First of all, I don't owe you an explanation, nor do you deserve one. However, for other, more deserving readers, I will explain it:
Digital IDs are a necessary step on the way to a total surveillance state, such as the one that exists in China already. They start with making things convenient by allowing you to save 10 minutes at the airport. Then gradually, it becomes impossible to do ANYTHING without the digital IDs. And once everyone is on digital IDs, they can very easily be programmed to prevent you from traveling at all - if you haven't complied with all of their demands (including limiting your "carbon footprint"), or if you have opinions that the government doesn't approve of. Are you aware of the "social credit system" in China? Did you know that there are people who are unable to board planes or trains or even leave their neighborhoods - because they did something that the government doesn't approve of? Is that a world you want to live in?
It's the same with the central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). At first we are given the option of paying for things digitally with our own money from our own bank accounts with our phones. There's the convenience part. Then one we get used to paying for things with our phones, the CBDCs are introduced - and they become the ONLY way to pay for things. At that point, again, if you oppose anything that the government does (such as forced vaccinations), they can simply switch off your CBDC account, and then you have NO way to buy ANYTHING. Do you find that acceptable? I don't.
It's people like you who go through life blissfully unaware of what is happening around you that allows this dystopian future to slowly but surely unfold. And what's worse, you even look down on the people who try to warn you of what's coming.