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Posts posted by TehBen

  1. If you are a foreigner then the chances are, you can not vote, so therefore it doesnt matter who you believe or which side you take. Either way, nobody can deny that civilian loss of life is a terrible tradegy whatever side they are on, unless they have caused other people to be in severe danger or lose lives, or caused deliberate harm on another person. I believe the red shirt leaders HAVE caused people (protestors and innocent civilians) to be in the situation where they are in severe danger, and need to be dealt with accordingly.

  2. What is sad for me (along with the huge loss of life there has and will be) is that many of the protestors themselves are being used as cannon fodder by the red shirt leaders.

    They are calling an them to get in the way of these bullets in the name of democracy. DEMOCRACY! I can not believe these people are so willing to put their lives on the line for people who only want to steal power for themselves, UNDEMOCRATICALLY.

    Innocent people are getting killed and it's not only the fault of the army, which many people on here and the media like to suggest, it is all down to the leaders of the protest. If and when they say stop, the real protestors will hopefully stop. Unfortunately amongst the protestors are people (terrorists) who are only out to destabilise the government by causing violence and goading the army to shoot them back, while they are in a crowd of people. These people are the worst scum this earth has produced.

    As far as I see it, even if the reds may have had a point before, they lost the right to a democratic solution to their protest when they began terrorising the city of Bangkok.

  3. Boring.

    Propoganda is unbelievably prevelant in this society (as every society). It is pointless even commenting on this waste of virtual paper.

    I personally cannot say what is right and what is wrong as it isn't my country; it has little to do with me. What I can say though is that it seems to me like political evolution somehow doesn't exist here. It's the same crap, with different people involved.

  4. Hi, just bought a cbr 150cc last week but I have a small problem. There is a gasket in the carburettor that I believe needs replacing as it doesnt idle very smoothly. The shop I went to told me that they are unable to order it from Honda dealerships and maybe it was worth me upgrading the whole thing. So me, being the cynic I am, thought I would check with you knowledgeable guys about the availability of gaskets. Would it just be sensible for me to go to the Honda dealership and let them sort it all out.....Easy question I already know the answer for. Anyhow at least now I can say hi !

    Actually, 1 more question. Thinking of getting a new exhaust. Any recommendations on brands and costs? Also what other good mods are there and how much roughly? I'm currently looking at getting a new paintjob too but have so far been quoted 3700 for 2 colours, is that reasonable?

  5. Creative are ok, go for that. I'm looking at an LG 5.1 set-up for about 10k. Currently got the Creative Aspire (?) 2.1 for 3k from Hua Hin Market Village, its ok but I need surround sound.

    You dont need to go for a brand dedicated to computer technology. All you need is a surround sound system with an AUX input or (ideally) optical connection. I'm assuming your pc has an optical input (most new mobos do now), if not, the LG systems have HDMI input which transfer sound and video, or even a normal headphone jack will be ok as the LG decoder with sort out all the surround sound stuff.

    10k for a Creative 2.1 system is expensive. It will sound good (mine does) but not 10k good.

  6. Well personally I feel for the woman and dont think there is any need to speculate on details we dont know or create stories from nothing or to just worry how it will affect the tourist industry or to label some national groups. Rape is a well bad thing. Sometimes the responses on these threads amaze me.

    I agree with you completly. Perhaps more comments from posters will clean up some of the threads here. The mods have deleted posts but they must have one hel_l of a job policing threads like this.

    In my humble opinion, more posters need to ostrasise these low life posters and more openly criticise them.

    Good on you, hammered.

    I agree.

    Aside from this though, I do find it funny the tangents most people on here go off on. Mis-understanding each other, flaming people because they dont agree with someone elses opinion. Why does everything on here have to turn into an arguement?

    Thats why I dont bother posting. Too many people thinking that they are the ones that discovered Thailand, that it was all roses when they arrived and now look what everyone else has done. Putting Thais down because their country is sooo much better, etc. etc.

    Pattaya is not dangerous IF you are sensible. Stick to the popular places with lots of tourists, dont go down dark soi's, dont respond to geering Thai men, avoid any altercations between people, dont get blind drunk, if you are unsure or uncomfortable leave the situation immediately. Turn the other cheek if something happens. Just as you would in any other country. Saying that, I do think that certain areas of Pattaya are to be avoided at night, but the same goes for most towns/cities in Thailand and the world.

    This isn't aimed at anyone in particular, it's just that I come on here ocasionally to check the news and INVARIABLY see threads going in the same direction...

  7. If you're seeing Stealth, it means the router firewall is active. This is normal even for ports that have been forwarded.

    Setup static IP how? Through the router, Windows network settings? What? A little more detail would help.

    Well that was my where my confusion started. I tried to set up a static ip through windows network settings, but that didnt work. I couldnt set it up for the router because I think you have to pay for a static ip address dont you?

    So really what I was trying to do was set up a static ip for my pc which is connected through the router, though I guess that is unnecessary as it will generally be given the same (.0.2) ip everytime?

    I have a Netgear DG834G Wireless modem/router. Firmware v6.

    There is an option on one page (basic settings) to either enable NAT, disable NAT or disable router firewall.

    I'm not sure how else to disable the firewall on the router.

  8. Hi,

    I live in Chachoengsao and I have a desktop pc and ps3 with XP (Thai spec if you know what I mean) and a Netgear wireless modem/router. All was well (once I upgraded to Premiere TTT 2M/B connection) up until a few weeks ago.

    I used to be able to connect to the EA servers and play Battlefield 1943 for hours on end with no problem, even very little lag. However, afer returning back from a holiday in England, I am now unable to connect to the EA servers, and also am having great difficulty getting Steam to work. Repeatedly downloading and updating and deleting and downloading and updating and deleting.

    I've rebooted the router with default settings, then applied an old .cfg file to see if anything was changed. I have windows firewall disabled and also the router firewall disabled. Ive forwarded all required ports on the router*. I even setup my PS3 in a DMZ.

    I've just been on www.grc.com to check the status of the ports and it tells me that every port I checked is in 'stealth'. All forwarded ports, all service ports, everything. I didnt have 1 port either open or closed, they were all stealth. I don't understand quite whats going on to be honest.

    I have the most recent router firmware also.

    Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

    *I have a problem setting up a static ip, as soon as I set it up, I cant access the internet, I have followed the advice on portforward.com exactly numerous times but to no avail.

  9. Congratulations to all the "anti-American" posters on this board. You should all be diplomats from your respective home countries.

    Do you REALLY think all the facts have been disclosed in this case ? Since you don't know what the hel_l you're talking about why don't you keep your phuckin mouth shut till you DO know the facts, and can make a fair judgement. They ought to call you "robin", you're all mouth and ass.

    For all you people who hate the U.S. so much. you probably aren't old enough to remember, but if the U.S. hadn't entered World War 2 when they did, you'd all be speaking German. I'm old enough to remember, I was there.

    Is all this anti-American bullshit you're spreading in any way related to the original post.....I don't think so,

    You don't even know our history and then trying to educate us what would have happened (...we would perhaps be speaking Russian, since they turned the eastern front).

    WW2 would have been won without the US, it only would have taken much longer time.

    Europe was lost to the Germans, North Afrika was lost to the Germans, the Pacific was lost to the Japanese. Go to the graves in France to see who won your war.

    I believe Britain is actually part of Europe is it not?

    Been to the graves. One of the most harrowing experiences of my life. No 1 country 'won' the war. Thankfully it was a team effort and the dedication/commitment of a generation. If it hadn't been for the fight that was put up by the Allies before the US turned up then it would have been a much much different Europe today. /digress

  10. Congratulations to all the "anti-American" posters on this board. You should all be diplomats from your respective home countries.

    Do you REALLY think all the facts have been disclosed in this case ? Since you don't know what the hel_l you're talking about why don't you keep your phuckin mouth shut till you DO know the facts, and can make a fair judgement. They ought to call you "robin", you're all mouth and ass.

    For all you people who hate the U.S. so much. you probably aren't old enough to remember, but if the U.S. hadn't entered World War 2 when they did, you'd all be speaking German. I'm old enough to remember, I was there.

    Is all this anti-American bullshit you're spreading in any way related to the original post.....I don't think so,

    2nd point of evidence to the above.

    I dont hate the U.S, I just hate the patronising, egotistic attitude of a lot of the population.

    Thanks for the help, but dont be getting all condescending on us.

    BTW Is your reply in anyway related to the original post?

  11. I hope he manages to fight the charges and is set free.

    Given politics however, who knows how the court case will go.

    Do you have any idea what he is accused of? What about the liberties of the thousands he alleged to be responsible for the death of? However I don't see why usa has to continue to be the worlds self appointed police, the UN should really get there finger out and take control.

    Being an American, I don't understand why we have to be policing the world either. I wish the rest of the world could take care of themselves and stop relying so much on the USA. :)

    ...and that statement is why I dont like most Americans.

    Nobody knows the true facts. Based on what I have read, that he was an arms dealer and American agents arrested him an the bases of saying he was going to sell arms before actually doing so, I would say that there is no case.

    You could say he was just a businessman that made the right moves at the right times, or you could say he gave people the equipment to persecute/terrorise/rebel against innocent (or not so innocent) people. If there is no evidence to all his previous business deals with which to convict him, and based on the circumstances surrounding his arrest there can't be, then he has simply been arrested for saying he was going to do something, which if were illegal then I doubt there would be many people in the world left out of jail.

  12. Hi,

    I was wondering if anybody could recommend some decent hotels in Hua Hin for me to stay at during the coming break next week. I live in Chachoengsao so it's not too far for a weekend retreat!

    My budget is between 2500-3500 baht per night and I have been looking for a hotel with a swimming pool, plus a bathtub. UBC would also be expected at that price but is not essential. After seeing the Hideaway Resort website (unfortunately its full) I am after a hotel that can offer pretty much the same deal.

    As for location, me and my girlfriend are both 27 so we would like somewhere not too far from at least some nightlife or the beach, as long as its not in the middle of nowhere as we wont be taking a car.

    Thanks in advance!

  13. Taxi to Rayong: 1700 baht. This is a suggested price only. The driver will probably ask for more. You could bargain for less. There's a bus from the airport bus terminal, the 9906. 124 baht. Every hour from 04:00 to 21:00. I don't know if every bus stops at Suvarnabhumi.

    How long will taxi take from the airport?

    from which part of the airport do i take the 9906 bus from?

    if there really is a bus from the airport, i might opt for that since it sounds easier and cheaper.

    Im about to make this same journey in a few weeks.

    Is it possible to get a bus directly from the airport to Rayong?

    Is it possible to get a minibus from the airport to Rayong?

  14. :o Heck yes, I've lived here two years and I'm more than sick of it...I hate this goddamn place. I don't know how this can not be a joke...and ranked 3 last year even...wow...it's as if these people just pull city names out of a hat without taking the time to go there and spend a month or two...

    Tis prob alright if you come here, stay in The Oriental for 2 weeks and never leave your room...

  15. The OP using the non immigrant B visa must have an extension of stay if he is doing 90 day address reports so my assumption would be that he indeed has a work permit.

    Indeed I have.

    I would like to point out that there is no longer an immigration office at the hotel. It apparently has moved back to the airport, though as I was a little late for my flight, I didnt have time to confirm. Instead I went to the immigration office in Krabi. Don't be put off by the mis-informed taxi drivers and hotel receptionists, there IS an immigration office in Krabi. If your not sure where it is, ask at the Tourist Information Shops/Offices, they were very helpful.

  16. I thought they were tearing Reggae Bar down and "relocating" it, as the land has been sold/leased - ? That's what I was told at the end of April anyway.

    My favourite - The restaurant called Thai Cuisine in Ko Lanta. Yum.

    I think Thai Cuisine is no longer as well.

    And umm, OP, shouldn't you be doing your own research???

    I've seen where some posters have acknowledged the OP is a professional writer, but still, this just seems to rub me the wrong way.

    If the OP is to profit from all of the posters suggestions, please let us know what bar you will be buying drinks for us at, and maybe more suggestions will come along.

    Maybe Time for Lime......

    Do you charge for advice now?

    Sorry, just seems abit harsh of you...

    I am going to Krabi on Tuesday so this information is invaluble to me. Though if anyone has any ideas on good hotels around the 1000 B mark (preferably under!), that would help me personally further.

    OP Sorry, dont mean to hijack...

    "Do you charge for advice now?"

    Who are you directing that question at? Yes, if you are going to publish the advice for profit.

    Ao Nang Sunset Resort during low season is 1000, Mee Bungalows less but not as nice. They are across from the MacDonalds.

    I do apoligise if I offended you.

    To an extent I agree, however, it is a forum. But this is raw data we are giving here, its not just 'copy and paste' the advice into a document. If you handed out questionnaires to people on the street they wouldnt expect a percentage of the profits of the report you will publish from the data.

    That is a probem with this form of data collection, you will only gain one customers view of a place rather than a reasonable number from which to form an average 'score' if you like.

    Thanks for the advice though. I nearly booked with the Ao Nang resort but I though I'd wait until I get there and see whats about...

  17. My question is, what sort of life can you have on say 9000 baht a week? Lets say you dont have to pay rent

    I decided, 1 year ago after a holiday to Koh Chang, that I was going to quit my job and try it out over here. It was something I had considered for a few years, but as I was never thinking it to be a permanent thing, it wasn't a particularly difficult choice. I was earning 27k pa in the UK.

    In the 4 months i had until I came here I sold nothing, but saved about 4k. In the first month of being here I was stupid, I spent about 2500 of it on expencive hotels and that kinda thing, which left me 700ish for the TEFL course and 800ish quid to live on for 3 months. That was certainly the most stressful period of my life so far...(im still young, ok)

    Now I am 26, working as a teacher here on 30k with no other income from abroad. Thats about 5000 a week after bills. I have a town house which i pay 5k per month rent on in Chachoengsao. I work as much overtime as possible and still work less than I did in England. (12-14 hour days frequent, and in total 8 days of holiday in my last 9 months of work)

    I think maybe people get used to money too much. Do you need to go out to expencive restaurants everyday? Did you need to spend 200 quid on Brandy every weekend?

    Just because many things are cheap here compared to the west, you have to understand that once you are here you have to live within your limits, not just buying things judging them cheap because of the cost of the item in the west.

    You play with the cards you are dealt, or you chuck 'em in and get a new hand.

    See on the other hand my mate is paying off his morgage in England with maybe 80 quid disposable income per week. No comment on that one.

    However of course my life would be much more exiciting probably if I had an extra 50k per month, and i admit it is difficult and sometimes I wonder if my life would be better in England. But then I knew that before I came here. It wasnt the money that attracted me, sounds funny saying it sitting here, but it was the quality of life. I guess that means the extra free time I have, the politeness of the people, the numerous activities I can take part in without spending a months wages....

    if you know what I mean...

    So in answer to your question, 9000 a week could do me quite nicely.

  18. I thought they were tearing Reggae Bar down and "relocating" it, as the land has been sold/leased - ? That's what I was told at the end of April anyway.

    My favourite - The restaurant called Thai Cuisine in Ko Lanta. Yum.

    I think Thai Cuisine is no longer as well.

    And umm, OP, shouldn't you be doing your own research???

    I've seen where some posters have acknowledged the OP is a professional writer, but still, this just seems to rub me the wrong way.

    If the OP is to profit from all of the posters suggestions, please let us know what bar you will be buying drinks for us at, and maybe more suggestions will come along.

    Maybe Time for Lime......

    Do you charge for advice now?

    Sorry, just seems abit harsh of you...

    I am going to Krabi on Tuesday so this information is invaluble to me. Though if anyone has any ideas on good hotels around the 1000 B mark (preferably under!), that would help me personally further.

    OP Sorry, dont mean to hijack...

  19. I dont know a great deal about visas and stuff, Ive searched alot, but I cant find anything relating to my problem.

    I work as a teacher on my non-imm B Visa. Normally I go to SriRacha with the secretary at work to sort the 90 day check thing. Though I am going to Krabi on the 21st (May) and I was told on Friday that I need to do a 90 day check before the 26th.

    I was told by the secretary that it may be possible at Suvarnabhumi Airport Immigration desk.

    As I have not done this myself before, can anyone advise me on what I can do, where to go etc. I read somewhere that there is an immigration desk at a hotel in the airport?

    Any help would be gratefully appreciated...

    I guess if I can do it in Krabi, then that is an option also...

    Oh, and, Hi!

  20. I dont know a great deal about visas and stuff, Ive searched alot, but I cant find anything relating to my problem.

    I work as a teacher on my non-imm B Visa. Normally I go to SriRacha with the secretary at work to sort the 90 day check thing. Though I am going to Krabi on the 21st (May) and I was told on Friday that I need to do a 90 day check before the 26th.

    I was told by the secretary that it may be possible at Suvarnabhumi Airport Immigration desk.

    As I have not done this myself before, can anyone advise me on what I can do, where to go etc. I read somewhere that there is an immigration desk at a hotel in the airport?

    Any help would be gratefully appreciated...

    I guess if I can do it in Krabi, then that is an option also...

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