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Posts posted by thomasjojo

  1. i am a lucky man, married in Norway, never talked about dowry money, Family is nice BKK people, Uttaradit too. Never consider me as an ATM, just ask when they really need, so I always give them doubble then. My wife lived in Norway a year. She is 25 now, she is very Thai, but understand my "culture" too, so do the family.

    there is many ways to do this. but I found out I do it my way, that means my wifes way he he. we, family are happy. no arguing, no ill buffalos, :D just real nice people that manage to do their own, but need some help from the daughter some now and then.

    Im so lucky... :D

    oh yeah .....I am divorced from a farang woman too.... same her. :o

  2. aj aj...

    I do will go and test, as soon as possible... (!) I go to a Hospital up Sukhumvit road. Ask them to test my stool, my blood and whatever to find out if I have some mad bacterials, parasites etc.

    ps, scary ppix. hehe

  3. ya, but I get this feer and fatigue things too. Feel very bad and only thing that help IS that pills. I tried sometimes without pills, and It didnt stop-

    Interesting link KATANA, its like I have been on and off this scince beginning of February. Not nice. First month I lost 5 kilo. My case, thats rare, and I am stable noe, gained some of them again.. but is ok.

    I told my self, if this happen once more within 4 weeks now, I go to Norway for a long period.

    Have a nice day!

  4. I could, i consider it. I am in the situation that I wonder about goint to Norway for a couple of months..

    Well. Hopefully not!

    Got pills in the hospital. they are named, Lexinor, Norfloxacin

    getting tired, of it too- :o


    ... LDN ... they blasted LDN !!! ... bstrds

  5. it makes me run several times at the day, and next...

    normally it last for some days, but I take the pills, so I get back to normal. When that said, I love spicy as he##, ( wonder why they censored that word and not heaven) so I think I have to reconsider.

    I love youghert too thoug, so, and bluberries. I grew up with strey for berries in the forests... Norway yes.

    I wont give up, but stop eat chilli, eat youghert and no beer for some weeks...

    Sight, its difficult to not!! :o

    c ya later guys, thanks. make me feel better.

  6. hello folks. I have been in Thai for 6 months, and I normaly are careful with my food, and before I moved, I had thaifood, in Norway, every day. Spicy as ######, too.

    lived in BKK 2 years ago, no problem before, been here many times. :D

    After some weeks in TH, I got ill, running to toilet. This repeat aprox every month, 3 - 4 weeks between them,

    I been to hospital, got pills, every time, get well, but then its on again. :o

    Anybody heard about similar cases? what can it bee? some food I simply should NOT eat, no more clues,.... Could happen I want to move back, I dont like to poo... :D


  7. i am in thailand, currently on my second non-imm B single entry visa.

    I was in Phuket and applied for work permit, via a company there, but I ended the relationship after approx 3 months, BEFORE i got my WP, and visa extension. So, in BKK, I got a letter from another company, to intend work there, so I got a new non imm B single entry visa, in Singapore. 3 months.

    so yes its possible. I dont know how many times I can do that, and I m not gonna try it out, and I dont know what kind of rules they have, or what they would do If I applied again, after another 3 months approx.

    Possible yes.

  8. Once you're married at the Ampur then you are married. There is no need to register it at you're embassy unless you want to. I'm English and it didn't affect the visa process for my ex wife. Translations are a good idea, never the less.

    what about oposite? we married in Norway, I have an english translation of the certificate, where do I register that here in Thai (BKK). Wife from Krung Thep, Minburi.


    if that could be usefull...

  9. too often I see farang guys, walking around in the city without shirt, naked almost, AND Farang girls in their bikini bra, like in the shop etc.

    The article i read on the plane from Poo-ket to KrungThep by a Thai, indicated that there is too many tourist that think Thailand is only a big big beach.

    Another one, have you seen a white guy in a bar or store, accidently dropping a tenner on the floor, and smack his foot on it to stop it?

    LOL.. :o

  10. Yeah, you're quite right. Almost every new up-scale restaurant that has opened here in the last few years has at least claimed to be of the Italian pursuasion.

    I've always wondered, however, why by contrast we get so few good French restaurants here. Sure there are a couple or three, but nothing like on the scale of the (presumably) stylish Italian restaurants we have. Just one real bistro would be awfully welcome.

    love your picture, looks something like mark rothko, my fav painter.

    italian rest is alot of here in BKK yes, chit lom, soi ehr.. remember.. not..

    personal taste is more important. I had pizza expencive, mai aroi, and cheep pizza aroi mak mak, but non beats my own.

    thats why I dont read reviews...


  11. Ong Bak and Fan Chan have not been released with subtitles because the producers hope to sell them to the foreign market where the retail prices for movies are much higher than Thailand. If they released them locally at the local price with the subtitles, it would encourage a gray market trade to other countries, undermining the price levels set there.

    This is the best explanation I've heard yet about why this happens. It sucks, but I find some comfort in at least knowing what is going on.

    I do have subs for Ong Bak, if u want them I can send them to you, its a small textfile, its easy to watch the divx (dvd ripped yes so quality is superb) with running subs on.


  12. of course I didnt read all the tread, so exuse me if u mentioned them, but what I have seen so far, and I like them all,

    in cinema BKK this days; Cherm. about a taxi driver meeting a girl who works as a pro. nice and charming movie

    Last life in Universe, DVD, very sweet and obscure in a fun way

    Ong Bak. fun fighting

    Jan Dara, erotic but interesting

    The Letter, gonna look one day, no ENG subs, but they talk very little, wife can translate when needed.

    SHUTTER, dont have eng subtitles for this, so if somebody have that, please send them to me... I have converted the movie to divX for this reason.

    KLONG or box in thai, fun and sweet.

    The Eye- thai /HK. scary and nice

    what I remember for now..

    PS: any expats in BKK in age range 30 - 40 interested in jazz bar hang outs ? pm me then.

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