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Everything posted by yang123

  1. Another day, another special investigation.....
  2. Please provide more detail about this incident Bob, as well as contact details for your Muay Thai instructor.
  3. I just completed this quiz. My Score 90/100 My Time 103 seconds  
  4. From the Go Fund Me site: The organizer has currently disabled new donations to this fundraiser.
  5. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 130 seconds  
  6. Which pdf are you using now? Tks.
  7. Hub of despicable deeds☹️
  8. "The name of the suspect was not released to the media, nor their nationality". (Phuket Express) as linked above. Why?
  9. If she was bounced by the IndiGo check-in desk at Swampy, she wouldn't have got near Thai Immigration?
  10. Excellent service for me over many years.
  11. Double Taxation Agreements to be nixed?
  12. Bangkok Hospital Chiang Mai also offers IV sedation. Contact the highly competent Dr Pawak Tungthangthum; excellent pre- and post-operative care.
  13. Never trust a Chinese lumberjack....
  14. Any recommendations for an English-speaking lawyer in Chiang Mai or Lampang who can prepare a bilingual (English & Thai) will and likely cost? (Nothing complex: all assets already in Thailand) Thanks in advance!
  15. I thought Rolf Harris was dead?
  16. Fixed that: "average daily arrivals from China in the first half of the month were 53% lower than the daily average in the same period of 2019."
  17. Pre-Sweeney UK police dramas: - Dixon of Dock Green - Z cars - No hiding place
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