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Posts posted by CCCP

  1. Silentbob.

    Sent you a PM, you'll find the needles comments here an everyday occurance, unless your posting on a 'post your favourite pics' or 'guess the place' post.

    Anyway I used to mix on 1210's using vestex mixers with an Ortofon cartridge and Grado cans, didn't really like the Sure's. I was thinking of buying some CDJ's just for fun at home but i have no intention of mixing in a club.

    My GF has contacts with various clubs from time to time so i'll let you know if there is anything that might be of interest to you.

  2. Personally having lost a father, you ought to go home and see him if he is in a bad way. You will always regret it if you don't, but feel much better with yourself now and in the future if you do.

    I look after my father with my mother at home while dieing with cancer, and there are still things now i wish i did 18 years on. So go.

  3. OK - for all hotel/guesthouse owners, I have a solution :o Although I'm the boss of a hotel in Phuket, my previous life was as a software/telecoms consultant.

    I have written a FREE application that will automatically log all website visits and store them with a date/time-stamp. This application is suitable for hotels because it does not require the user to enter their name/ID card number.

    I am also just completing a similar solution for internet cafes which will log the user's name/id card number (or whatever details they enter - remember that no validation is done on this data!). This will also be a free application!

    My solution works with Windows computers running Internet Explorer or Mozilla/Firefox browsers.

    Just PM me if you want the link to download this application.



    No thanks!

    This just shows the state of affiars when governments are expecting neighbours to spy on neighbours, as it now is in the UK. I'm all for catching and hanging child porners by their nuts, but there is enough internet bobbies out there to do the job they are paid for.

  4. From what i can gather so far there seems to be no live coverage of the olympics

    in english I assume one of the local Thai channels will have live coverage but i

    somehow expected True with all its sport channels to be covering the events in english

    but the lack of mention of the Olympics in the current months magazine leads me to

    believe that once again true visions is out to prove what an inept useless company

    it is with absolutely no concern for its subscibers

    If anybody knows different i would be interested to hear if there is going to be live

    coverage in english anywhere on Thai tv

    Who cares, I'm not watching in protest to China and their policies .

    China's policies? What about western policies world wide.

    As for the non English broadcast that doesn't bother me personally. I'm so far satisfied with NBT's coverage of decent sports like Tennis, Basket ball and volleyball. I haven't seen much of that boring running round a track 50,000 times stuff that the UK insists on broadcasting. Each to their own i suppose.

  5. This is just the start. The UK has already banned a number of alternative media sites. Get ready for your privacy to dissapear. A so called conspiricy theorist warned that this will happen and be the start of bigger things to come. Of course there will be those who believe this is for the protection against terrosrism.

    The 4th ammendment in the US has gone belly up, and likewise in the UK too. I geuss we just gotta get used to it.

  6. I bought a new canon 1800, and likewise the thing ran out very quick. I since bought ink and syidge and filled myslef. It still shows empty but they print as normal. Lasted much longer since i filled myself too.

    Ink with syridge was 130bht, fills about 10-12 times.

  7. You farang ,you have money, no problem!,. :oimagine this in any western country ,..however it isnt so cough up and realise this is normal for thailand,.

    If it were a western country they would have had you sign a release form holding them not responsible for any damage. Then you would pay the equivalent of 4,130 baht for a new certificate, but they wouldn't issue it to you until you took the state mandated course on good parenting and were fingerprinted.

    Now that is true in the UK especially. Get ready to be vetted wanna be parents.

  8. And a very bad idea. A Consulate issued Thai visa is not valid if you are in Thailand at the time issued. So they have to move passport across borders falsely obtaining stamps. In the age of terrorist activity that means wanted number one could be using your passport for travel. I would not like to explain that. If all ran well you would have a visa that could be challenged on any entry by a sharp officer (and computers are making most very sharp these days). Don't ever use an agency unless you travel with your passport out of Thailand.

    If your refering to my post, the agency was recommended by the Thai immigration department.

    The applicant would have to leave the country with documents provided by the agency to obtain the visa.

    The agency simply provides the applicant with all the correct paper work to gaurantee a visa.

  9. Rotweillers seem to have a bad reputation here, Thais are terrified of them. Even their owners seem to have a fear, I've seen many left in cages or tied up frustrated while other dogs play. I wonder if this fear discourages the owners from socializing their dogs?

    We have a dog that looked like a Rot when it was a pup. Wanting to be responsible, I read all about the breed. There were some really good suggestions such as not letting them destroy soft toys, rubbing their stomach while they lay on you lap.

    They have a bad reputation everywhere. A few years ago in the UK large dogs had to be mussled because of attacks mainly by Rot's. I don't have a dog here but in the UK I had them for 20 years of my life, and although this is a very sad story, i would never have a dog like this around a small child, and 2 is leathel as there will always be compotion between them. And from what i understand, Rot's in particular respond to changes in shape, so children are more at risk as crawl all over the place. I had an German Shepard that used to growl at my Neice who was 3 years old at the time. My dog was seperated while visited from by my sister and her kids.

    If people don't understand the nature of dogs, they shouldn't own them.

    In my opinion the parents made a bad choice in dogs, and or keeping them after the child. Very sad though.

  10. Normally timeshare touts say that, "Do you speak english?" - first thing out of their annoying gobs. :o

    I haven't heard the term 'gobs' for ages. Reminds me of my Yorkshire days, knocking on doors and running off. Those were the days.

  11. I'm generally very curious and concerend as most people are pre occupied with the Olympics, and that's just the way the media wants it right now.

    For those that don't know Russia is at war with US and NATO backed Georgia. Georgian military attacked 10 peace keeping Russian soldiers and all hel_l has broken loose since. US and NATO's interest in Georgio is purely the the gas and oil pipe links, and Russia is uncomfortable with the missile radars placed around it's boarder via Czech and Poland, and the joining of NATO by Georgia for the protection of the west, a bought government basically. The Georgian people have made it clear they don't like their present corrupt government, and they have also made it clear they don't want to be a pupet nation of the US. In the meantime the poo has hit the fan and US and NATO are warning Russia to step down. There is speculation that bigger things are to come from this, and at present NATO is on it's way to Georgia while we are all tranced by the Olympics, at the same time a massive fleet is on its way to the Pursia Gulf, which in itself is a war crime.

    Presently Russia has sent it's fleet to block any possible supplies coming from the west, and has warned without hesitation it will use all it force, including the use of nucleur weapons.

    Are people actually really aware of whats going on because i think this is going global one way or the other.

    Russia has been warning for the last few years that if the west continues to interfear in its economic welfare one way or the other, the will use force. Russia is not Iran or Iraq, they are one hel_l of a powerful country both miltary and economically, so got help us if the real turn does hit the fan.

    Admins delete if you must, but i personally feel that I, we will be effected here in Thailand within the near future.

  12. And while all you people are engrosed in the Olympics, you wont realise a war has just started on the same did, by coincidence of course. Russia and Georgia, Georgia who are backed by the US and have just killed 15 peace Russians which has now esculated into an attack by Russia, and has the possibility of spreading globaly baring in mind the tension with Isreal. Of course the US and Isreal have no interest in Russia, they just want to protect the gas and oil pipe lines that run through it.

    Sorry I just couldn't help myself. If I wake one person up before this is deleted, then i've done my duty.

  13. If you are confident you have connected everyhting correctly. Check your DVD audio settings. It may be set to optical output or similar for dolby digital. Make sure you set to stereo or LC RC. This should be found in audio settings.

  14. Driving back from my friends I noticed an Ant on the windscreen, and as I am a lover of all creatures I thought I would let it be rather than splat it with the wipers. It was a large Ant about 10mm long, the type that give a nasy bite. Anyway I was driving at 80kph and noticed the Ant was hanging on with no problems and that gave me the idea for the experiment I did as named in my title. I gradually increased speed to see how long the little bugger could hang on for, I reached 90kph and still the Ant was there, it spread its legs a little to get extra grip but still no problems. I reached 100 with the same results, however at this point the Ant's body bent over its head but it was still there, my GF was convinced it was dead. I reached a maximum speed of 120kph before I bottled it as the road surfice was starting to very bad, however the Ant was still hanging on. At this point i was also starting to think it was dead, however when we reached the traffic lights it did a 360 degree turn and stayed put. We drove for about another 10 mins at a steady speed until we reached another set of lights, at these lights the Ant walked off over the screen and I never saw it again.

    Has anyone conducted similar Ant strength test?

  15. A friend of mine currently has a 30 day extension on his Non O which has expired. He wants to stay a little longer if possible and was wondering if he could apply for a tourist visa, and if so would this be his best option for temporary stay. He is going back to the UK soon so he can apply for another Non O there.

    If he applies for the tourist visa is this done at the Immigration office in Bangkok or at a border. He normally goes to Cambodia when a visa run is required.


    Not sure what he he has now as you cannot get a 30 day extension on a Non O Visa.

    Anyway he can do a border run and get a 30 day exempt OR go to a Thai Embassy/Consulate in a neighboring country and get a Tourist Visa.

    I knew someone would mention that. I can confirm that he has a 30 day extention as i went to Cambodia with him. The officer at the desk noticed his Non O visa had expired, but his stamp hadn't, she gave him a 30 day stamp. Regardless of that my question was about obtaining a tourist visa.

  16. I'm sure there will be people on here telling you there is 2 sides to every story. My advice would be to document what has happened including any damages done to your property, if this was you doing it and she reported it to the police it would be classed as domestic voilence. Be careful she doesn't get advice to turn it around on you. I am only saying this because i helped a Thai lady in the UK who told me she was in a violent relationship, and after months of helping her, she was the one who was a nasty piece of work.

    If you think there is no way of mediation between you and your wife, then think about what is best for you. I do think that people these days do give up very easily on relationship though.

    It also sounds to me like she is a very insecure person, and her insecurities turn to anger rather than maybe asking you to hold her.

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