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Posts posted by CCCP

  1. I'm in the process of buying a bike (Nouvo) but i'm not sure about the licence requirements. I only have my EU licence so do I legaly need to apply for thai licence. I know many people or riding without but i'd rather do it properly.


  2. Long story - cut short (the following is a true/live situation).

    Guy goes to LOS.

    Meets and falls in love with Thai girl.

    They marry (properly - marriage recognised by UK).

    It takes him 6 months (or thereabouts to get her over to UK).

    2 years after the marriage and 18 months after her arrival in UK the marriage has broken down.

    Will she now get kicked out of UK, as he is telling her?

    I dealt with a similar situation for a friend last year. Does the Thai lady have any children?

  3. If I were you, my first immediate concern would be the "rent", and this is what I would do…..

    Get a roommate ASAP

    - just advertise it on campus or campus's newspaper - some students will do it even for 1 or 2 semester

    -Put all his stuffs in a storage - does your apartment/ or nearby have the storage for rent?

    This will take care the financial side

    Emotional/relationship problems

    Think later



    Tell him to give you the advance warning before he plans to return - at the minimum of 30-60 days ahead, so you can pass it along to the roommate.

    Mhhmm yeah I've been looking around, and I currently have two girls subletting the place for the summer who may be interested in another semester if I catch them before they find somewhere else. Problem is, our apartment is a studio... not many people willing to be roomates when there are no walls separating the room.(The girls there now are sisters, so obviously they don't care). I may have to go back to residence or something.

    He only sprung this crap on me yesterday...

    Maybe a sign of things to come. You seem pretty resposible yourself, and maybe he's relied on you to much.

  4. I have found law firm that specialised in visa's and permits that gaurantees, I recieved my type B within 4 days without leaving the country. This is the first time i have applied for a B type having had a non 'O' for the last 2 years. It's all above board and not under the table stuff.

    I'm not sure what the cost differences of travelling out of the country Vs this law firm is, however it cost me 20k in total, but was totally stressles.

    They also guarantee a permit for those who are teaching, but don't have enough details to acquire one, degree etc. Providing you have details from your employer (and a TEFL if you intend to teach) they can obtain a letter from the ministry of education to acquire a permit.

    Not sure if this is helpful to anyone but if you need the contact info then please PM me.

  5. I agree entirely - UK Expats Be Very Careful - VERY CAREFUL INDEED!

    Careful not to burn your bridges because if/when you are no longer able to stay in Thailand the truth of just how good life in the UK really is will become apparent to you.

    More than a few sneak back home (Broke/Ill or simply wrecked) with none of the fanfare they arrived with, to the security, welfare and health care that the UK gives them as a right.

    Well said GH to which I'd add:

    How many of the UK expats are here on the back of qualifications gained back in the UK?

    How many of the UK expats are here on the back of earnings/pensions/inheritances from the UK?

    Yes the UK is not the place it was but we have to consider the alternatives if/when it all goes pear shaped. With no money just how welcome are you going to be in Thailand? Thailand is a great country with lots going for it provided you have the wherewithall to pay for it. There's more than a ring of truth to the old "No money - No honey" cliche. Thailand is also a great place provided you are relatively mobile and healthy but then it does provided a jumping off place for those for whom life has become too much hassle

    btw #1 I'm always very wary of putting too much by these surveys and the like. For a start they compare the climate in the UK with Europe. The UK is a maritime climate meaning it is wet and relatively warm. Much of Europe is a continental climate meaning it is drier, colder in winter and warmer in summer but with far greater extremes. It's a bit like including the climate when comparing quality of life in Iceland with Trinidad. There's not much anyone can do about the climate of their home country, it's a geographical phenomenon. But there's an anomaly there, anyone noticed how wimpy the Asians are about exposure to the sun? Hel_l this is their ancestral home and they can't stand the heat.

    They also compare the prices of commodities in UK with Europe already having admitted the Brits earn considerably more than the Euros. Dumb or dumber?

    btw#2 I'm a little surprised at the low percentage point differences for fuels but it shows up in power prices. A large proportion of the UK's utilities are now owned by the French and other European and world nations. Who is subsidising who I wonder.

    btw #3 Okay if we are going to compare stabbings and violent crime lets see the crime stats for Thailand, not just crime on expats but total crime locals and expats combined. Lets also look at the chance of dying in a road traffic accident.

    The United Kingdom has a very good record for road safety compared with most other EU countries. :o

    In 2004 it had one of the lowest road death rates in the EU, at 5.6 per 100,000 population.

    The UK rate was also lower than the rates for other industrialised nations such as Japan (6.96 per 100,000 population), and substantially lower than that of Australia (8.15) and the United States (14.66). :D

    and contrary to wot every one thinks.... :D

    Recorded crime figures in UK show fall ....still far too many but......

    There were 5m recorded crimes last year

    Police-recorded crime in England and Wales fell 9% in the 12 months to March, latest figures suggest.

    The first reliable figures for knife crime showed there were 22,000 offences last year.

    The statistics also show that while the risk of being a victim is at its lowest ever level, people still think that the rate is going up.

    Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said she was "extremely pleased" with the overall reduction.

    The annual crime report for 2007-2008 reveals the longest recorded period of falling crime - down 48% from 1995.

    It shows there were five million recorded crimes. All the main categories were down, including violent crime and sex offences, but drug offences were up 18%, gun crime was up 2% and murder was up 3%. :D

    Reacorded crimes yes. There's also many unrecordered. This is know as 'The Dark Figure Of Crime'

  6. There is a Teaching position available at a school in satupradit (Sathorn Area) opposite Central Rama III.

    I'm not an agent just passing info on and trying to do the school a favour. The contract will be through an agency.

    If your interested or know anyone who might be could you PM me and I will pass the details on. A degree is not necessary, TEFL is and experience in other fields

    The position will start end of the month.

    3 x KG lessons per week, the rest is with P1 - P4.

    Many Thanks

  7. Finally, a voice of reason about this incredible invasion of privacy of traveling American citizens.

    This is Thai related because there is anecdotal evidence that Americans returning from Thailand are among the most targeted travelers for these laptop (and camera memory card) invasive WITHOUT CAUSE searches. In my view, such extreme invasions of privacy are the kind of thing done by TOTALITARIAN regimes of the left and right (Stalinist Russia, Hitler's Germany, today's Burma and North Korea).

    The government has the right to take reasonable steps to control what comes into the country, but the laptop-search program's invasions of privacy go far beyond what is reasonable.


    Bang goes your 4th ammendment. Thanks to the FISA, and Obama's betrayal. Good look guys because things are going to get much worse in the US regarding your privacy, or lack of should I say.

  8. I think Bournemouth and Rotherham face similar charges of not exiting administration in the correct manner.

    Potentially they could be deducted up to 20 points as well so could be good news for the likes of Chester who are expected to struggle in League 2 this season.

    Rotherham United have got a few problems, but their main issue is with the Booth's stealworks company who they lease the ground off.

  9. This forum is getting boring. This past 2 weeks has seen the worst assemblage of postings I've seen in the 5 years or so I've been looking in. Maybe TV should consider shutting down for a week or two (save for Visa Forum) and see if anybody has anything new to talk about.

    Then why not create some topic of interest to you that we can all share. I'm sure it will be very interesting.

  10. Considering the reams of paper required for a non-b I would humbly suggest going for another non-o.

    Save a few trees :o

    Have you considered extending on the grounds of marriage (now would be the right time to go for it). I assume that (like myself) most of your consultancy income is paid offshore, you could use this offshore income to obtain a 12 month extension. A big plus of this type of extension is that it's not linked to a work permit so should the job go belly up you don't lose your right to remain in Thailand.

    Funny you should mention marriage as my GF asked recently. In the meantime i may as well opt for the Non O as the plan is to marry soon.

    Thanks for the info anyway.

  11. A couple of weeks ago i posted a thread about my visa expiring along with my entry stamp. I made a b*lls up and misread my stamp by a month, I actually thought it expired on the 14th of June when in fact it expires on the 17th of July. Like the idiot I am I realised this after driving half way to Cambodia. It was a fun day out though.

    Anyway my situation as it stands is this. My multi Non O visa expired on the 14 of June, but my stamp expires on the 17th July. I am going to obtain a new visa this week, then run to Cambodia to re-enter hopefully. Is it reasonable straight forward to obtain a B visa? and is this of any benefit to me? or should i obtain a new mutli Non O. This would be my third Multi Non O incidentally, however this would be the first time at obtaining a work permit. (which incidentally i don't have right now despite working)

    I am employed as a consultant for an Engineering Company who has drafted a letter confirming my employment and role. Would this along with a doctors report be enough to obtain the visa. Do i need to prove income, although surely this would be a catch 22 situation for me as I don't have the permit as yet. If a non B visa isn't of any benefit, should i just opt for another Non O.

    And finally, which ever i try to obtain, should I deal with this here at the immigration in BKK, or do the stamp and the visa at cambodia.

    Many Thanks

  12. I think the original poster is WAY out of line with this.

    1: No harm or ill will was intended on the part of the person making the comment. Not having intimate knowledge of all medical conditions is not a crime. If anything, she/he spoke out because of care and concern about your daughter. The world needs more people showing care and concern.

    2: Instead of educating the person about your daughters condition, you choose to whine about it on an internet forum. That is not very productive.

    3: The topic title is very offensive.

    Honestly it all says a lot more about the original poster than about the incident, or indeed the person making the comment.

    1: This persons actions, whether intentional or not, upset my wife a great deal and I am within my rights to put a stop to it if possible. If she was that concerned about my daughter then why does she not offer help or find out more. And how does accusing my wife and I of neglect help anything.

    2: This whole thread is about me looking for advice on how to deal with this, which could prove to be productive depending on the advice that I am given.

    3: Thank you for claryfing the offensiveness of the title, as that was my intention.

    (Mods, please feel free to edit the title if I have over-stepped the mark), however I stick by it because I mean it.

    Haven't read all the post but why don't you just politely thank her for her concern, but at the same point pointing out the condition your daughter has. You might find the person in question is quite reasonable. At the same time if she is still abuse and critises you of the situation then rip her tonsils out.

  13. As one of the previous posters mentioned, 'spot reduction' is a total myth. The promotion of the the spot reduction myth is many times used to sell a specific piece of exercise equipment or product under false pretenses. The scientific fact is that fat is lost throughout the body in a pattern dependent upon genetics, sex (hormones), and age. In other words, genetics pretty much tells your body where to store excess body fat which in the case of many men is in their abdominal area and in the case of many women it more often tends to be the hip area. Scientific studes have shown that overall body fat must be reduced to lose fat in any particular area since fat is lost in a specific indvidual pattern based on one's personal genetics. Although you can increase the size and strength of the muscles in the abdomen through exercise, there are only two ways that will allow you to lose fat in the abdominal area. One way is through diet and exercise that will decrease your total body fat and increase your lean muscle mass. The other way is through surgical procedure of liposuction. Quite a few bodybuilders also resort to liposuction to solve the genetic problem of a tendency toward abdominal fat.

    Make sure you drink ice cold water. Your body has to work naturally to bring it up to temperature, this actually burns fat. If you eat rice and bread, make sure you do so before 3-4pm, or at least try not to eat it to late. If you can i would cut bread all together. I was 107kg April, i'm now 89kg. I walk wherever i can and excercise 2-5 times a week also. I know breakfast is an important meal, but i personally don't have it everyday.

  14. Good lord! why is it that some of you guys get off with nit picking other peoples posts all the time.

    Anyway I love animals and i can't stand to see any creature abused. WWF is a big con for those who think they are doing good. Research who is the creature, and what other things they are behind.

    I'm going back to researching the deliberate descruction of 9-11 to raise a false flag on terrorism, and why the US is so keen to form the Trilateral Union, and why the EU is going to go ahead with the Lisbon treaty despite Irelands no vote. I need to know why these power people are so keen to destroy their own national sovereignty.

    Goodbye to USA, Canada and the UK.

    I guess most people don't even know that.

    Now where did i put my tinfoil hat!

    BTW. I personally have visited the Tiger Temple and my decision was influenced by a BBC documentary prior. My ex Thai GF did have reservations at the time saying it was a money making scam (which was odd coming from her) however i personally saw nothing bad at the time, but it did leave me wondering how genuine it was. Doesn't the main monk their now drive a top Merc?

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