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  1. Sadly I thought you would have some issue.
  2. PM sent
  3. They are resellers for a company I also deal with. The breakdown is over the top and not quite correct! Speaks of little experience with swimming pools. Their price should read "starts at" The picture in the advert is certainly not 199,900
  4. Not mixed properly. Maybe wrong mix as well. Why anyone would use sandwash these days is beyong me. It turns to 💩in no time. Did you take the cheapest quote?
  5. We where buying direct of Taylor. Obviously they did by the book.
  6. When I was water quality consultant at Ramayana Water Park, I advised purchasing to order a Taylor kit from US. At that time it had to come by ship as they where classed as "Hazardous". 3 months to arrive.
  7. They are a franchised setup. Be carefull. PM sent.
  8. Best around and not stupidly priced! https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100048541220615
  9. Salt chlorination is the best option. You have to ask for the pool not to be salt in Australia. Takes the guess work out of proper sanitation. The electrolosis splits clorine gas of the salt and it runs through the water to create liquid chlorine (Sodium hypochlorite) The (<removed>) salt levels need to be kept at 4,000 ppm (Sea water is around 55,000 ppm) Plus the salt softens the water giving a better bather experience. I would stay away from both companies mentioned and definately liner pools. Have a look at https://www.facebook.com/pebblecretethailand (Go to videos)
  10. I thought he had a court order to stay out of politics?
  11. Emaux is the VW of the pump world and quality depends on which factory it came out of. Pretty much all pumps these days are of Chinese origin, whole or in part and are just branded. Once a pump is old it's best to get a new one rather than try to repair it unless you are low on loot. A quality 1 hp would do the job you require with around approx 350 - 400 litre a minite flow rate depending on "head" distance from pump room. I supply. PM me for info.
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