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Posts posted by 96tehtarp

  1. When the government of the day decides to stop paying the losses Thai will end. Rehabilitation is impossible.

    They can spin off either Nok or ThaiSmile and shut Thai Airways International completely. Overnight the newly spun-off subsidiary can take over operation of Thai routes and assets and rehire staff as new hires. A new THAI airline with hopefully a lot of capable foreign managers... and please no more Air Chief Marshals, Pol. Lieutenant colonels etc. stacked up in the management.

    It's probably easier to keep paying the losses.

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  2. Though the modern world has changed a lot the culture here is different and shouldn't be criticized just because you don't understand it.

    Parents even put their children in classes or schools just to be with certain people. Even if they don't learn that isn't always the most important aspect of school here.

    I have a friend who is from a very respected family and is often invited to social functions. His wife is from a poor rural area and she is never brought with him to these functions.

    "Though the modern world has changed a lot the culture here is different and shouldn't be criticized just because you don't understand it."
    The modern world has been engineered with a view to a reduction of traditional family values and a increased role of the state. A common criticism of marriages with Asian families is one marries the entire family. This is true and should be regarded as a plus instead of a minus. This unless one marries the wrong family.
    "Parents even put their children in classes or schools just to be with certain people. Even if they don't learn that isn't always the most important aspect of school here."
    This is widely practiced in almost every country regardless of the culture or whether it is Asian or not.
    "I have a friend who is from a very respected family and is often invited to social functions. His wife is from a poor rural area and she is never brought with him to these functions."
    Maybe she doesn't want to attend?
  3. I don't see why a woman in today's world cannot be independent, confident, accomplished and still find a successful husband. What is wrong with women having both? If a woman desires to change her priorities and devote her life to a family instead of career what is wrong with that also? The world of equality should allow people to do whatever they want and not be judged or judge an entire culture on your limited perspective. OP get a life.

    My criticism is not about a woman marrying who she wants. She can marry up or down thats her choice. What I mean is that families should stop teaching their kids to only go for the sucessful man. In Europe we have female lawyers dating with low earning men. No problem at all. But in Thailand it is still frowned upon. Women should date and marry the men they love regardless rich or poor.

    In Asian cultures marriage, family, children, and inheritance involve much more than love. People in Europe fall out of love on a regular basis, it's often fleeting and transient. Money and connections build family empires and their lifetimes span generations.

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  4. It's more common for the Thai - Chinese families to arrange meetings of men from certain families, quite often to benifit business and the family profile.

    My wife was coached by her father about getting married when she was in her 20's and there was a few times she was asked to attend dinners and there would be a stranger at their table and found out it was a prospective husband, and then walk out.

    Well done by the girl. I do not undertand why a girl would want to be with a man who does not share common interests or values as the girl. Why would Thai parents try to make the girls to marry a man just because he can provide the sin sot?

    The purpose of these meetings is to establish if there are any shared common interests and attraction between the potential couple. That's why parents will facilitate these meetings. A good match will provide mutual attraction, common interests, as well as business benefits and improve the family's financial profile.

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  5. There are some interesting observations in the OP.

    I have noticed that when I want to know something my first action is to consult a book, or now in internet era Google for it. Many Thai people still rely on the oral tradition for learning and don't trust written information for instruction. Even a simple task such as cooking from a recipe somehow goes against the grain here. They prefer to ask someone rather that look it up. This is not because they can't read.

    Even farmers using farm chemicals will not read the instructions but instead rely on what others say and give that more credence than the written information in the inserts.

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