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Posts posted by jcsmith

  1. And all those women from PDRC who gathered outside prison in support of the popcorn gun murderer are not a "politically motivated assembly of over five persons"? Are there any laws in Thailand that apply to all citizens?

    Nobody noticed them, or the soldiers disguised as regular people trying to attack these same students in a mob, or the mob protesting outside of the U.S. Embassy.

  2. As religions go, Buddhism has to be the LEAST harmful of all the belief systems. It is already the de facto state religion. What's the big deal? They don't flog or behead their adherents for infractions and to my knowledge, no patriarch has ever issued a fatwa. Tempest in a teapot.

    Why the need for change? It tells people of other religions that they are second class citizens, which will turn into a recruiting tool for the muslims in the south, while accomplishing what? It's a terrible idea that will only widen rifts.

  3. Obviously the ISIS, Al Queda, etc muslims are a bad thing. But I agree with the above post with regards to extremists. We see it in all sides. While not all religions have Jihaads, the interpretations have led to most of the wars in mankind's existence. They led to the destruction of thousands of historical artifacts and pieces of knowledge at the hands of crusaders, conquistadors, and others. Certainly someone encouraging burning down mosques is part of the problem, and not the solution.

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