perhaps stitches also.

    If it must go...have your local snake catcher do it for you....that's the best choice.

    NB...edit to add a line about the "bite".

    I wouldn't recommend trying to catch one oneself. They are packed with energy like you would not believe and can put up quite a fight.

    Don't kill it. I learnt in another thread that they are a protected species.

    Contact the Aw Baw Taw they will know a lizard catcher who will remove it for you.

  2. 3................2...............1............................ enter the red bleatings and brayings!! coffee1.gif

    However, he should NEVER have been granted bail. 12 mill is noting to a scumbag like him. He'll never do 20 days never mind 20 years. dry.png

    Well I'm yellow and I don't think he should be granted bail. He's been convicted by one court. The conviction was upheld by an appeals court. How many courts should it take to send a guilty rich man to jail?

    even more so how can you appeal an appeal against an appeal at an appeal court, oh I forgot we are in thailand

    He has friends in very high places.

  3. You're lucky, I'm not even allowed out alone.

    If she has to make a quick 2 day visit to Ma she knows everything I've done, and where, before she even gets home.

    Freedom comes at a price. It won't be given and it has to be taken.

  4. Now, I have to ask what happens to baby sleeping in regular bed if she rolls off onto tile floor. Baby sleeps on a mattress next to our bed. Sometimes mommy sleeps with baby girl till she falls asleep and then slips into bed.

    Gee, there are things called, 'cribs' I believe.

    They make a thump sound.

    Seriously, depending on the height of the bed it is a good idea to put some padding down for a soft landing.

  5. At first I was shocked and couldn't believe it. Then I calmed myself down and re-read the text on the website. It actually doesn't look that bad. It is basically just removing alcohol advertising.

    No no no. Not allowed a good spin on it. Has to be anti farang and bad for tourism. Booking a flight out on internet as I type.

    Oh, I'm not putting a good spin on it. I'm just saying, "Cheer up guys, it's not that bad". It's bad, but it's not doomsday worthy, or moving to Cambodia worthy.

    It's actually not that bad when compared with most G7 countries. Even Russia has come up with stricter laws recently.

    Happy hours aren't going to disappear. It will be interesting to see what creative measures will be used to reinvent them legally.

    I'll miss the beer girls, although they will probably still be there serving in tight pants without advertising on their uniforms.

    It's not that bad.

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