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Posts posted by jcsmith

  1. @Dr. Robert: And what makes your opinion worth anything more? 


    There is little reason that marijuana should be banned even for recreational use imo, so long as alcohol remains legal. And it certainly shouldn't be banned for medical use. I think the problem is that governments have spent so long demonizing this substance in the war on drugs. People who have never used it have certain preconceived notions about its use. Over the years it's proven to have a good amount of medicinal value, and you'd be hard pressed to show that it is worse for you or worse for society than consuming alcohol recreationally. Worst case scenario potheads are going to lay around watching television and getting lazy, it's not typically a substance that will make you turn violent or ruin the lives of others.

  2. Don't worry... There will be no coup... I have no interest in being PM... Single gateway has been shelved... The chips on your cell phones will only be for your protection... There will be an election next year.... Or wait, next year... Or wait, maybe in 2 years... The draft charter will be a fair process that only we and those who support us are eligible to speak about... We're only arresting students for their protection against an angry mob (consisting of our own officers)... We're just trying to show them the right way (our way) to see things... Article 44 is here to protect citizens from the boogeyman, never mind that bombings continue... This is Thai style democracy and simply misunderstood... There is no concern over a non-elected PM, after all look at how I turned out! Polls run by organizations which we created can confirm my greatness, let me show them to you...

  3. On 8/7/2016 at 11:38 AM, craigt3365 said:

    You can "Happy" pizza in Cambodia.  It's everywhere.

    Not to mention Laos had a very famous party destination where you could get Mushrooms on your pizza as well until recently.


    I can understand cracking down on dangerous and addictive drugs, but things like Marijuana or psychedelics, it's just a witch hunt by people who have never used them.

  4. 1 hour ago, debate101 said:

    To argue Thaksin and his parties were not corrupt is as ridiculous as arguing that his opponents are doing a better job of governing than he did. It's beside the point. People are right to point out the country was doing better under his governments. It was. The rest of it is just a big smokescreen for anti-democratic forces to take, consolidate, and retain power.


    That's pretty much how I feel about it. Thaksin was in office when I first came here. I wasn't a fan, felt he was corrupt and welcomed his ouster. Many years later what I've learned is that they are all corrupt, none moreso the military junta who claims they need to keep seizing power to end corruption. The democrats, the shins, or the junta, it's corruption all around. But I see a huge difference between then and now in the country, for the worse. I don't care if its the reds or yellows in charge. But it should be a government elected by the people. Not elected by loophole that avoids them, or by a rigged system which the unelected government has imposed. And when someone does come into power, the scheduled shut downs of Bangkok until the other side steps down needs to go, as well.


    Enforcement needs to be fair all around. You can't persecute people for shutting down the city, and then close your eyes when Suthep was the worst of the bunch but he happened to get you into power. No more pledges of ending corruption, only to try to intimidate the press or people when they ask questions about how your family earned their money, or when they start questioning your people. Until these things happen Thailand is stuck spinning their wheels in reverse.

  5. The minister has no idea. Get rid of the seedy side of Thailand and people will go elsewhere. People on holiday are looking for a contrast from the daily normality of life.

    And there is nothing normal about Thailand!

    I can't speak of South America but in Asia there is no bigger brothel as Thailand.

    So where would those sextourists go then? Probably the Thai hookers will also go there.

    Cambodia most likely.

  6. I can't believe anyone still supports this government. Just because you don't like the reds, doesn't mean you should buy into the anyone the them solution. That's what brought us to this point. When Suthep shut down the cities, preventing elections from taking place, shouted for people to kidnap the PM, people looked the other way. Now we're at this point, with a undemocratic charter, that you can't even speak out against without fear of an attitude adjustment. People who suggest monitoring the election get shut down, and no observers will be allowed to monitor the voting? If you described this situation to anyone three years ago they would have thought you were talking about Myanmar. Now it's okay.

    If your reading this and thinking that is the way that it should be, then you should be ashamed of yourself.

  7. Here's a question for you: do you believe it's just possible he has a carefully planned agenda?

    I could care less about if he has an agenda or not. The fact is he spoke words, words that a whole lot of people would agree with. When people are being taken into detention for speaking their mind, there is a very serious problem. All the talk about agendas, Guantanamo, Thaksin, or the Easter Bunny is nothing more than an attempt to distract people from that very simple fact. In this country since the junta has taken power you can be detained for saying things they don't want you to say. You are not free to speak your mind in any way, unless of course whatever it is you are speaking is what they want to hear. So here's a question for you: Do you think that is acceptable?

  8. Say what you want about the political parties, but at least with a democracy the people have a say in what happens. Their votes express their opinion. This government seized power unlawfully, has held it for years, and shows no inclination of giving it up any time soon. As much as they pipe about bringing happiness to the people, they silence any voice that tries to speak out against them under threat of prison. What we have here is a charter that is obviously flawed, but they want to ensure the public only hears their own propaganda. It's a sham, and it's a damn shame to see this country go downhill so quickly, while some are still in denial of what is actually happening.

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