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Everything posted by Slip

  1. Whether or not mass shootings are rarely carried out by legal gun owners is not a matter of opinion, but a matter of fact. Not that I'm saying you are wrong, just that it isn't an opinion.
  2. I wonder why you think that is relevant? Most people in the U.S. actively want more gun control than at present simply because most of them are sick of seeing their children slaughtered. Also for the sake of argument, you are talking nonsense. The idea that making and using tools is the same as worshiping them is as ridiculous as everything else you have said in your post.
  3. Really? Love of children vs gun worship. One is a healthy, natural behaviour. The other is perverse and damaging to the very fabric of the country in question.
  4. Your point would be valid if it weren't for all the innocent kids being slaughtered in American schools. As it is, it falls a bit short of the mark for decent thinking folk.
  5. Gun control should start with the lunatic magas and groomers who post their toxic <deleted> all over social media. The NRA also needs sorting out. After that some sanity could at least possibly prevail.
  6. Irrelevant who is in power. The NRA have it all tied up nicely for now. They and their Republican assets are to blame for the state of gun violence in the U.S. They block each and every effort to reign in the violence, because reasons.
  7. He is a twice proven liar on this thread. Projection is the least of his worries. He has also managed to drown out all the more sensible voices from the pro-choice (gun only) side. Hopefully the foot-shot was not with a AR15.
  8. More trolling and pushing your warped agenda. This is the 2nd time you have misrepresented the topic of this thread. It's up there at the top if you need to check: ‘America is killing itself’: world reacts with horror and incomprehension to Texas shooting'.
  9. It's perfectly clear. The fact that you choose to misrepresent the situation continuously is your affair, but you aren't fooling anyone. I'm done with you.
  10. The prime minister lying to parliament, and by extension queen and country is not trivial. Boris will come to learn this.
  11. It's only your repeated trolling over the last few days that leads me to even bother. I don't follow you- you spread your obnoxious hateful views all over the place which I have to put up with. 90% of your posts get deleted for a reason. Just stop being such a hateful troll.
  12. From that article you just quoted: "The prime minister, who is facing claims of breaching the code, published a policy statement..." "suggesting that in future ministers are likely to face making a “public apology, remedial action, or removal of ministerial salary for a period” if they retain the confidence of the prime minister." (My bold). "The change comes as Johnson faces his own investigation by the privileges committee into whether he misled parliament" However, if Johnson is found to have breached other principles of public life, such as lacking openness and honesty, then the changes to the rules make it less likely that he would be automatically expected to resign." "Johnson has also rewritten the foreword to the code, removing all references to honesty, integrity, transparency and accountability." I think you and his other supporters should stop digging before you fall out of the back end of the world.
  13. I came into this thread late so had to read it all at once. The whataboutery displayed by the russian shills and/ or those on the political right is quite shocking if you have to stomach it all in one go.
  14. Nyet Ivan. and also nyet Mr Derek the Putin shill for the nonsense he has posted above.
  15. Can you link that claim about most mass shootings being the weapon of choice in the majority of mass shootings please?
  16. I didn't mention lobby groups or the political stance of anyone involved in making change. I was talking about the mindset of the populace. I'm pretty sure we have all seen the rise of populism recently. How it ties in with lobby groups and big business is above my pay grade, but it can't be good for we common people.
  17. The problem is that at least a reasonably large minority of American citizens don't have any interest in even trying. There are many such members who post here. It's clearly a cultural thing, but that makes it particularly unresponsive to agents of change.
  18. This is not the first time that the U.S. is in very unfavourable company, I think even on this thread. It seems that the U.S. is on par with the worst of countries in more than one area. I used to have fun bashing my American friends for this or that. All taken in the spirit it was intended. It doesn't seem funny any more.
  19. This is explosive stuff. I hope the source is acceptable: https://buffalonews.com/news/local/authorities-investigating-if-retired-federal-agent-knew-of-buffalo-mass-shooting-plans-in-advance/article_bd408f18-dd39-11ec-be53-df8fdd095d6f.html#tracking-source=most-popular-news "Law enforcement officers are investigating whether a retired federal agent had about 30 minutes advance notice of a white supremacist's plans to murder Black people at a Buffalo supermarket, two law enforcement officials told The Buffalo News. Authorities believe the former agent – believed to be from Texas – was one of at least six individuals who regularly communicated with accused gunman Payton Gendron in an online chat room where racist hatred was discussed, the two officials said. The two law enforcement sources with direct knowledge of the investigation stated these individuals were invited by Gendron to read about his mass shooting plans and the target location about 30 minutes before Gendron killed 10 people at Tops Markets on Jefferson Avenue on May 14. The News could not determine if the retired agent accepted the invitation."
  20. Johnson's government is starting to reek of desperation, but will it be enough to topple those gorging on the swill? At least if Bojo goes there may be a very slight improvement.
  21. Callous is the word. To some people, other people are unimportant. "Gun rights" on the other hand are the be all and end all.
  22. Are you trying to suggest that they officially cautioned her? If not, what is the legal mechanism for such a "warning". Thanks if you can offer any further info.
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