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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. There's the problem. Does anyone think that the government actually cares about the less well-off?
  2. About 200 years ago this kind of thing used to happen in the Wild West of the USA. On a more serious note, it's a warning that we should never argue with a shopkeeper in Thailand because he might be tooled up. What a great country the Land of Smiles is.
  3. No-one actually cares what Thailand thinks. It makes no difference to anyone, anywhere.
  4. Please enlighten us. What is actually going on? Most of us see one country trying to take over another and killing and bombing innocent citizens going about their life. You, it seems, have a better insight. Or think you do.
  5. Pandora's box was opened long ago and it is impossible to close it now. The guns are there and no amount of 'amnesty' or new laws or 'crackdowns' can change that. The guns are out there, and border 'controls' are a joke. And, as the article says, media in the form of tv dramas plays a major part in the public perception of there being a need for guns. In fact, every Thai drama should be taken off the air for showing violence of all kinds being a normal way to resolve disputes, with a gun or not. Let them show the results of the Me First, brain-dead driving instead. There are countries that have curbed the ownership and use of guns after massacres have occurred, but in those countries people have a sense of responsibility and respect for the law, neither of which exist in Thailand for numerous reasons (poor education, a useless police force, corruption in every aspect of Thai society etc). So nothing in Thailand will change. It never does.
  6. I don't use the app but the same thing happened to me on my laptop. Wouldn't accept my login details, so I just set up another account using a 'spare' address.
  7. Absolutely. I've spent quite a bit of time in the Finnish Arctic, both in mid-summer and mid-winter. Played tennis at midnight, in fact.
  8. Killing him is too quick. He should have his knees broken and then blinded. Let him suffer for the rest of his life, like the family of his victim.
  9. AM so yes it is morning 00.01am untill 12.01pm then it is after-noon.???? well thats what I remember from grade one at infant school. If it's midnight and dark I'll always consider it night, not morning. The clue is in the word - midnight (middle of the night). No big deal.
  10. If it's midnight and dark I'll always consider it night, not morning. The clue is in the word - midnight (middle of the night). No big deal.
  11. I've had that a few times, which as far as I'm concerned is misrepresentation. I've also been told the money will be there in 2-3 days and it's shown up instantly. There are things in the world we are not meant to understand - more and more as the world goes digital.
  12. Being a weather forecaster is the perfect job. If you're wrong no-one is surprised and it's considered normal so you don't get fired. It's a bit like being a policeman in Thailand. No-one expects you to perform your duty and if you don't you don't get fired.
  13. I'm in Kalasin Province where there has been steady and moderate rain all night which is expected to continue for most of the day. As a Brit it makes me feel quite at home. I've even had to put a shirt on as it's decidedly chilly for Thailand with an expected high of 22.
  14. I would think they'd avoid that kind like the plague, rather than be drawn to them. But you offer a popular opinion. It's just not one I can understand as it defies all logic.
  15. Re dark tinted windows, there is a legal limit on how dark they are allowed to be but well, you know.... Thailand, laws.....
  16. It amazes me how people get upset about what total strangers, people they have never met and are unlikely to ever meet, say about them. Similarly, personalities of all kinds often attract massive abuse yet put their tag out there for all to see and attack. Why don't these people just concoct some name that no-one would ever guess was them and give it only to trusted friends? The human race has not advanced enough to use social media responsibly, nor the internet in general, without there being collateral damage. What should be one of the greatest inventions in history is, inevitably, too often highjacked by lunatics and conspiracy theorists, and sees websites set up that lead to self abuse and suicides.
  17. My wife told me they have to open on holidays now as there is competition from various delivery services. Great having competition, isn't it. As an aside, I once went to Nana PO to send something to Kalasin, and the girl there asked me what country Kalasin was in. I'm aware that Thais have little awareness of anything or anywhere outside of Thailand, but within? And working for the PO? Jeez!
  18. The animals that women choose as boyfriends or husbands never ceases to amaze me. The other lead story received this afternoon had a man holding his girlfriend hostage at knifepoint. I can only suppose they have a primitive urge to be drawn to macho-types, and then it backfires on them.
  19. My PayPal account, which I use only two or three times a year for minor purchases, is based on my UK Amex card, so I don't foresee any problems for me personally. I have no idea how others use it, but surely there are alternatives for purchasing items and moving money in/out of Thailand?
  20. Pre-Covid, my rather fragile sister flew in on BA and was met and assisted by an airport staff member. There was no charge, but she didn't need a buggy so maybe there's a charge, but probably not. The airline will advise on that, if it's actually important to you which it probably isn't. Of course, there is always likely to be a problem as this is Thailand. In my sister's case, the person assisting her brought her out of the wrong exit of the three (not the one shown on the board for passengers from the BA flight). Fortunately I'd given my sister my phone number and she was able to use the assistant's phone to locate me. It was the assistant's first day in the job and she was cute, so I politely explained to her that she needed to use the correct exit in future (as common sense and proper training were seemingly completely absent) and we all went away happy . If my sister hadn't have had my number then that would have created quite a problem.
  21. So the message has been sent out to every tv company in Thailand not to spend money on bidding to show the competition as it will be shown for free anyway. Genius.
  22. Nobody in the world gives a rat's fart what a minor South East Asian backwater country does or thinks about anything, a country that has no influence in anything anywhere.
  23. Whether the lorry had parking lights on or not shouldn't really be an issue, should it. There are these things called headlights on vehicles, brilliantly designed for the purpose of being able to see what is ahead in the dark. In some countries they are required to be on even in daylight to make you more visible to oncoming traffic, useful especially in rural areas. I read some time ago that, as so often here, the opposite rule applies in Thailand and it is illegal to have your lights on in daylight. Not that it being illegal makes any difference, of course.
  24. Breathtaking! That is possibly the most blatant lie ever told by anyone wearing a uniform in Thailand, and that's really saying something. Everyone knows that it could not be further from the truth, as is evidenced by the numerous coups that have taken place over many decades. Not only that, the army chief who removed the democratically elected government and installed himself as PM still lives in an army compound.
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