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Posts posted by CCCP

  1. A friend of mine currently has a 30 day extension on his Non O which has expired. He wants to stay a little longer if possible and was wondering if he could apply for a tourist visa, and if so would this be his best option for temporary stay. He is going back to the UK soon so he can apply for another Non O there.

    If he applies for the tourist visa is this done at the Immigration office in Bangkok or at a border. He normally goes to Cambodia when a visa run is required.


  2. I can't belive people still believe the oil is running out. The head of BP has said oil is reproducing faster than it is being used, and that the problems are above ground with politics not below the ground. And as for Dubai, the oil prince has made a similar statement saying he can supply so many million barrels a day, and the issues are purely wester politics. There are so many scientist quoting the same thing, yes most choose to believe government back scientist and the most currupt people on the planet, the government.

  3. Im surprised he knew Thailand was actually a county. Im impressed

    Funny how so many people all over the world have an opinion of the president of my country.

    I had a conversation with a man from Sweden some time ago, in some bar in Suk Soi 4. It went something like this:

    Swedish guy: "Oh, you are from America?"

    Me: "Yes I am"

    Swedish guy: "That George Bush, he should not be president, blah blah blah blah blah..."

    Me: "Thanks for your opinion, but it really means nothing because you cannot vote for or against him anyway...same as I have no say in choosing the leader of your country."

    (continuing)"I will be honest with you, George Bush would not have been my first choice either. But he was the lesser of two evils, in my opinion."

    (continuing)"I do find it interesting that you know who the leader of my country is, and have such a strong opinion about him. At the same time, I do not know and do not give a shit who the leader of your country is."

    That was the end of the political conversation...we went on to other topics and had a very nice chat over a few beers.

    Maybe you should ask yourself why so many people world wide do have an interest in G.W.Bush. At the same time maybe you should also ask why most people in the US can't see beyond their own 4 walls.

  4. Can anyone recommend a language school near the areas mentioned, and rough prices I would need to fit it in with my work so weekends would suit me best.

    I've looked at the one advertised on TV but want to consider other alternatives first before making a decision.

    Many Thanks

  5. I had a Philips G7000 in the 80's. They keyboard was flat, and you needed a cartridge for it to work. Back then the games still cost around 25-40 UK pounds, the best game being pick axe pete.

    After that I upgraded to a Toshiba MX. At the time was better than the sinclair but it never took off. The Philips was a dissaster.


  6. I'm my apartment i don't pay for the internet monthly as i have the faciltiy at work. However 4 weeks ago I purchased a 300 bht 10hr/15 day token from the reception, Inside the concealed slip is a user name and password. Four weeks on and 290hrs later my internet is still working using the same password and username, and now i'm thinking maybe i will be charged.

    Baring in mind reception didn't take a room number, and assuming it should auto expire after the agreed usage, is there anyway they can track what i have used. Should i expect a wopping bill when i leave, or do count myself lucky and continue using and accepting a freebie.

    Anyone had a similar issue?

  7. Of course there is always 2 sides to every story. As we can only hear 1 side then any advice given here can only be based on that side.

    Just to add to your point. I did find out sometime later that the woman i was helping was unfaithful to her husband. She also claimed he was a bad man but never claimed she had been abused. I regretted helping this woman after i found out what she was like, but that's my story and not the OP's

  8. The best thing is for her to get legal advice, she will be entitled to legal aid unless stated in her visa. If she has been beaten it does have to be documented as some have said. One thing i will say is during the time i was helping a lady with similar issue, i did contact a law firm that advertises here, and their advice was very different to the various solicitors I received advice from, with the exception of the documented evidence of domestic violence.

    I contacted womens rights in the UK who were quite helpful and pointed me in the right direction of a very good solicitor that had already dealt with a similar case.

    It took me 3 months to get the right help as there were so many solicitor that said she could not stay in the UK, although entitled to a portion of her husbands estate, likewise many solicitor did say she had a good chance.

    My advice would be to contact woman rights in the UK first. They are very difficult to get through to but the advice is pretty good.

  9. I haven't been able to contact the lawyer i'm using today but i will get more info asap. I will point out that this service was recommended by my GF's friend who is in management at the Thai immigration office. One thing i am a little confused over is the comments about leaving the country. I was under the impression that provided you had all the correct documents, you could apply for a B visa at the local immigration office here in Thailand, although more difficult.

    My GF is pretty switched on with legal matters and she assured me that everything was above board. Like i said i will find more info and post later.

  10. I have found law firm that specialised in visa's and permits that gaurantees, I recieved my type B within 4 days without leaving the country. This is the first time i have applied for a B type having had a non 'O' for the last 2 years. It's all above board and not under the table stuff.

    I'm not sure what the cost differences of travelling out of the country Vs this law firm is, however it cost me 20k in total, but was totally stressles.

    They also guarantee a permit for those who are teaching, but don't have enough details to acquire one, degree etc. Providing you have details from your employer (and a TEFL if you intend to teach) they can obtain a letter from the ministry of education to acquire a permit.

    Not sure if this is helpful to anyone but if you need the contact info then please PM me.

    That visa renewal technique may be less sterssful, but doesn't it involve sending your passport out of the country without you, and is therefore illegal? There were signs up on the Nong Khai immigration posts recently warning against doing this, and threatening those who are caught with legal action.

    Have the rules changed?

    I will check with the lawyer i'm using, and post later.

  11. This situation is very similar indeed, with the exception of a child. A Thai lady friend of mine married a UK man in Thailand, she was pregnant and had the child in Thailand without the pressence of her husband stayed in the UK. Four months later he brought her over to the UK, and just like your friends, 18 months later the relationship broke down. She overstayed in the UK for 3 months while trying to get help, she had no success. He refused to support her, and his child and subsequently she returned to Thailand with no money or help for their son.

    Without going into all the details, I was told by a lawyer in the UK that it would be very difficult for her to return there, even though she had a son, as he was born in Thailand, they didn't register their marrage or there son in the UK. I was told however that even though thier marrage had broken down, and that it took place in Thailand, she is still legally entitled to half of his estate. The catch unfortunately was that she wasn't entitled to any form of free legal help, and had to pay for a lawyer in the UK to represent her, she didn't have the money to persue it.

    From what i understand, because your friend's marrage is recognised in the UK, she would be entiteld to free legal help if she can't afford it, and likewise she is entiteld to a proption of whatever estate he has. If she can also claim that she will be destitute should she have to return to Thailand, then their is a possibility she maybe be able to apply for PR, baring in mind she has been there for 18 months.

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