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Posts posted by malt25

  1. 11 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    Why does it seem like so many people forget what is the appropriate way to dress when walking in to an office of authority? Do people really feel the need to ask elementary questions like this? Silly! Why would you consider it would be different in HCMC than in other places.

    Just use your common sense instead.

    "Do people really feel the need to ask elementary questions like this? "  It would appear so !

  2. 1 hour ago, nikmar said:

    You enjoy laughing at someone else's misfortune?

    A post such as this on TV forum..... what would you expect ? OP has already engaged a lawyer. I do have some sympathy for the OP, but once it’s on here, I feel one has to accept all comments, positive or otherwise.

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  3. Hi all. I plan on fitting 2 auxiliary lights. Riding lights. I'd like to fit the switch to look as though original equipment. Maybe something incorporated in the starter button/switch. Maybe something along the lines of photo below. Don't want to have lights on with the head light. Any thoughts, suggestions ?

    Thanks.....     Mal.


  4. As I understand we are not supposed to recommend companies, referrals. But for what it's worth I made my will a couple of years ago. The lawyer is situated in Korat. Farang, practicing here in LOS for several years. Less than 10,000 Baht. Could have been all completed via email & EMS but I decided to take a few days holiday & have a look about Korat. PM me if you like further details.

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  5. 18 hours ago, SteveK said:

    Why is it that bank statements are acceptable at embassies such as Savannakhet, but at the airport they insist on cash? That's Thai logic. Make things as incomprehensible as possible and maybe they can keep out all those pesky foreigners who want to come in and spend shed-loads of money. Sometimes I think it's a language problem. Thai is so imprecise that even Thai people can have conversations and walk away not knowing what has been said, as happens many times with my wife. Watch the FCCT video on TM30 on YouTube. The senior Thai generals don't even understand the questions. Their answers are unintelligible garbage, after 2 hours nobody has learned anything, Thailand in a nutshell. Nobody knows what is going on, even the people who make the rules.


    They keep saying that they want to keep bad guys out, but all TM30 does is register an address which almost certainly would be fake for a criminal anyway. I always used to doubt the quotes about Thai IQ but now I believe it. They have no idea how to administer their country. There are many ways of finding criminals, inventing moronic pieces of paper one after another is not the way to do it, but don't tell them that because they think they are really smart despite no other country on the planet using such pathetic measures,


    I love Thailand and Thai people. But I just cannot understand how on Earth such a large country can be run by people like these. Within a few years tourism is going to be dead. Who is going to come here with the outrageous corruption and xenophobia? I haven't even got into the fact that the artificially high baht makes Thailand more expensive than almost any other holiday destination in the world. Any ex-pats who still have a functioning brain will be moving to a neighboring country and taking their money with them. And good for them because Thailand doesn't want foreigners. Vietnam and Philippines will give you a lot more respect, if you can move there then you can look back at Thailand as it rots from the inside out.

    "That's Thai logic."  Thai + logic = Oxymoron !    To all those who moan, complain & bitch about immigration administration. My philosophy... you don't have to like it, you just have to accept it. Remember, there's always an exit ! 

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  6. 28 minutes ago, malibukid said:

    nothing since i have been in Thailand since they have no English book stores here.  Asia Books is a joke.  love Barnes and Nobles in L.A. with their liberal policy, where you can sit in a comfy chair and read the latest fiction or non-fiction on any subject.  yes a real book.  thought about a kindle, but not the same thing.  miss the library back home which is well stocked and endowed.  

    So you don't know about Dasa book cafe ? I can thoroughly recommend.

  7. On 5/8/2019 at 2:19 PM, edandpranee said:

    Mitchner, Anthony Gray, James Cavelle, Wilbur Smith, James Patterson, Eric Lustbader, Nelson Demille, John Grisham, 

    Brad Thor, Jack Silkstone, Clive Cussler, Anne Rice and Ken Follett are some of my favorite authors I've read while in Thailand.  I might also add altho I forget the author"The girl with the Dragon Tattoo"  it's the first of 4 books.  I read on a Kindle and download my books from Amazon


    "The girl with the Dragon Tattoo" is one of the few movies that is almost as good as the book.

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