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Everything posted by Slip

  1. 2020s tories- the gift that keeps on giving, and the plague that keep on sucking the life out of the UK.
  2. No, you are misrepresenting. He has always been a liar. He has lied repeatedly. Away with your "side of a bus" deflection.
  3. not to mention the country. I notice our usual brexit loudmouths are in short supply these days.
  4. Call the immigration office and ask them to advise.
  5. I remember it well. Shockingly awful. It seems we have a revisionist here.
  6. Sorry Jing- as you can see, that's proven to be a fail straight outta the gate.
  7. No, what we had was closed mines, unemployment and the tories attacking the working class. They're at it now too, but have extended their net. One of my best mates was from Donny- his pop was a coal miner. No keyboard warriors there. Your miner friends? Must have been west coast.
  8. This is the guy who reckons he is an economist. Nutter more like.
  9. At least you understand the difference between 'inferring' and 'implying' which is more than can be said for the poster your are replying to. Perhaps you were right about sticking to one syllable words, but I'm afraid it appears that the people who would benefit are the ones agreeing with you.
  10. Well if you just used your words correctly as you suggest, then that would be ideal. Don't worry about the number of syllables; I've got you there. 'Certain' implies a commonality that you didn't explain. 'Some' is much better.
  11. No, that is covered by 'corner shops'. What extra information are you trying to imply with your use of the word 'certain'?
  12. As Placeholder said Riclag- official accounts are permitted. I guess if you want to argue that they are not up to snuff, you could always report my post.
  13. Yes. As can you very easily by a simple bit of digging.
  14. You would be well advised to look closer to home at your failing tory government and the way they with their brexit are failing the people of the UK.
  15. Brexiteers have no interest in democracy. Why else do you think they delivered the UK into the hands of the ERG? Why did they allow Putin to meddle in 'their democratic process'? Why do they cheer as the citizens' natural assets and rights are stripped from them? I know you know this already Candide, but how can they worry about the democratic principles of europe whilst their own emancipation is being stripped from them?
  16. Don't we already have enough topics for racist venting?
  17. Will do. I hadn't updated windows yet, now have. Tried clearing cookies, but neither of the 2 have helped.
  18. Same thing has just started happening to me, but it's fine on my phone so must be a computer issue.
  19. Crass. EDIT: and to the topic: My place of employment also flew the flag at half mast today. A wonderful and respectful gesture unlike the post I quote.
  20. Take a refresher on symbols and symbolism and their importance in human societies. R.I.P. Your Highness, and Long Live The King.
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