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Everything posted by Encid

  1. That seems to be a pretty good price
  2. Encid

    Bum guns

    Hafele products are good... their prices vary depending on style and quality.
  3. More bad news... 2 more poles have fallen over with all the heavy rain this year. In the interim the cables are now supported on bamboo poles running straight across the farm. Our builder is most embarrassed and apologetic and has promised to fix them and install proper guy wires at cable changes in direction as I suggested he do several months ago. I am really trying hard not to say "I told you so..." but I think he's lost enough face already. I don't need to rub it in... he knows! No photos to show because most of our family is infected with COVID again... so we are staying clear for a while.
  4. As 20-25% of the poles will be buried in a hole and backfilled with concrete you should consider utilizing 8m poles instead of 6m, thus keeping the cables well elevated. Will it be a straight run or will there be changes in direction? If a straight run then the final pole will need a guy wire to hold it upright against the strain/weight of the cable run. If you have changes in direction then you will need guy wires to brace the poles against the strain/weight of the cable run. (Speaking from bitter experience here!)
  5. We had 9 x 8m high poles @ 30m centres run from the PEA supply across farm land to the site of our new house and it cost 100,000 baht. That included the supply and install of the poles, concrete, cables, and connection box with breaker. So 55K for your project sounds reasonable. Here are some photos of ours...
  6. I went there this afternoon at about 1:30 to do my annual extension... I will NEVER EVER go on a Monday again! The queue outside was 85 persons long and it took 2 hours to reach the front door. Only 2 large oscillating fans were running to cool people down... probably 4-6 would have been more appropriate. Everyone was sweating profusely and tempers were getting short, particularly with queue jumpers who invariably try their luck. I would have left to try another day but I already had my bank statement signed and dated that day. Once inside the building it only took 5 minutes to process as all my paperwork was in order, and I departed with a numbered ticket in hand. I will go back tomorrow after 2 to collect my passport. It is a disgraceful situation as (predominantly) elderly people must queue for hours without any form of seating in the heat. Sure there is a canopy to keep the sun off, but it is still sweltering hot and everyone is sweating profusely by the time they finally reach the front door. The office needs to be relocated in my opinion... it is too small, understaffed for the volume of people being processed, and poorly located in a small soi in Jomtien with no public carparking, and to treat foreigners like that (both tourist and long-stayers) is degrading and shameful. It will be 100 time worse once the country fully opens up and the office is inundated with tourists from other Asian countries. They should take a closer look at some of the Immigration Offices in other provinces, particularly in the North-East or Isaan, where there is ample public parking, ample seating and waiting areas inside the building in air-conditioned comfort along with toilets and drinking fountains, and no need for outside queues. Rant over... Anyway to answer the OP, if you cannot do the 90 day report online as has already been suggested and you MUST do it in person, there is a desk for 90 day reporting in the carpark to the right of the entrance. You hand in your passport and your completed TM47 form (plus completed TM30 form if you don't already have one) and take a seat. They will give you a ticket/number. You should get your passport back within 30-120 minutes. Up to you if you wait there or wander down the soi for a quiet ale and return a bit later. And... avoid Mondays like the plague!
  7. Royal Garden Plaza. I went at 12:30 last Wednesday but they were off having lunch. Wandered around the RGP ground floor and did a bit of shopping and returned at 1:15 pm. No queue, registered and the nurse filled out my form based on my Mor Prom app data, had my BP taken, and was immediately shown into the next area to be jabbed (with Phizer). The longest thing about the whole event was the 15 minute "recovery wait" after it was over. I got home about 1 hour later (I live out of town) and checked my Mor Prom app and it had been updated already with the latest dose data. So yes the programme is still running, yes it is still free (and I think there is a choice of vaccines based on your earlier doses), and it is efficient and friendly. Don't forget to bring your passport and preferably your phone with the Mor Prom app data (or vaccination book).
  8. Most solar supply and install companies work inter-provincially. Try looking in the neighboring provinces of Nahkon Sawan and Suphan Buri.
  9. I doubt very much if the local PEA would come up with the idea of using drones (or drone contractors) to monitor meters out where we are...plus we're not even in a village! There are literally hundreds of small farms in our vicinity using solar powered bore water pumps... not so many panels on rooftops or sheds though. As Crossy said, a few kWh here and there is highly likely to be unnoticed.
  10. Bummer... I guess it pays to have just a little bit of PEA consumption so you can keep your old meter. Still do unofficial net-metering, but maintain a positive incremental kWh balance every month.
  11. I would scrape back to bare concrete, then apply an acrylic resin primer like JBP Contact-F Primer. We had some rising damp at our home but none at all since I applied a few coats of this primer, followed by a couple of coats of a good quality external paint like Dulux Weathershield. In your particular case as you are going to be tiling the area, a couple of coats of this stuff should do.
  12. It may pay to ease your mind by taking a look under the roof in the ceiling cavity to see what the supporting structure looks like (if it is visible and not covered by reflective foil). The best practice is to step on the nails, as they (usually) have some form of support beneath them (either a rafter (strong) or a batten (not so strong)). Non-slip lightweight shoes such as running shoes or trainers are also a good idea.
  13. No it's not. I went at 12:30 yesterday but they were off having lunch. Wandered around the RGP ground floor and did a bit of shopping and returned at 1:15 pm. No queue, registered and the nurse filled out my form based on my Mor Prom app data, had my BP taken, and was immediately shown into the next area to be jabbed (with Phizer). The longest thing about the whole event was the 15 minute "recovery wait" after it was over. I got home about 1 hour later (I live out of town) and checked my Mor Prom app and it had been updated already with the latest dose data. So yes the programme is still running, yes it is still free (and I think there is a choice of vaccines based on your earlier doses), and it is efficient and friendly. Don't forget to bring your passport and preferably your phone with the Mor Prom app data (or vaccination book).
  14. Thanks for that tip... I went at 12:30 today but they were off having lunch. Wandered around the RGP ground floor and did a bit of shopping and returned at 1:15 pm. No queue, registered and the nurse filled out my form based on my Mor Prom app data, had my BP taken, and was immediately shown into the next area to be jabbed. The longest thing about the whole event was the 15 minute "recovery wait" after it was over. I got home about 1 hour later (I live out of town) and checked my Mor Prom app and it had been updated already with the latest dose data.
  15. Unfortunately if you want to travel internationally, some of these hurdles must be crossed so getting a booster is a must have.
  16. That raises an interesting subject for discussion... given panel prices have risen some 20% over the past 12 months, would it be worth investing in buying panels now for an installation that may be 6-12 months or more down the track? Are prices likely to continue to rise or fall? Maybe I should ask this in another topic rather than hijacking this one?
  17. https://appsforwindowspc.com/download-solarman-smart-for-pc-windows/
  18. Probably only temporary... Khao Phanzaar... Buddhist Lent... 3 months only.
  19. What time are they open? Is it better to go earlier or later?
  20. The estimate should be based on panel rating x 0.8 x 5 (80% of panel rating over 5 hours), so if you have 20 off 330W panels your average daily production would be 330 x 20 x 0.8 x 5 = 26.4 kW.
  21. First of all. congratulations! You must be really happy with the results so far. Are you doing all the configuration yourself or using the Hua Hin based installer? Are you using a laptop or phone or ? to perform the configuration? Just curious as to how difficult it is...
  22. That's interesting... my wife showed me the same photo on a Thai social media site yesterday and said that some government pooyai had said it was not their problem because it was a private road not a government road.
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