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Posts posted by britmaveric

  1. Addictive because of the following items: Smiles, Inexpensive, Friendly People, Warm Weather, Beach, Water, Food and last but not least he's partial to Asian Ladies. His idea of heaven I suppose.

    Dunno I feel much the same- something in the water or is it the Chicken? :o

  2. Got a mate of mine who never has been out of country, first trip abroad was Thailand back last October. He keeps telling me he doesn't want to go anywhere else in the world now, any other place in the world would pale in comparison. Me thinks its an addictive place by nature. :o

  3. Best bet is to buy a triband unlocked phone in America. (much cheaper than Thailand) Then buy prepaid SIM Card in Thailand and then buy 1000Baht recharges as necessary. Then you'll have a Thai number, and incoming calls are free.

    Dunno what the rate is off hand, but I made heaps of calls to UK/America and it lasted a good week before I recharged.

  4. A couple questions spring to mind. Is the US roadshowing this system around the world? If so who developed it? Who stands to gain from selling it? Sorry just my skeptical nature given the history of lies and bullshit spewed from the U.S government and the fools who run it.

    The world gains from such a system-the yanks are most likely paying for it, so if it improves security than this is a good thing.

    As far as your political ramblings I dare say most politicians are fools and self serving, just the nature of the job. :o

  5. First snap most people are going to think "Bar Girl" unless they know your friend. Perception is everything when you see the scenario described day in/day out in Thailand and they are Bar Girl relationships. I think even in Western World most people make the a judgement if a stunner happens to be with an older, unattractive or out of shape man. (Must have heaps of dosh)

    I think your mate has the right attitude, ignore it and move on. :o

  6. When mailing to/from Thailand - always use Fedex/UPS. TF always uses UPS, and I have no problems. Pretty silly, but she even does this for Crissie/Bday Cards, however if you want to receive it-only safe way.

    Never send any money via mail. (might as well give a donation to Thai Postal System) If going to send money- do so by Bank Transfer or Western Union.

  7. Up2U.. Lovely I guess they are training them young.

    Reminds me of when of a massage I had, one of the ladies had her tike sitting in the lobby. Lads were running around basically nud_e and the lil one wasn't batting an eye, but playing connect 4. (future bar girl or Massage girl?) :o

  8. Shopgurl... well I think you need to talk to the lad. There is nothing wrong with being open and honest. I think where a relationship is leading is a faire enough question after numerous occasions out. (friendship or something more) If one of you never makes a move or don't communicate, I fear things will stay status quo.

  9. Well there has to be a mutual agreement that it is a "date" and usually there has to be motivations of something meaningful at least for both parties. Course feelings change and if anything, "dating" is about getting to know someone and seeing if they are your match? :o

  10. Hmmm never thought of it that way? Tipping to one person sort of creates an inequality among the other staff. Sounds like a valid point, and might be better to go the "equitable" route to maintain harmony.

  11. Exzyte is wicked. Tis my favourite nite spot in Pattaya when I want to dance and see some live entertainment.

    BTW Tony's is horrible. I suppose if you like being pestered by wait staff and vendors trying to sell you rubbish then it might be a good spot for you to visit. :o

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