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Posts posted by malt25

  1. 37 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

    sounds like a typical nasty vindictive government employee bully to me

    "dislikes me now and gives me a hard time because i asked her 2-3 times why i would have to watch this and waste my time if i could just pass the test."  So you agree that bullying the counter lady by insisting special treatment is ok ? We don't have to like the rules, we just have to accept them.

    • Like 1
  2. 28 minutes ago, kekalot said:

    lucky her, the videos I had to watch was more like 3 hours. I let my license expire when i didn't have a bike for a while and they forced me to watch that 3 hours of nonsense again.. there was no way they would just let me do the test without watching the video, lady at the counter quite dislikes me now and gives me a hard time because i asked her 2-3 times why i would have to watch this and waste my time if i could just pass the test.

    "lady at the counter quite dislikes me now"  Sounds like a pretty smart lady to me !

    • Haha 2
  3. 1 hour ago, bluesofa said:

    How could 7 Eleven sell alcohol (openly) at a petrol station when it's illegal to do so? Surely they must be the last company to break the law in that respect.

    When I asked in one before the staff told me they weren't allowed to, plus I've never seen any stock at one.

    Even if one maverick branch did, it would be on the itemised till receipt, leaving them open to prosecution, as it has the branch ID on it.

    If & that's a BIG if, a maverick 7-11 decided to sell a few grogs on the side, you really think they'd put it through the register ?

  4. "highly overpriced and packed in heavy glass bottles which themselves are a nuisance to toss."  95% of water at my local Tops, BigC, Tesco & 7-11 come in very thin walled plastic bottles. 6 X 1.5 litres @ 49 baht, that's hardly expensive, & I'm on a relatively tight budget. Leave the glass or plastic bottles at your front door-gate & they'll soon disappear.

  5. 2 hours ago, outsider said:


    It isn't a bad system but yes, they should also erect one of those hand sanitiser dispensers next to the scanner. We are talking about thousands of hands on that pad, so some concerns about hygiene should be addressed. So many of those dispensers around the city - in public toilets, restaurants, hospitals, shopping centres - you name it. I doubt it will be too expensive to install.


    Me thinks you are a bit paranoid ! Consider the following...  Money....public toilets....street food & utensils.... public transport hand rails & grips....restaurant & bar tables & glasses....the list goes on & on. Highly unlikely you'll get any more germs from the touch pad than a hundred other daily encounters. For what it's worth, I have a small packet of a sanitizer wipes in my car, but keep forgetting to use em.

    • Like 1
  6. A "friend" told me about this place. There is another soapy massage parlor in Khon Kaen that only few foreigners know about. It’s called Caesar Massage and located on Sri Chant Road (or better known as Soi Khao Niao). The girls there are divided into four groups and the price is 1,300, 1,600, 1,800 or 2,000 Baht for 1.5 hours including everything.

  7. 4 hours ago, samuttodd said:

    There is money in safety though.   Reduced expenditure in human suffering and loss of life first and foremost.

    money in sales of protective gear.

    money in collected revenue from fines levied via enforecement of compliance with appropriate safety measures.


    The folks that have been lost from accidents were contributors here.  They had families, and jobs etc. They had influence and importance to those left behind.


      There is value to human life.  

    Far beyond monetary value.


    That whole drama of the kids trapped in the cave is an example.


    The country pulled together,  and outsiders of the Kingdom also lent a hand.


    those boys that were saved were saved because human life has value.


    It is unfathomable that the same folks that went to such lenghts to save those kids wouldn't go to the lenghts of simply putting on a helmet, hanging up the cell phone and riding right when running errands on a bike.



    Of course common sense can not be legislated,  but perhaps appropriate value to life and the wellbeing of others could be better than it is.






    Read between the lines. I'm referring to brown envelope money. Bringing logic & common sense into the issue, as you have elected to do, is like water off a duck's back to Thais.

    • Like 1
  8. On 5/14/2019 at 12:12 PM, Jamesanderson said:

    No, I am not sure about that, but I bought lawn turf a time ago. I think you should check on the Internet. 

    "I think you should check on the Internet."  Appears to me that's exactly what OP is doing ! 

    • Haha 1
  9. Hi all from a Dummy. I've recently changed from True to AIS for internet & TV. Have signed up for Sport on AIS. I've worked out the sport channels are 300, 301 & 302. So far so good. Does anyone know if there's a program guide ? ie, if I want to watch F1 or Moto GP or UFC, is there anywhere I can go to see what & when is being broadcast ?

    Thanks in advance.   Oh, Mods, I'll also put in the General section. 

  10. 5 hours ago, Mitkof Island said:

    Or over sixty . Confused yet ? And even if you had the insurance is the company going to pay anything when the time comes ? I do not trust insurance companies as far as i can toss them. Your just tossing money out the window. I will just save my money . Is insurance mandatory in Malaysia, Cambodia or Vietnam ? NO!

    It wasn't mandatory in LOS until a few days ago !

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