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Everything posted by Slip

  1. Read my post carefully, then respond appropriately if you want. Otherwise don't pollute the thread with your normal pendantry and claims of not really understanding the issues on which you comment. If you can do that I may respond again.
  2. McCarthy is doing just what you do here every day. Playing dumb and pretending. Make an accusation with no basis, then deflect repeatedly.
  3. Because this thread is about the left using government... No, it isn't. That is your "neutral" misrepresentation of the matter once again. The thread is about a search warrant being served at Mar A Lago. The loaded language is yours.
  4. You can call yourself neutral in every single post if you like. Still fooling no one with half a brain.
  5. Now, that's a shame. After his original demand I was just about to tell him about the inner workings of the FBI, but not now. Notwithstanding Johnnie's obvious forthcoming disappointment I commend you on an otherwise most excellent post. 55.
  6. To be fair a big majority of Americans had woken up at the last election; a landslide majority. Let's just hope they don't slide back into the abyss.
  7. I'm not in the FBI, but a judge signed off on it, so that will do for me for now. The rest should become clearer later. Have some patience.
  8. Well, he got a bit too extreme and a bit too outrageous and damaged people with his lies. Now the piper needs to be paid. I don't have an ounce of sympathy for him.
  9. No it isn't about that. That's just your 'neutral observer' attempt to mischaracterise it. It's about the FBI having reason to believe Trump committed a crime and acting accordingly, which is what it is there to do. As a 'neutral observer' you are not entitled to your own facts.
  10. Indeed- and here is what RayC was replying to when he mentioned Brexit in response: Perhaps you should have a word with your fellow Gammonati.
  11. ^Slightly above: a disavowing trump fanboy lecturing on fiscal responsibility. Some of these people are so far over the edge that it may be too late.
  12. You miss the point. The "all politicians are as bad as us" thing is a right wing trope. As long as the Tories go there should be some improvement.
  13. Yeah, who would have thought? Apparently, the real answer to illegal immigration is to cut benefits to citizens and pay the money to corporations. Hilarious.
  14. Then why bother to post it in the first place? Anyway whether you care or not if your arguments and evidence are convincing isn't really the point. I should perhaps have explained better that this article is an opinion piece with the main idea that "Heavy marijuana use among youths is leading to more addiction and antisocial behavior". As interesting as some of the details in the article may be, there is no evidence in the article to support your bolded section of the text, and scant little to support the second except perhaps in a very specific subset of people already suffering mental illness problems. The poster you were replying to was making the case that there is no evidence that marijuana is addictive, which is presumably why you bolded that phrase.
  15. Well, yes, as it says "it is possible". Not really very compelling. There is a lot of this sort of language in it. I am not necessarily disagreeing with you, just saying that I don't find her article necessarily particularly convincing. Here are some other quotes: "It could be a coincidence", "It’s much easier for young people to get hooked. One in 6 people who start using pot while under 18 will develop an addiction" (uncited in the linked source), "Researchers have yet to prove a causal relationship", "It’s possible that pot can trigger dangerous behavior", "legalization seems to be leading to more pregnant women using pot." (The linked study actually seems to compare pre and post-covid use as opposed to increases following legalisation which happened in 1996 (medical) or 2016 (recreational).
  16. This is what you quoted: There is nothing in the article or any of the agenda-laden sources she quotes that I can find to back up the claim. I'm just not sure it is very compelling to back up your opinion with someone else's opinion, especially when they have a clear agenda.
  17. If you look carefully at the top of that article you may be able to make out it says in quite large font- "Opinion".
  18. To the right wing's willing cannon fodder it's not a crime if you are one of the annointed, and if you are not, then it's a crime whatever you do.
  19. There is nothing in your WP linked article that acknowledges the story is "highly dubious". Please stop misrepresenting.
  20. The usual suspects have been noticeably quiet for the last 24 hours or so. He's pulling a fast one if you ask me. I hope he doesn't get away with it.
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