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Posts posted by britmaveric

  1. However you label it- Spain is appeasing the terrorists, even the terrorists say so themselves. I watched Sky News this AM and the cocky bastards "terrorists" issued a statement that they were calling a truce or how did they put it "rewarding" Spain for its decision to withdraw troops from Iraq.

    Side note as for Chamberlain - if we had left it up to him, all of Europe would be speaking German. Mind you the Arabs prob would have been overjoyed, no jews about! :o

  2. Been through San Fran a dozen or so times and not a single incident. Customs are always courteous and professional.

    2 Questions asked: Coming from what Country? Business or Pleasure? If Business they normally ask what sort and I explain briefly. I have never been stopped or hassled. I find smiling and being friendly goes a long way.

    All and All no problems! :o

  3. It's Only France! :o Not like they help the rest of the world anyways.

    All winding up aside - faire enuf France can impose what rules they want, after all it is their own country. Reminds me of a amerian news article I read - muslim woman wanted to take drivers license with veil covering her face. She actually sued, naturally she lost, but the point should be taken - Conform to the country you live in rather than seperate yourself!

  4. Hmmm Never had any issues with US Customs or UK Customs when coming back from Thailand. Maybe you look dodgey or suspicious. :D

    Did have a laff last time at Heathrow- dutymen stopped a Thai Gal, poor muppet must have had 100 Cartons of ciggies and a large quantity of bootleg cds/dvds. :o

  5. Ahh Bush Twins-Lesbians! Hmmmmmm Hmmmmm Now thats a thought! :D

    To be honest "Civil Unions" are more to my liking for same sex individuals, and I'm far from religious. The reasoning is you open the flood gates to all other nutters when you head down the road of "marriage". Why couldn't a man have two wifes? Why couldn't brother and sister marry? I know it seems silly, but this is the type of challenges that come next.

    From my understanding civil unions give pretty much the same benefits as a "married" couple? :o

    On the flip side why should gays be excluded from the Pain of Marriage??? :D

  6. DaveThailand- I'm sure you'll find educated bar girls, but the ones I've chatted to are clueless unless it comes to the THB. "What Computer?" "Where England?" God bless their hearts. Course this could be part of their game. I'll give anyone the benefit of the doubt, and I know there are genuine BG(s) and they work to support family in best way possible.

    BTW you run a bar? Which one if you don't mind me asking and location?

  7. Hmmm well I hate to inform you, but last Great War FDR/Churchill suspended many a right to the citizen. You give up rights in the short term, in order to wage a successful war.

    The difference is most people today do not know what sacrifice is. Talk with WWII Generation and they will share with you on how things were then, and how everyone sacrificed their lives to contribute to the war effort.

  8. No you don't need to buy more than one sim card. After you initially buy a sim card this is good for however long you use it. I bought a sim card in Nov and it expires iin March without use. (sent to TF to recharge for me that way when I arrive its ready to use)

    Basically you buy recharge 1000THB a card. I used 1 a week or so, but depends on how much you use the phone. Warning? Since it was in Thai- not sure if it gave me a low minute warning.... when I couldn't make calls, then I knew it was finished and time to recharge.

  9. Pepe'-quite correct Sprint phone is a paper weight in Thailand. (propietary nature of Sprint)

    Anyways just do a search on yahoo/google for unlocked world triband phones and you'll have no problem finding a phone. I've bought a erricson for as little as 50quid, or you can pay as much as 200quid for all of the advanced options-streaming vid, camera ect ect.

  10. I have not had anything to do with either Police force, but I know people who will only deal with the Tourist Police because it is the only way they can get anything done.

    Man from Oz- Possibly so, I had my camera and few other items nicked from my hotel a few years back, and the Tourist Police were pretty clueless. It took an arm and a leg to get the Tourist Police to come out and after all that they told me to go to the Police Station. Not very helpful????

    Anyways maybe I'm not giving them enough credit, but I'm just basing my opinion on my own experience.

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