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Posts posted by thomasjojo

  1. Two people in the Thai consulate in Finland have told me that we definitely don't need visas if we leave the country before the 30 days from our arrival. Then we can re-enter for another 30 days if we wish.

    :o thats correct. Look into the thai embassy web to see if your citizenship get an Visa on entry.

    If they say so, you get 30 days, and can enter again same day if you want and get another 30 days. I did this twice this summer, to Cambodia-

    thai Ministry of F. Aff: www.mfa.go.th/web/12.php

  2. eating alots of chillies, is it good or bad for the health? :o

    the science say that chilli is good, it also lower your body temperature.

    It doesent feel like that, because it feel so hot, but the fact is that it makes the heat drive from your body a bit faster, therefore lower the temperature. I can try to find my source, but its so many years old, and it was in a Science magazine in the early 90s...

    dee jung ler--ee

  3. some feedback would be nice :o

    thanks :D


    My XP pr had already the value on 1,

    but I run XP tweak thou.. ;-)

    RegScrub is a tool thats nice for the same reasons ppl. A google search give you that small prog fast

  4. do you run any Antivirus software? or Firewall?

    what temperature has your motherboard and CPU? and how is the fans going? they dirty , how old is the computer and the components

    If your computer start by it self, is it on a spesific time of the day? like in the morning? Its possible to disable or able that in the BIOS.

    What OS did you say U have?

    video adapter (screen card) drivers update helpt, so there you are.

    Do not press the freshrate to high (more than it can go, read about that online or so.) But higher refreshrate, less u notice. Mine is above 100, but my system and hardware can do that, I would NOT recoment that you try.. ;-)

    anything else? , mail me if you want answer quickly.

    thomas :o

  5. Bud dude,

    I've made a lot of joke postings to this site - Python / Comrade / Professor / Baron / California etc etc

    In all cases (I hope) it was obvious in the extreme that what I was posting was complete nonsense.

    What you're posting however is total rubbish - it's not remotely funny, relevant or intelligent

    Sorry to say it dude - but you're a total prick

    Hi python, Comrade, Professor, Baron, Caifornia Dave,

    I agree............. that Bud is a bore, maybe its a different sense of humour, i cant see how some prick that knows nothing is such an icon, maybe he is funny to some, but i cant see it myself...

    Basil Fawlty is funny, Bud Zumwalt is not

    I like buds humor.


    better than yours

  6. <font color='#000000'>Heng,

    The point I believe you're trying to make is that it's hard to meet "Mrs Right" here in sunny Thailand. Well guess what, it ain't easy either back home in London.

    The thing is that if you don't even try then you're very clearly never going to succeed. Considerations of socio-economic status, or "class", are much the same here as they are back home and appear to be flouted just as often and with equal disdain. I know of several foreign men who've paired off with women more educated, intelligent and wealthy than themselves

    thats true. I once made an experiment about that, and I managed to pair my self to a rich bitch, european as me. But I didnt like it, so I jumped out. A clean normal cut in a relationship.

    Some ppl choose where to look for their Teerak. They may like the look of a girl from SOL better than a blond or brunette from Europe... yes, some of us dreamt of a dark tanned girl from we was 12. And even being successfull in the home country, dating, girlfriends, even marriage to a sexy and successfull girl there, like their self, (successful or atleast a nice carreer (tell me the diffrence)). Even though, some of this men want something else they realize, after some years, they realy want a girlfriend7partner from asia.

    So what do they do? Go to Thailand and find a Bargirl? dont think so. some do, some are lucky there, but some of us find the person that works in a normal job, like you and me, when they are there. Its very many people there, and most are normal. And if youre an intelligent man, really interested in the country and the culture, you also teach you the language, or start and try, so its not hard to find people to date. I can prove that my friend. So then this men make a choise, and they marry and live with a girl for ever.

    Thats life. Just like if they was home. But they just picked up a girl in Thailand instead. The rumors goes of course, because the fact of the heavy loads of prostitution in LOS, and Pattaya is world famous. What started pattayas reputation? the US marine recreation spot.



  7. some ppl stay in their country and send money to the girl. Some go to Thailand once a year to see them.

    Whats the reason? do they have a girlfriend home too?

    But there IS good girls too. I can make an exaple:

    I moved to BKK, lived with my girl, went home brought her to MY home. We are happy. She was not a BG. And she never will be.

    Try that instead. try to chose a person, not a sexual object.

  8. mmmhh hoh mok and khanom jeen :D aroy aroy!!

    but I never found it that spicy.

    the hottest dish I ever ate was kaeng som in a restaurant on Samui. It was delicious though very hot but I liked it so much I finished the whole big bowl. took me around one hour and i was sweating and constantly wiping my running nose and got concerned looks from other farangs. I still don't know what they put in there, I think it must have been tabasco!! when I ordered it I asked to make it paed maak because I really like spicy and can take a lot but then was really surprised :o

    other spicy food I like is nam thok and glassnoodle salad

    tabasco is not Hot..

    I make my own food at home, and my Teerak teach me, because she is a natural born killer-chef. And i realize that ; just add more chilli.. hehe

    for the moment I like to hotten up the Pad kapaw.. yum.. and same with the TOk Ka Gai!! make it hot!

    Pad Kapaw Pet Pet Pet Pet!

  9. And speaking of wages, in Thailand as everywhere else, no one gets a high salary just because one is a white.  One gets a high salary because one's skill set, and qualifications demand it.  A Thai person in my home country would not command any less salary than a local, if his skill set and qualifications were equal.

    No comments from me as it will go off the topic. But I do not agree with the above statement…

    the oportunity to get a well-paid job in MY country, that is 3 times the average salary for me, or my friends, if youre a dark-skinned 'farang' there, is like ZERO.

    so what was the problem?

    not that I consider it MY country, as if it is mine, but ...

    DOH! :o

    its the time.. zzz

  10. And speaking of wages, in Thailand as everywhere else, no one gets a high salary just because one is a white.  One gets a high salary because one's skill set, and qualifications demand it.  A Thai person in my home country would not command any less salary than a local, if his skill set and qualifications were equal.

    No comments from me as it will go off the topic. But I do not agree with the above statement…

    the oportunity to get a well-paid job in MY country, that is 3 times the average salary for me, or my friends, if youre a dark-skinned 'farang' there, is like ZERO.

    so what was the problem?

  11. Relationships of any form are never cut and dry anywhere including Thailand, it takes a lot of give and take from both people for a true relationship to work.

    Totally agree that u have to work TOGETHER to sort out any problms, but what I meant was that in some cases, the work will be too hard, or the chanses that it will be no improvment at all is also there. As i could see. She was a godess, beautifull, working in a hotel as cashier, nice job, nice girl, but it was as you mention.

    I have been married in my country, that was ok, but I experienced the oposite, she want to divorce because of another man. I was not good enough anymore (hey i am 31, doiing well, looks ok). I prefere the thai girls attention, if I had to choose. But I rather be with my Teerak that care as me, but do not jealaous without reasons, (we just exhanging experiences here, smile. I like that) and we work out the small things we hit that is a collission between us.

    My opinion is, that the man and woman have to interact (such a popular word this days) on an equal line. as close as its possible. We all like to say that Men is from mars, girls from Venus. might be a kind of true, but I think we are more equal that that. So, If I am not the jealous type, its hard for me to live with the jealous type. As I see from this tread, this is an issue.

    But the point is as you say, not a THAI issue, but a human interaction issue, in a global matter.


    sleep well, its late here in London, c ya later. Take care

  12. Thai's are not stupid becuase they don't speak english. I have seen a lot more Thais trying to learn english, then farrangs trying to learn to speak Thai.


    There are more people killed by random violence on a dailey basis in Southern California, then those being killed in Iraq today. I know I'm a retireed cop.


    first, I want to live in Thailand, with my wife. I adore the contry, I dont care if I have to pay or apply or do what ever. I like it because of the sun, weather, food, people beaches, etc etc. Do put effort in trying to learn the language, Every thai I have met, and that I try to understand, and speak thai with, are then very passionate and listening, or try to help you. I dont speak much, but I pick it up faster if I put effort in it. But I need a job, I cant stay there yet, so we stay in my origin.

    But I am young, what do I know....

    I just save my money. :o

    beside it all:

    Second. the killings in US? well, with all the weapons around, yes. and all the paranoia that they spit out on the local TV, thats not strange... (USA)

  13. Might be that the Baron is real and not a fake, if then Bavaria is a good place to search for such "characters".

    Reminds me that people like him was another reason not to live in germany.

    Only a pitty that they let such kind of guys out there.Guess they don't really want him there also. :o

    Quite amazing that some of you get back to WW2 just because a bloke like this is posting rubbish here. B)

    Oh my Buddah!

    do we really care about such burp from a joker?

    nope. '

    what was the topic? :D

  14. Thanks for all your replies. Very interesting, (especially Tomy's!), and taxexile - you may well be right in advising me to get out quick, I'm beginning to find this girl is a bit possessive to the extreme.

    To add a bit more perspective, the girl in question is 29 years old, and seperated (but not divorced) from an earlier mariage to a Taiwanese guy.


    If you look at my other postings, I had this girl that was jeaulous as yours, she was also 29!!

    but the mature and nice behaviour girl I met later and now still are together with, shes 23! so there is as I say, girls, and there are girls... age matter, but personal security is a major key.

    for all men and woman.

  15. you are the man of the house, teach her to sit when you tell her to sit, and cook when you are hungry, right now she is outta hand, she forget what is her role, be a man and get thing straight.

    yeah right, thats the way to act like a man?

    no F*** way.

    My girlfriend can ask ME to cook, and to sit. And I do. So does she, if I ask. But we never have to ask. Its common respect as an individual. As aman and a woman, having a relationship. That is us. Nobody else. We dont have to be jealous, there is no reasons, but sometimes now and then you will feel that anyway, but thats in a normal way.

    Mr Tomy, with all respect, I do not know you, but your note sounds like a stupid idea that girls are mens property and so on, as I so much see around the world, in Muslim world, and christian world, and so on, and that makes me sick! No one own other people.

    get a grip! :o

  16. yes, I met one of those girls. I bailed out as fast as I could (done in some days when I realized)

    She promized that she would stop, but I dont belive that much in changing human behaviour.

    She even asked My sister, who was with us on a trip about my divorce back home, and I had told here the story! but she didnt trrust me at all.

    There are girls and there are other girls. Some thaigirls mean that you can talk to them, but no other. that it should be enough with them. I asked: What about my female friends in Norway? can I talk to them? she said: do you really have to?

    I said: bye, take care, have a nice life. :o

    I left. Found another nice girl, that is NOT like that.

  17. as we speak. robberies goes on all around the world. Even in my country, the small cold Norway, people robb your pocket money if youre on the wrong place.

    Even kids. bloody robbers dont care if you are black, white, young or old or big and fat or thin,

    let swedes and other wear what you want, just behave and dont be stupid, most of the time you will have no trouble.

    Thailand is not worse than other places.

    hehe I wanna live in Thailand.

    PS: my tax is a kind of robbery too.. all the taxes I pay! shait! for alcohol, gas, etc.. they robb me every year.. and the council tax in UK? my god!! that bloody Tatcher ..

  18. <font face=verdana size=2>I am not an expert but it looks like it took 30 minutes to set up. He swears that the HTML is very complex and it takes him several weeks! Also, he adds that he is one of the very few programmers that knows the secrets of HTML.  TIT!!! Note he doesn't have any background in computers nor work experience in this field. Perhaps he took an advanced course in high school (his highest academic achievement) but I doubt it very much!</font>

    what?! I feel sorry for THAT guy, and the PPL he fool.

    HTML is NOT complex at ALL!

    there is by the way milions of people that 'know' HTML. HTML is easy and fun, and kids play. its the other aspects thats matter..

    if you really want to succssed with your site, use a bit more effort /resources than that guy.


    I would like to see that sites he talks about...


    ps: sorry about spell mistakes, I am not a native English speaker..

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