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Everything posted by yang123

  1. Just received simultaneous notifications from HMPO & VFS that my new UK passport is now nestling in Trendy House, awaiting collection. Processing time = exactly 12 weeks. Now the joy of booking BKK hotel and flights to/from the capital....
  2. Anyone received a new passport recently after having submitted an application via VFS? (Interested to know what the current processing time is: 11 weeks, less or more?) TVM
  3. Knight Bros: Temptation 'bout to get me (with remains of the Wigan Casino in the background....)
  4. Many thanks to all!
  5. Time to revise my 1990s (!) will and also to prepare a usufruct on our house. Can anyone here recommend a lawyer in Chiang Mai who could prepare bilingual wills, and the usufruct + translation? Any ideas about likely fees? TVM
  6. Right side hernia treated about five years ago at Khelangnakorn-ram private hospital hospital in Lampang. No waiting; cost THB 65,000. No pain at the time and none since.
  7. And some Sugar-Pie: and with her soulmate Etta James:
  8. Less contentiously, what is the appropriate time gap between 2nd and 3rd booster shots (Moderna)? Tks
  9. ^^ ???? My passport was not clipped when I submitted a renewal request earlier this week.
  10. Submitted my UK passport renewal application earlier this week at Trendy House. VFS service was swift and efficient - in and out in 15 minutes. But ... I was told that the waiting time for a new passport remains 11 weeks. On a brighter note, I offered my current P60 or a Bangkok Hospital appointment slip as evidence of my address (the latter bears address & photograph): both deemed acceptable proof.
  11. Have you informed the Thai authorities that expats here are having to wait several months to obtain a new passport? ???? No answer came .......
  12. Q: Is there somewhere in the Trendy Building that can produce photographs required for a new passport? Opening hours? (my appointment is at 09.15hrs) Tks!
  13. Who owns Travel + Leisure Southeast Asia?
  14. Grant Green, Freddie KIng, Otis Rush, Buddy Guy - to name but four.....
  15. ^^ Yup, it woz the dirty French wot infected him.... (obvious). Incubation period?
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