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Posts posted by jcsmith

  1. It will be good to see all those involved in the "park" scandal be charged with LM, stripped of their ranks and medals, and imprisoned. Just like they've done with the others recently. Start with the guy running the project. That will set a fine example to the rest.

    Given Prayuth's relationship with the offending parties, and the fact that it happened under his watch should Prayuth not also be sued by the government and liable to repay the government for the damages, since it happened under his watch?

    We all know that neither of those will happen. But it certainly points to the hyprocrisy involved here.

  2. The long and winding road will take some time yet but, if the country can stay conflict free so be it.

    Its important to get the right things in place and that should not be rushed but people want to see some progress I would have thought, something more tangible. I also think that the PM is now finding how quickly the wheels Government rotate.

    Of course the conflict was engineered by Suthep, who is undeniably on Prayuth's team.

  3. And this from a nation in which exactly HALF (and increasing, monthly, it seems) of the states extol "Right-to-Work" laws busting unions and engaging races to the bottom of the pay rates and ever worsening working conditions -- hypocritical, at best, these Yankee Ferengis, I say... cheesy.gif

    25 States Are Now Right-to-Work States

    Please. If you think the working conditions or the quality of living in America is in any way comparable to Thailand then you are delusional.

  4. As someone who lives in Chiang Mai, I think the above two comments are likely from people who don't live in the area. Bars close so early here now, everywhere. It used to be after closing hours so long as you were quiet and kept your doors open that people were allowed to stay open. Since the coup bars close early, and there are drive bys to enforce the rules. These were not noisy establishments keeping up locals, they were quiet bars in commercial areas.

  5. @Aleg: Mon and Dodo became the prime suspects based on reports and CCTV footage. The press prior to that about local mafia influences though came before that, along with reports of the conflict at the AC Bar. But as he said, they stopped being suspects after the change in personnel, which is certainly fishy. Equally fishy is his involvement at the crime scene, and the fact that he claimed the running man footage was him. Why would he do that if it was not? The only reason that I can imagine is that he was covering for someone else...

    This entire case is based on trusting statements which the police have given. Trusting DNA which can not be verified from the original sources. And it is also heavily tainted by missing pieces of evidence. Either this is a gross case of police negligence or incompetence (possibly), or a deliberate cover up (more likely).

  6. One would think that those who write charters/constitutions would learn from the past 18 (or is it 19) mistakes. We all know that will never happen. Time for another convoluted mess that will be neutralized via coup in 2-4 years.

    I think has little to do with the charters, and more to do with the fact that the military does not answer to the democratically elected government.

    There is little doubt IMO that the military looked the other way at the Suthep situation (both then and now) because their goals were aligned in ousting the Shinawatra led government. In most countries of the world that would be considered treason.

  7. It's all well and good to freeze /seize someone's assets, but it should be done with more than "suspicion" alone and with at the least circumstantial evidence.

    Follow the moneyarrow-10x10.png, ie if a company gave this bloke a 30 million baht kickback, then surly that moneyarrow-10x10.png can be traced from the withdrawal of funds from the company's accounts,(if there is no slush fund) and the time of deposit into the suspects account and his wife, seems like a full audit on everyones accounts are what's needed.

    but since there seems to be no evidence regarding very large sums of money it dose lend itself towards suspicion. I mean dam man you even get a receipt at 7/11 for buying a beer.

    I hear what you're saying, about needing more than just a suspicion, but B49-million in one's savings account and a refusal to provide any evidence for the sale of amulets or land is quite odd.

    Perhaps he/she will now have the incentive to find the back-up documentation or witnesses willing to confirm the transactions in court ? Pity he didn't do so before it reached this point.

    I don't know if these funds were obtained illegally or not. Quite possibly so. But there is a burden of proof that needs to be met instead of simply taking stuff. I doubt we'll see that sort of inquisition into Prayuth's brother who is ludicrously wealthy for a military man. When people questioned this they enraged the PM but no further inquiry was made.

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