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Posts posted by CCCP

  1. I watched an episode of Mythbusters about this recently. They took just about every commercially available product that claims to increase fuel efficiency, and tested them in different scenarios.

    The result, as expected, was not one of these 'holy grails' worked, and some of them actually decreased the fuel efficiency!

    They also did the vegetable oil thing and it worked a treat. I always thought it had to be processed first. Not too sure on the long term effects for your engine though, think about those sticky deposits you get around the edges of a frier.

    The original diesel engine was infact designed to run on veg oil. The governments didn't like that idea.

    In the UK i used a system that heated the oil up first to thin it down, after filtering it with an old pair of jeans first. Diesel was used just to start my Mitsubishi Animal.

  2. A water system. My uncle in the US uses this and said it is fantastic. Simple to install he said too.

    If these things really work, why do absolutely ZERO cars come with them as standard (or at least an option)?

    No argument with the used chip oil in the diesel, well proven and demonstrated, need to be careful in the UK as it tends to gel in the tank at low temperatures. Home made bio-diesel is perfectly legal in the UK provided you pay the small amount of duty required (it's because methanol is used to make bio-diesel).

    Tax an politics sir. How would the allies fund their illegal wars etc without the support of the sheep paying their taxes

  3. These scams have been around for all of my 60+ years and I suspect long after. If something like this actually worked do you really believe it would be sold by a no name shophouse in Georgetown, Malaysia?

    But if you have enough faith anything can work. :o

    Used vegetable oil worked a treat on my Mits Pickup in the UK. The government doesn't want the masses to know that, and those that do and uses it will get their hands slapped unless they inform them.

  4. It's interesting that they give dyno results (no evidence of variability on the dyno), and only 1-2 HP won't be detectable by your butt. There are no other actual statistics for all the other claims (30% inprovement in FC certainly warrants us evidence). I think I'll give it a miss - driving easier and finding quicker ways home will improve FC more!

    A water system. My uncle in the US uses this and said it is fantastic. Simple to install he said too.


  5. I have just purchased 2 classic cars from my GF's uncle who has a garage. An Austin 1300 and a 1965 Fiat 1500. My GF informs me there is no insurance available for classic cars. Is this true? The cars need totaly rebuilding so there of little value anyway, and this is just purely for my own personal interest.

    In the garage also is a Ford Zephyr Zodiac and a Austin A40.

  6. I've often wondered why there are so many Brits in Thailand. I'm talking young Brits in their late 20s, early 30s, who should be pursuing careers in England. Instead, they are here working shit teaching jobs just so they can stay. What happens when they're 65 and have nothing? I have an excuse - I'm retired, got a pension and a ton of bucks in the bank. I'm here to chill. Is it realy that bad in England? Must be a miserable little island....

    Yes it really is that bad in England ...

    Yes it's really that bad, however my GF earns the money not me.

  7. This is nothing more than a global government cover.

    Make everyone fear the over exaggerated problems, oil, fuel, climate. Make the world pay the taxes to fund the 500 for further dumbing down of the people.

    I agree there are prolems with the climate, but we the consumer contribute to about 3-5% of it. The rest is natural and has been for centuries.

    BTW. Your internet usage will be taxed by 2012 and very limited. Guess these crooks don't want us to know what we know.

  8. I am asking this on behalf on my Thai friend who has a 10% share in a business. His 3 cousins between them own 80%, with the other 10% to a employee.

    For whatever reason the cousins have been pushing him out, despite the fact the he was the one who created the business and has made it grow to something quite succesful. The cousins were there just for the investment.

    Pressuming everything was done legally which he informed me was, where does he stand with regards to the 10% share. His input wasn't cash, but the knowledge of the business and running it. It seems now that the business has taken off, they want him out.

    Because of the family ties he's ins't sure what to do. I said he shouldn't let them walk all over him but he is not sure if he should chase it up.

    Should he get a lawyer involved?

    Funny how things turn out.

    My friend left and was offered a job elsewhere. In the meantime the majority of his old clients have contacted him as they want to do business with him directly, and not with his old company. Apparently some of the clients are rufusing to pay because the service has also dropped.

    It appears the cousins thought they could do the job themselves. Obviously the relationship between the families now is none excistent.

    At least his hard work is paying off, or starting too.

    This kind of family ties is always very difficult. In fact he has not a very strong case if the 'paperwork' wasn't properly organized in terms of voting rights.

    They have complete control of the shares and there's not much he can do. Maybe a lawyer will tell your friend he can do something but in fact he will only send bills...

    The problem he created himself in the first place (understandable though) was that he had a very good idea, did the sales but wasn't able to come up with the money in the start up and sold his 'soul'....his 'baby' if you wish, too cheap to his cousins who probably saw the opportunities and offered him a lousy 10%.

    Sharks.... :o and not real nice family members.

    Advice ?

    Since the idea is/was very good...start all over but in a different way; better protected.

    Normally, if a business idea is very good, the 'inventor'/entrepreneur asks/offer money/shares with venture capitalists (or family/friends); it depends on many factors but a share, varying from 10>>>40 or more % is common for capital investors, leaving the majority of the shares to the inventor/entrepreneur, not the way around like with your friend.

    After all the inventor/entrepreneur has to do all the work and it depends on the initial agreements if he gets/got a salary or not.

    Also, venture capitalists WANT the entrepreneur to stay because without him they will certainly lose all their money, meaning that the capitalists KNOW they need the man for future success.

    In this case the cousins probably knew about his venture and saw success coming before he did himself...

    They got him by the balls.... :D

    Good luck to him.

    PS: how much money are we talking about ?


  9. Hello.

    For some reason when i check a thread, i only see the first post. Below is a list of replies which i have to select individually. How do I set it so that i can scroll all replies.


  10. There is no reason for them to refuse you entry if you are from a country authorized 30 day visa exempt entry. But visa exempt entry does not allow work so do not believe having work documents will be of any advantage. If you have the correct documents you could obtain a new non immigrant B visa. Vientiane has recently been reported to have issued such a visa without work permit application receipt so that might be a good place to try if you have the other paperwork.

    Thanks for the info, much appreciated

  11. Hi

    My employer is in the process of arranging my work permit and B visa, in the meantime my multi non O is due to expire next Saturday so i plan to go and get a 3 month extension in the meantime. How much is the cost roughly for this.


    Is there a possibility that they could refuse me entry. Is it worth taking my employment contract with me.

  12. Does your most recent permitted to stay until stamp have the same date? If is very unusual that both would be the same so am not sure we are on the same page yet as you have not answered that question.

    Ok. My Non O 1 years multi has to be utilized by the. 14th of June, my entry stamp is valied until the 17th. Does this mean when i go to Cambodia on Saturday will get another 3 months. I'm not sure of the situation.

  13. Am still not sure you know what you have as visa would have nothing to do with overstay.

    The multi entry visa you obtain from Consulate has an expiration date of what?

    The immigration 90 day stamp you obtained on your last entry has what permitted to stay until date?

    Want to be very sure we do not have any misunderstanding.

    My Multi non expires on the 14th, but unfortunately i cannot get to Cambodia until the 14th. I'm pressuming in that case i will be fined 1 days overstay, and will only recieve a months stamp, and will have to return the following month providing i haven't sorted the non B out in the meantime.

    I'm still waiting for my permit and Non B which was supposed to be dealt with by my employer..\

  14. As I said in post 2 you can not extend 3 months - but you can exit the country and return for a new 3 month entry if you do so before the visa expires. I also provided you sample costs.

    Now if you have an expired visa (use by date passed) and you only mean your last permitted to stay ends on the 14th you will have to leave and obtain a tourist visa or visa exempt entry; or if you actually have company paperwork try Vientiane for a single entry non immigrant B visa as Briggsy suggests.

    Ok thanksf for the info. My visa expires on the 14th and that is the only day i can go. As long as i get another months stay that should fine until my employer sorts the B out.

    Just out of curiousity. It expires on the 14th, so pressuming I sort it on the day that doesn't count as over stay does it.

    I know i should have sorted this beforehand but my employer is a going to do type.

  15. Maybe i haven't made myself clear or i don't fully understand. My 1 years non O visa is going to expire on the 14th. Not the 3 month run but the whole visa period itself is due to expire. I need to stay a little longer until my non B is dealt with. As my visa ends on the 14th do i get an extension, or do i apply for a new tourist in the meantime.?

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