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Posts posted by jcsmith

  1. I worked for years in the Alaskan fishing industry, those things should have already really been required. In Alaska you were also routinely boarded and examined by the Coast Guard to ensure that logs were not being doctored, that "observers" (scientists who were not employed by the company but intended to monitor catch and prevent overfishing) were doing their job, and that there were no illegal workers on board, and no illegal activities going on. Almost every time they came on board someone would be found to have doctored documents, outstanding warrants, etc. Thailand should (and almost certainly does) have something similar officially. The problem is that most likely those people can be bought.

  2. I've read most of the posts on the previous post but I am still confused. According to what I read the Thai chief forensic scientist stated they found NO DNA from either accused on the murder weapon (hoe).

    My question is did they or did they not find any DNA from either accused on the condoms or the girl? Does anyone have the concrete "facts"?

    According to early police reports, they did. However they were unable to provide any of this evidence in court, and the UK coroner's report says that there was no indication of rape.

  3. What a farce.

    The farce was especially the performance by armchair detectives say true or false without any concrete evidence.
    The height of absurdity was far exceeded by the petition with tens of thousands of people all equally ignorant of the details of the case.
    The evidence we read everything and anything on the net
    Proof that petitions can be treated with contempt
    Shame for those who have asserted the Innocence 2 B on the core principle that they were not the heads of murderers.
    The shame for all those who have sullied the Thai authorities simply because they detest this country they have chosen nevertheless.
    Needless to mention their names, They will recognize.

    Oh please. These two men were convicted on nothing at all but circumstantial evidence. DNA evidence which is used up and can't be submitted as evidence, and which was denied to the defense team on those terms. The only DNA actually submitted, did not match. Hundreds of CCTV cameras which apprently didn't work. Discrepencies everywhere and holes in the case. That not speculation. That is fact.

    If these kids commited the crime, by all means they should be in prison for the rest of their lives. The problem is there is next to no evidence to support that they were involved. You have to take the police's word for it. The prosecution's didn't have a case. Yet here is a conviction. I'm not asserting their innocence. But I'm certainly not remotely convinced of their guilt. How could you be unless you are a blind supporter?

  4. @steven100: Nevermind the fact that many of us have families and properties and have been here for many years before the coup and that our children have to grow up with their basic human liberties stolen from them. For that matter, let's not forget that the protests were organized by the junta's figurehead in Suthep either, who will never pay any consequence for those actions which incited everything you are saying the general is protecting you from. Create an issue so you can save people from it. It's fairly obvious at this point those two were in bed together the whole time.

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