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Posts posted by 96tehtarp

  1. The Junta is picking up people out of their homes, detaining them without reason or cause. lying about it and some people here who support the Junta think this kind of stuff is okay. She was brave given the three finger salute, I am sure that will be another 7 days of re-education.

    Being involved in the recent court bombings is the reason/cause.

    The full article states:

    "She was brought to the police HQ with two suspects accused of participating in the grenade attack on a Bangkok court house earlier this month."

    It's either a freak coincidence they were brought to police HQ together, or there is a connection. The coup was supposed to put an end to bombings and mass protests once and for all. Is it all starting to unravel again?

  2. It's all over twitter now with a video on youtube. She was being held in military custody. Tweet by @KhaosodEnglish

    'Missing' witness of 2010 crackdown deaths was in military custody after all. Footage: Details forthcoming.

    Thanks for that video. Shows very clearly that she was indeed in (military? - I only see police) custody.

    "Thanks for that video. Shows very clearly that she was indeed in (military? - I only see police) custody."

    The full article by the alleged "unreliable and illegitimate" KhaosodEnglish states:

    "Nattathida emerged this morning when police brought her to the headquarters of the Bangkok Metropolitan Police Bureau in a van belonging to the 11th Army District."

  3. And many others were suggesting that the military had killed her off.

    It appears that her arrest has nothing to do with 2010. It could actually bring into question her whole 2010 wat story.

    Yes it could have nothing to do with 2010. I never said it did.

    But the army denied they had her. Posters on here said it was likely the red shirts had her.

    Facts are the army has her.

    And they lied about it while trying to put it on opponents of the coup just proves you cant believe a word that comes out their mouthes

    From the full article linked in the post by webfact above:

    "Last May, the junta held a Redshirt activist incommunicado for three weeks – violating the seven-day limit under martial law – before admitting to the public that she was in military custody. The activist, Kritsuda Khunasen, fled Thailand shortly after she was released and accused soldiers of torturing her."

  4. Bangkok Post and others picking this up and running with it now. NCPO issuing denials....

    Other possibilities are some reds abducting her (why? Unless she is changing her tune in court) or completely unrelated to this case situation (hmm).

    Only Bangkok Post has reported on it, unless you're including red shirt's Dubai-based ironically named Peace TV as "others".

    Anyway, no other legitimate news agency is reporting on it at all and certainly no is "running with it". coffee1.gif

    KhaosodEnglish reports:

    "Missing 2010 Crackdown Witness Emerges from Army Custody [VIDEO]

    BANGKOK — A witness of the deadly military crackdown on Redshirt protesters in 2010 emerged from six days military custody today, a day after the junta denied any involvement in her arrest."
  5. They have four Boeing 767-300 aircraft. One of them dates from 1991, two from 1992 and the other one from 1993. All of them are ex other carrier aircraft. Two of them were previously operated by Royal Brunei Airlines and another one by Vietnam Airlines. The remaining aircraft was operated by a Russian airline called Aerosvit Airlines.

    For opinions about comfort, travel etc., it's best to check passenger reviews which aren't too bad: http://www.airlinequality.com/Forum/ukraine.htm

    I've flown with Aerosvit on their 767. They were old planes but clean. They were on par with something like Egypt Air, no worse no better. If I ever want to save a lot of money again, I'd fly them once more.

  6. Thai friends tell me that Wat Dhammakaya has a low reputation among Thai Buddhists, that it is a weird cult, brainwashing its members.

    It really is not an ordinary Buddhist temple. It does have many cult-like characteristics. My ex wife got involved with them for a while and donated heavily while they were building their UFO. They even have their own private FTA satellite TV channel, or at least they did have one.

  7. Well, here I sit wondering two major points: 1) why don't these things happen to me?, and 2) why are you guys who are complaining still here?

    I have lived in the same rented house in the same neighborhood for over seven years and have never had a complaint or gotten a complaint--and I have a noisy Harley and often come home late, but I stop the motor at the gate, and push the bike inside. Perhaps it's my neighbors. It is an upscale area, the houses across the street would be considered mansions, but on my side of the street they are three story townhouses and smaller, but nice, detached houses. I know all my neigbors by sight and speak to them when we meet on the street, but that is about the extent of my interaction with them. My wife, who is not Thai, is very outgoing, she talks with them, knows their names and the names of their children--even bakes cookies for the kids. I have always maintained distance from neighbors, wherever I have lived; an old custom from my grandpappy. It seems to serve me well.

    I do; however, have several Thai friends with whom I socialize. When my Thai buddies and I go out--riding our Harleys, attending the bullfights, or just out drinking and carousing, we always take turns paying; in fact, I often have to insist on paying. I do not feel used or cheated in our relationships. I am often the recipient of good deals because of our friendship--one sells Harleys, he sold me my bike at cost; another owns a resort, I stay there at a discount always; two others own restaurants, I can't pay for a drink at either place and the fruit and desserts are always free.

    Don't get me wrong. I have several complaints, but those mostly stem from Thai driving habits, the usual poor service, cultural misunderstandings, or downright ignorance--but, issues like those happen everywhere. As mentioned before on TV, I have absolutley no problem with immigration or the local police, In fact, one of my riding buddies is a local police LTC.

    As I see it, your predicament must be a personal problem; like poor choice of living area, lack of cross-cultural interpersonal skills, or giving the impression of simply being an arogant or trashy farang. The best bet; however, may be a form of discrimination against Thai-farang relationships. The Thais may view your wife, or gf, as a bargirl or place some other social stigma on her relationship with a farang. We all know there is discrimination in the West towards any Western man with an Asian woman--seeing the Asian woman as a bargirl and the farang man as a whoremonger is common. That is as much a misconception in Asia as it is in farangland. I have heard it discussed in the Philippines and in Vietnam, where I am quite fluent in the languages, and I have discussed it with my Thai buddies here. And I have exerienced that discrimination when I brought two Asian ladies back to the States; even my family and friends wondered if they were bargirls, until they got to know my wives.

    So well said, I could never say it like that myself....Great...

    1) why don't these things happen to me?

    Nothing particularly awful has happened to me here, or in my dealings with Thai people, other than the unpleasant experience of observing unscrupulous behavior on many levels.

    I have farang friends who's lives here are mired in lies, infidelity, corruption, and unimaginable scams. They love it here because they are not aware what is being done to them when they are not looking. For them, things like this are happening to them. They just don't know it.

    2) why are you guys who are complaining still here?

    I'm not sure if I was complaining, however I'm still here because I like it. It's nice here even with the perceived or real Thai character traits. I have a few Thai friends as well who are not associated with my wife or her family. Some of them are police too. The topic of the unscrupulous character of Thai people, corruption, stealing, lying, and infidelity comes up frequently. I keep my mouth shut and listen.

    Even the Prime Minister, General, coup leader, and junta boss lectures the Thai people almost every night on Thai TV regarding dishonesty and corruption. Apparently, by his own accord, he's one of the few "good men."

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