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Everything posted by TallGuyJohninBKK

  1. And then there are many different calculations on how many lives would have been saved if more people had ignored the rampant anti-vax misinformation and instead had gotten vaccinated as recommended by public health agencies around the world. One example: “For example, a May 2022 analysis by researchers at Brown, Harvard, Microsoft, and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, reported that if the COVID vaccine take-up rate in the United States had been 90 percent of eligible adults after the vaccines became available instead of the actual rate of 70 percent of adults being fully vaccinated, 225,427 fewer people would have died between January 2021 and April 2022.” https://www.newsguardtech.com/press/newsguard-reports-more-than-300-vaccine-related-false-narratives-now-spreading-online/
  2. There's the official figure for COVID deaths of about 7 million, and then there's the several times higher estimated figure of likely COVID deaths based on global excess death tallies during the pandemic. https://archive.is/ynV8Z
  3. All of that sounds about right from a typical (modern) Thai young woman's perspective... Plus (though I confess to NOT having any personal experience with this) there's a line of thinking that says a woman is more likely to best know how to please another woman in bed.
  4. Thailand MoPH Weekly COVID report for Feb. 18 - Feb. 24, 2024: --487 new COVID hospitalizations, down 9 from the prior week --3 new COVID deaths, down 1 from the prior week --288 current COVID patients hospitalized in serious condition, down 75 from the prior week (dark purple) --111 current COVID patients hospitalized requiring intubation/ventilation to breathe, down 45 from the prior week (light purple) (cumulative figures are COVID new hospitalizations (4,199) & deaths (46) since the start of the current year) https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/?dashboard=main
  5. Thailand MoPH Weekly COVID report for Feb. 11 - Feb. 17, 2024: --496 new COVID hospitalizations, down 41 from the prior week --4 new COVID deaths, down 1 from the prior week --363 current COVID patients hospitalized in serious condition, up 19 from the prior week (dark purple) --156 current COVID patients hospitalized requiring intubation/ventilation to breathe, down 13 from the prior week (light purple) (cumulative figures are COVID new hospitalizations (3,712) & deaths (43) since the start of the current year) https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/?dashboard=main
  6. Speaking of misinformation on COVID vaccines, let's look at where most of it is coming from, including the topic of this thread! 02/07/2024 NewsGuard Reports More Than 300 Vaccine-Related False Narratives Now Spreading Online Nearly four years since the outbreak of COVID-19—and amidst a constant stream of false claims about vaccine efficacy—NewsGuard reports that there are now more than 300 vaccine-related false narratives infecting social media and online search results. ... Prominent vaccine-related myth examples NewsGuard has identified include: “Fibrous blood clots reported by embalmers are proof of widespread deaths caused by COVID-19 vaccines:” A new version of this false narrative has gained traction due to an online survey of embalmers released in January 2024, which says that 70 percent of embalmers reported seeing an increase in fibrous blood clots in bodies beginning in mid-2021, following the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines. In fact, the survey’s responses—which may not have come from actual embalmers—cannot prove a link to COVID vaccines, because blood clots commonly form after a person has died and embalmers would be unlikely to know a deceased person’s vaccination status. The spread of this false narrative was accelerated by RFK Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense (Trust Score: 17.5/100). https://www.newsguardtech.com/press/newsguard-reports-more-than-300-vaccine-related-false-narratives-now-spreading-online/ More evidence that the claims and insinuations made here about some connection between COVID vaccines and the pictured blood clots are, as this report calls them, "myth" and "false narrative." https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/newsguard/ "NewsGuard provides transparent tools to counter misinformation for readers, brands, and democracies. Since launching in 2018, its global staff of trained journalists and information specialists has collected, updated, and deployed more than 6.9 million data points on more than 35,000 news and information sources, and cataloged and tracked all of the top false narratives spreading online. https://www.newsguardtech.com/about-newsguard/
  7. The above monthly COVID deaths number of about 10,000 was reported by the WHO, but what's being ignored here is that that deaths tally came from only about 50 (depending on the month) out of the 234 jurisdictions that report to the WHO -- so it's hardly a comprehensive or accurate global total, as the WHO repeatedly has noted. "Globally, during the 28-day period from 8 January to 4 February 2024, 75 countries reported COVID-19 cases and 43 countries reported COVID-19 deaths. Note that this does not reflect the actual number of countries where cases or deaths occur, as many countries have stopped or changed the frequency of reporting." The prior months data had a bit more than 50 countries reporting COVID deaths, so the tally numbers tend to vary month to month, but it's typically less than one-fourth of all the world's jurisdictions. https://www.who.int/publications/m/item/covid-19-epidemiological-update-16-february-2024
  8. February 6, 2024 Rampant COVID Poses New Challenges in the Fifth Year of the Pandemic “We’re still in a pandemic,” says a lead COVID official with the World Health Organization ... "Worldwide, there were more than 11,000 reported deaths from COVID between mid-December 2023 and mid-January 2024, and more than half of those deaths occurred in the U.S. In that same time frame, nearly one million cases were reported to the World Health Organization globally (although reduced testing and reporting means this is likely a vast undercount)." https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/rampant-covid-poses-new-challenges-in-the-fifth-year-of-the-pandemic/ The above stats being from only a relatively small number of countries in the world that are still regularly and publicly reporting their COVID cases and deaths to WHO.
  9. Various medical professionals quoted earlier in this thread have repeatedly said that post mortem blood clotting is a normal thing, and isn't something that suddenly appeared post COVID. And that the clots shown by Hirschman look like normal postmortem clots.
  10. If there was any credibility to these claims of some unusual presentation of clotting, you'd think that after this bunk has been circulating in anti-vax circles for several years, that we'd see some comment from the actual experts in the field -- medical pathologists -- saying hey, something different is going on here. But, from all the checking I can find online, the only comments I've seen on this subject from medical pathologists are that the shown clots are typical of those found in human bodies post mortem. So perhaps that's why this whole contretemps has remained in the domain of fringe anti-vaxers and documented misinformation purveyors. "The National Funeral Directors Association told PolitiFact in February that embalmers had noticed an increase in blood clots among COVID-19-related deaths, including vaccinated and unvaccinated people. [bolding added] Jessica Koth, director of public relations for the association, told us in an email that “[f]uneral service professionals are in no way qualified to draw any conclusions about COVID vaccines and blood clots. We’re not medical examiners or physicians or scientists.” https://www.factcheck.org/2022/12/scicheck-died-suddenly-pushes-bogus-depopulation-theory/ Not to mention: "Brooke Whisnant also said that Hirschman had performed embalming services at their funeral home and pointed out that they don’t know who’s been vaccinated and who hasn’t among the deceased."
  11. Dubious case for your prosecution: "Hirschman was featured in a video posted by the “Stew Peters Network” on Rumble in January, and his apparent findings have been highlighted on other dubious websites. But in a phone interview with FactCheck.org, he told us he never said he could prove a connection between the clots he was showing and the COVID-19 vaccines. “I can’t prove what this is,” Hirschman told FactCheck.org in a phone interview. “I’m not a doctor nor a scientist — I never said I was.” https://www.factcheck.org/2022/12/scicheck-died-suddenly-pushes-bogus-depopulation-theory/
  12. McGill University Office for Science and Society Separating Sense from Nonsense 25 Nov 2022 "As anatomical pathology specialist Irene Sansano told a fact-checking website, the clots shown by Hirschman do not look different from the ones pathologists regularly see in blood clot autopsies at the hospital. To know if there really was an uptick in clots seen during embalming, we can’t rely on a scattering of anecdotes. We would need a database to monitor trends, and as Schmidt points out, this database does not exist." .... "- The clots shown by the embalmers in the movie seem to medical experts to be no different than the clots that commonly occur in life and also after death." https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/covid-19-critical-thinking/anti-vaccine-documentary-died-suddenly-wants-you-feel-not-think
  13. The above Health Feedback report also raises an explanation I haven't seen previously address in this thread, with a professor of mortuary science explaining how the presence of embalming fluid in the body containing formaldehyde can contribute to ad change the appearance of clots. "Benjamin Schmidt, a professor of mortuary science at the Northeast Texas Community College, analyzed the reasons why the claim is unsupported in an episode of his podcast The Funeral Science Podcast (starting at minute 10:20). In an email to Health Feedback, Schmidt explained that embalming fluids typically contain formaldehyde, a preservative that changes the blood’s properties and can contribute to blood clotting: “One thing that needs to be added to the discussion that is being overlooked is the fact that formaldehyde coagulates proteins, so those clots are going to be different because they are embalmed blood.”\ https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/photos-blood-clots-embalming-dont-show-link-with-covid-19-vaccines-blood-clotting-risk-higher-after-covid-19/
  14. And then we could add this one to the long list pertaining to the claims made by embalmer Hirschman via his YT interview with Campbell, as well as to the discredited claims made in the OP of this thread. Photos of blood clots removed during embalming don’t show any link with COVID-19 vaccines; blood clotting risk is much higher after COVID-19 than vaccination 02 Nov 2022 "Inadequate support: Abnormal blood clotting can have many causes unrelated to COVID-19 vaccines, for example an underlying pathology or COVID-19 itself, which is a more likely cause of blood clotting than vaccination. Blood clotting also happens after death. Without a pathological analysis, photos of clots don’t provide sufficient evidence to suggest that those clots are neither abnormal nor linked to vaccination." ... "The article attributed this photo to Richard Hirschman, an embalmer who claimed to have found “strange clots” in deceased people since the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines. After the article was published, Health Feedback reviewed Hirschman’s claim and found no scientific evidence supporting an association between such clots and COVID-19 vaccines." ... "It’s not the first time such a claim has been made. In fact, the claim that COVID-19 vaccines caused abnormal clots in corpses based on anecdotal reports from embalmers started circulating in late 2021, and spread thanks to individuals such as Jane Ruby and Mike Adams. However, multiple organizations, including Health Feedback, AFP, and PolitiFact, found this claim to be unsubstantiated." https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/photos-blood-clots-embalming-dont-show-link-with-covid-19-vaccines-blood-clotting-risk-higher-after-covid-19/
  15. It's sad and unfortunate that someone like Campbell who has such a large YT following also has such a terrible record when it comes to providing credible, accurate reports on COVID, as shown above. Pretty much opposite to the Health Feedback website that has called out his many failings: Failed Fact Checks None. In fact, they are a part of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN). Overall, we rate Health Feedback a pro-science fact-checker based on utilizing scientific evidence to refute claims. We also rate them Very-High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and the use of expert Ph.D. level scientists/doctors to fact check claims. (D. Van Zandt 4/19/2020) Updated (8/07/2023) https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/health-feedback/
  16. Hardly...as shown below. He's been responsible a long list of misleading info or misinformation claims regarding COVID: https://healthfeedback.org/authors/john-campbell/
  17. AZ had been actively pursuing approval for its COVID vaccine in the U.S. up through 2021, including running clinical trials in the country. But ran into the documented problem of very rare but serious blood clots once the AZ vaccine began widespread use in Europe. That led the U.S. FDA to demand more detailed submissions from AZ, and in the end, AZ withdrew from submitting a formal request for emergency use authorization. AstraZeneca withdraws US COVID vaccine application, shifts focus to antibody treatments Nov 10, 2022 "After missing the boat for emergency use of COVID-19 vaccines, AstraZeneca has finally pulled the plug on efforts to sell its shot in the U.S. AstraZeneca has decided to withdraw its application for COVID vaccine Vaxzevria with the FDA, CEO Pascal Soriot told reporters during a press briefing Thursday. ... Because the FDA has already fully approved mRNA vaccines from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna, the agency’s emergency use authorization pathway for other vaccines is closed." https://www.fiercepharma.com/pharma/astrazeneca-withdraws-us-covid-vaccine-application-focus-shifts-antibody-treatments FDA wants 'significant' amount of extra data on AstraZeneca's Covid vaccine AstraZeneca had anticipated applying for emergency use authorization in the U.S. in either late March or early April. May 1, 2021 https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/fda-wants-significant-amount-extra-data-astrazeneca-s-covid-vaccine-n1265760 The U.S. Is Sitting on Tens of Millions of Vaccine Doses the World Needs Those tens of millions of doses from AstraZeneca are waiting for trial results, while countries that authorized the vaccine beg to have them. March 11, 2021 "WASHINGTON — Tens of millions of doses of the coronavirus vaccine made by the British-Swedish company AstraZeneca are sitting idly in American manufacturing facilities, awaiting results from its U.S. clinical trial while countries that have authorized its use beg for access." https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/11/us/politics/coronavirus-astrazeneca-united-states.html AstraZeneca Covid vaccine: safety and side effects Updated 25 January 2023 Is the AstraZeneca vaccine still being used in the UK? No, the UK government is not ordering future supplies of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine. Evidence shows that mRNA vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna, are more effective at boosting protection from Covid-19, so these vaccines are being recommended for the seasonal booster programme. ... Can the AstraZeneca vaccine cause blood clots? There have been rare reports of people developing blood clots in combination with low platelet levels (thrombocytopenia), after receiving a dose of the Oxford/AstraZeneca in the UK. This is listed as a ‘very rare’ side effect of the AstraZeneca vaccine. https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/heart-matters-magazine/news/coronavirus-and-your-health/astrazeneca-covid-vaccine
  18. Or not..... Dec 5, 2023 "Studies designed to accurately assess vaccine impact on COVID transmission also show that vaccination DOES reduce the chance of person-to-person spread of the virus." https://www.unmc.edu/healthsecurity/transmission/2023/12/05/get-your-updated-covid-vaccine/
  19. From the actual report you're citing as its conclusions for the data in your chart: "Conclusions Slow but significant distribution of lipid nanoparticles from the site of injection with major uptake into liver. Minor distribution in spleen, adrenal glands and ovaries over 48 h" All of the above pretty much a nothing burger, as explained below: How long do mRNA and spike proteins last in the body? November 1, 2022 "Here we break down the data to show where mRNA vaccines (and spike proteins) travel in the body. There is no evidence that any mRNA or protein accumulates in any organ." ... Where does the vaccine go? Here's a peer-reviewed study that shows where intramuscular vaccines (which all three of the COVID-19 vaccines are) travel in macaques (a type of monkey). Vaccines mostly remain near the site of injection (the arm muscle) and local lymph nodes. ... Another peer-reviewed study tested exactly where an mRNA vaccine went in mice. Most of the mRNA vaccine stayed in the injection site muscle – where you get the shot. Look at Table 1. A lot of mRNA vaccine was found in local lymph nodes, which peaked about eight hours after the shot was given. A much smaller amount of mRNA vaccine went to farther away lymph nodes." https://www.nebraskamed.com/COVID/where-mrna-vaccines-and-spike-proteins-go "The mRNA from the vaccines is broken down within a few days after vaccination and discarded from the body." https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/overview-COVID-19-vaccines.html "Within a matter of days, the mRNA from the vaccine is destroyed by your cells, leaving no permanent mark on your body." https://www.uchicagomedicine.org/forefront/coronavirus-disease-covid-19/what-to-know-about-the-covid-19-vaccine
  20. Except I'm not asking anyone here to take MY word for these things... But instead, regarding the credibility of Campbell, the half-dozen plus sourced fact check and other reports previously posted above showing where he had repeatedly presented misleading or misinformation about COVID-related topics, raising doubts about his credibility. And regarding the embalmer interviewed by Campbell, another half dozen or so sourced fact checks and other reports previously posted above saying there is NO credible evidence to support his/their claims and insinuations that COVID vaccines may have been or were responsible for the reported blood clots. I won't requote them all here, because the details have all been posted earlier in this thread in the following links: https://aseannow.com/topic/1320487-controversy-erupts-as-thai-doctors-clash-over-mrna-vaccine-effect/?do=findComment&comment=18718651 https://aseannow.com/topic/1320487-controversy-erupts-as-thai-doctors-clash-over-mrna-vaccine-effect/?do=findComment&comment=18718582 https://aseannow.com/topic/1320487-controversy-erupts-as-thai-doctors-clash-over-mrna-vaccine-effect/?do=findComment&comment=18718553 https://aseannow.com/topic/1320487-controversy-erupts-as-thai-doctors-clash-over-mrna-vaccine-effect/?do=findComment&comment=18718540 https://aseannow.com/topic/1320487-controversy-erupts-as-thai-doctors-clash-over-mrna-vaccine-effect/?do=findComment&comment=18718489 But in summary: "Other experts have come to the same conclusion when asked before by fact-checkers about such claims from funeral service providers, including Hirschman and O’Looney. “The images look to me more like postmortem clots, mainly due to the color, the shape, and particularly because of the amount,” Nikolaus Klupp, an associate professor of forensic medicine at the Medical University of Vienna, told Health Feedback in September." https://www.factcheck.org/2022/12/scicheck-died-suddenly-pushes-bogus-depopulation-theory/ Listen to the experts. Not the misinformation peddlers.
  21. Acknowledged rare serious vaccine side effects vanishingly small compared to the lives saved and illnesses prevented from COVID: ICMRA statement on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines "COVID-19 vaccines significantly reduce the risk of severe disease, hospitalisation and death from infection with SARS-CoV-2. ... Evidence from the more than 13 billions of vaccine doses given worldwide shows that COVID-19 vaccines have a very good safety profile in all age groups. The benefits of the approved vaccines far outweigh the possible risks. ... False and misleading information about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines on social media often exaggerates the frequency and severity of side effects. Misinformation also wrongly attributes unrelated medical events to the vaccines. ... Millions of lives are estimated to have been saved by COVID-19 vaccination." International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities ICMRA brings together 38 medicines regulatory authorities from every region in the world, with the WHO as an observer. https://icmra.info/drupal/strategicinitiatives/vaccines/safety_statement
  22. For example, on the issue of distinguishing credible science from non-credible nonsense by non-credible authors: Paper claiming ‘extensive’ harms of COVID-19 vaccines to be retracted February 19, 2024 A journal is retracting a paper on the purported harms of vaccines against COVID-19 written in part by authors who have had similar work retracted before. The article, “COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Lessons Learned from the Registrational Trials and Global Vaccination Campaign,” appeared late last month in Cureus, which used to be a stand-alone journal but is now owned by Springer Nature. (It has appeared frequently in these pages.) Graham Parker, Director of Publishing and Customer Success at Cureus, told Retraction Watch: I can confirm we will be retracting it by the end of the week, as we have provided the authors with a deadline to reply and indicate whether they agree or disagree with the retraction. https://retractionwatch.com/2024/02/19/paper-claiming-extensive-harms-of-covid-19-vaccines-to-be-retracted/ ---------------------------------------- The authors of the above journal article include some of the most prolific originators of COVID misinformation, including Peter McCullough, Steve Kirsch, Stephanie Seneff, and Jessica Rose. "Two of the paper’s authors, Steve Kirsch and Peter McCullough, have often spread misinformation related to COVID-19 and the vaccine." https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2024/feb/09/instagram-posts/experts-say-mrna-covid-19-vaccines-have-saved-mill/ "Russell Blaylock and Stephanie Seneff, who are associate editors at IJVTPR, also have a history of propagating COVID-19 and vaccine disinformation in the past." https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/preventing-deaths-isnt-sole-benefit-covid19-vaccination-contrary-epoch-times-article/ "Of course, in the age of sophisticated molecular biology and genetics, antivaxxers can always find a special case that seems to show that the impossible is actually possible, and Jessica Rose is just continuing in this antivax tradition of misusing science..." https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/the-return-of-the-revenge-of-covid-19-mrna-vaccines-permanently-alter-your-dna-and-lab-leak/
  23. Geez, where were the censors when it came to the bogus, debunked anti-vax claims that are at the heart of this thread? In other circles, there's plenty of opportunity to debate and assess all the things you mention. But real scientists and researchers are very capable of distinguishing differing views on factual, credibly derived info vs. outright unsupported and misleading claims based on junk so-called science by those with long track records of documented misinformation.
  24. And yet, for some reason, we have Hemachudha publicly citing John Campbell's videos as credible information, even going so far as to say via the OP report: "Thiravat also attached links to Campbell’s videos for others to see the source of his information. He cited that Campbell was credible due to several cooperations with the National Health Service in England and many medical schools and universities." Anyone claiming credibility for Campbell (who isn't even an MD) and his tarnished misinformation record on COVID (as documented by numerous posts and supporting links above) has clearly gone down the rabbit hole, as Hemachudha appears to have done lately, with his Thai language articles and posts attacking COVID vaccines often citing widely discredited and debunked anti-vax reports from the U.S. as his sources. How much credibility should Hemachudha be given on this topic when he's relying on a documented misinformation purveyor as his source, and ignoring the numerous fact check reports and the opinions of multiple experts in the field both posted above that say embalmer Hirschman's claims relating to COVID vaccines are not credible?
  25. "Alternate views on the vaccine" translating into discredited, unsupported and flawed or misleading claims put forth mostly by a variety of figures with extensive histories of misinformation, and typically not individuals who had/have any direct professional experience with infectious diseases and COVID vaccines. That's a more accurate description than your use of the term "alternate," unless you mean folks operating in their own "alternate reality" apart from actual medicine and science.
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