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Everything posted by TallGuyJohninBKK

  1. Here's a look at the cumulative officially reported COVID per capita death rates (deaths per million population) by selected countries since the start of the pandemic. Thailand, with 22,849 official cumulative COVID deaths thus far, is pretty much in the middle of the pack among the countries below on a per capita basis. Source link
  2. There now have been 1,151 official COVID deaths in Thailand in the almost two months since the start of the year, which is a 0.19% case fatality rate based on the total number of official COVID cases during that period. The current fatality rate is about one-fifth of the peak rate of more than 1% that Thailand experienced last September following the peak of the Delta wave the month before. Thailand's cumulative case fatality rate (the number of deaths out of the total number of cases) since the beginning of the pandemic now stands at 0.8%. https://www.facebook.com/informationcovid19/photos/a.106455480972785/511234787161517/?type=3
  3. Official new COVID cases in Thailand set a pandemic record high for the third consecutive day on Saturday with 25,615 new cases reported, passing the 25,000 mark for the first time. The total number of COVID patients under care passed the 200,000 mark for the first time at 201,044. The number of COVID patients hospitalized passed the 80,000 mark for the first time with 83,703. And the number of COVID patients hospitalized in serious condition at 965 continued its steady climb toward the 1,000 mark. Daily new COVID deaths flattened at 40 for the day, but the positivity rate of RT-PCR testing continued upward now standing at 32% versus 7% at the beginning of the year. https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/?dashboard=main For some added context, during the peak of the Delta wave last fall, Thailand's numbers of serious hospital cases and intubated patients topped 5,600 and 1,100 respectively, and daily deaths topped 300 for a brief period.
  4. That's not a hard one... The dog, he could reach out and touch. All the souls you mention in other places and countries, he has no ability to have personal contact with.
  5. 100% is exactly what they reported for Omicron in Thailand earlier this month. Those still claiming Delta's at work here are grasping at delusional straws, because the current situation forces them to recognize Omicron for what it -- generally less severe than Delta, but still perfectly capable of killing people and making them seriously ill.
  6. So sad.. A life cut short before it hardly had begun. Omicron is a killer, and not always just of the elderly and those with chronic medical conditions.
  7. Thailand's official count of new COVID cases set a pandemic record high for the second consecutive day, topping 24,000 (24,932) for the first time, and once again passing the prior high set during last fall's Delta wave (23,418). Meanwhile, case tallies increased in every other major category as listed below, with new COVID deaths reaching a daily high for the year of 41 and COVID patients hospitalized in serious condition approaching the 1,000 mark. Also, the MoPH reported positivity rate for RT-PCR COVID testing continued climbing upward, reaching a shockingly high 30% positive rate. The comparable rate at the beginning of this year was 7 percent. https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/?dashboard=main For some added context, during the peak of the Delta wave last fall, Thailand's numbers of serious hospital cases and intubated patients topped 5,600 and 1,100 respectively. COVID deaths then had peaked at more than 300 per day for a brief time.
  8. You read wrong: https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/brief/covid-19-leading-cause-of-death-ranking/ And for the prior year in 2020: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/leading-causes-of-death.htm
  9. The very good reason is that past infections with Delta or other prior COVID variants have very little protective effect against current Omicron infections. The Omicron variant largely evades immunity from past infection or two vaccine doses according to the latest Imperial modelling. 17 December 2021 "This implies that the protection against reinfection by Omicron afforded by past infection may be as low as 19%." https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/232698/omicron-largely-evades-immunity-from-past/
  10. The article you quoted from early 2021 also noted: "Of the 11,387 people who responded, the overwhelming majority were in favor of getting the vaccine: just under 80% of the respondents said they had gotten a vaccine or were scheduled to receive one and 4.8% said they wanted to get it as soon as possible. But there were still hundreds of healthcare workers who were vaccine hesitant — 954 individuals, or 8.4% of respondents, reported they would not be getting the vaccine for now. And 369 people, or 3.2% of survey participants, said they would “not ever” receive it. ... Physicians were almost uniformly in favor of the vaccine. Other staff who don’t provide clinical care, such as food service workers and security personnel, had higher rates of vaccine hesitancy."
  11. For some reason, you chose not to include the very next sentence in the Politico article you're quoting from: "It’s far likelier that there is an undercount of Covid deaths, rather than an overcount. People who don’t die in hospitals, say in nursing homes or prisons or in their homes, may never have been tested before dying."
  12. COVID is still killing, especially the vulnerable, even with the rise of Omicron. At a lower rate than Delta, but that lower rate is offset some by larger numbers of total cases. https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/brief/covid-19-leading-cause-of-death-ranking/
  13. Tell that to the current nearly 74,000 COVID hospitalizations in Thailand, the 905 of them in serious condition, and another 240 requiring intubation to breathe. https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/?dashboard=main Or the 1,070 who have died of COVID in Thailand since the start of the year. https://www.facebook.com/informationcovid19/photos/a.106455480972785/509968393954823/?type=3 PS - the above black graphic from the Thai MoPH also indicates the current COVID case fatality rate has been running 0.19% since the start of the year, as opposed to the overall and higher 0.81% cumulative rate since the start of the pandemic. I.e. -- lower death rate with Omicron, but more overall cases.
  14. Not there yet tho... And these are just the "official" ones not including ATKs. Today's record high new cases The prior record high last August: Source link:
  15. If we're lucky, the current Omicron wave will peak at some point an then begin to decline, probably not too far into the future, if other countries' experiences are mirrored here. The pressing question, though, is WHAT will come after that....
  16. The solution, I think, is NOT to rely on Thai TV as the source of one's desired international/foreign sporting content. I think, folks who have access to live TV content from their home countries probably could have fared a lot better than relying on Thai broadcasters. I could have watched hundreds, probably thousands of hours, of Olympic broadcasts from the U.S. But in fact, I watched NONE. Reasons being -- 1. I had no time. 2. the Chinese government disgusts me. 3. I'm not a big winter sports fan, period.
  17. Not quite as fast as some here apparently were hoping and expecting. ???? Perhaps the daily rising COVID case counts (now at a record high level), and serious condition and intubated COVID patient counts have something to do with that.
  18. Read the chart posted above re Thailand, and the prior one I posted above for the U.S., exactly the same, 100% Omicron. The various authorities may have some reason to monkey with the reporting numbers for cases and deaths and such. But they have zero reason to monkey with the testing results for which COVID variants are present. PS- The 0.81% COVID case fatality rate number you mentioned above is CUMULATIVE for Thailand since the beginning, not a reflection of current cases only. The death rate number for recent cases is much lower, as would be expected. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=7118001088242447&set=a.192552250787400&type=3
  19. It's all Omicron in Thailand right now, one variant or the other. Everything else prior has dropped off the map. The chart below is from the Center of Specialization in Clinical Virology Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University. And reflects variant testing done for cases in Bangkok. Posted Feb. 19, 2022. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=7228301480545740&set=a.192552250787400&type=3 Omicron kills people and puts people in the hospital every day -- just not at as high ratios as did its predecessor Delta.
  20. Take the U.S. as another example. It's all Omicron, and has been killing people there at the rate of about 2,000 per day of late (though the latest 7 day daily average has fallen to about 1,600). "CDC Nowcast projections* for the week ending February 12, 2022, estimate the combined national proportion of lineages designated as Omicron to be 100%." Deaths "The current 7-day moving average of new deaths (2,021)" "New Hospital Admissions The current 7-day daily average for February 9–February 15, 2022, was 8,642. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/covid-data/covidview/index.html
  21. Up thru yesterday -- less than 30% triple vaxed, which is what's needed for Omicron. https://www.facebook.com/informationcovid19/posts/509929000625429
  22. I believe, almost all of the COVID cases in Thailand right now (and many other parts of the world) are Omicron, so I'd presume the deaths are the same. People DO die from Omicron, you know that, right?
  23. I thought they might be talking about this case, since it hits closer to home for the PM: Thai Army General Jailed in US$1.3 Million Fraud Case A Thai Army General and two other accomplices have been sentenced to jail for colluding to coerce two companies into paying 43 million baht (US$1.35million) for state projects that did not exist. In a ruling yesterday, the Criminal Court in Bangkok found General Sompote Ngerncharoen, 66, Chutikan Boonmee, and Thanankan Nanthadamrongwat guilty of committing fraud. A former assistant leader of a team attached to the chief of staff of the Department of Defence, General Sompote was a former adviser to a commander of the Fourth Region Army. https://www.chiangraitimes.com/crime/thai-army-general-jailed-in-us1-3-million-fraud-case/?noamp=mobile
  24. Ohh??? I don't know about that! I suspect the views of how he's [not] doing on corruption are pretty much universally in agreement.
  25. The experts in such things -- statisticians and epidemiologists -- pretty much universally agree that the officially reported COVID death numbers in countries around the world are a considerable undercount of the actual deaths caused by COVID. In short, there are MORE, not less, than the official counts reflect.
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