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  1. RIP Supannika, you're an angel, so sad you left so early. Much respect to her parents for this selfless act of kindness.
  2. You tend to not make as many stupid mistakes/decisions when getting old; that's a good thing in my book based on my history when I was younger.
  3. Idiocracy was a great movie. It was supposed to be a comedy but the more I watch it the more I realize it's a documentary about the US! People dumbing down!
  4. As Robin Williams said; "God gave man a penis and a brain but only enogh blood to run one at a time."
  5. Saw a couple of younger decent looking guys the other day in a food court moving around table to table eating people's leftover food. Just giving you another option because you're going to need options like this with only having one million baht for14 years! 555
  6. No, FIRST report has to be in person, after that online works. at least in my cases that was the way it worked.
  7. Maybe you've got a degree in something but no street smarts! Spend a little time in Thailand before you jump in with both feet. The water can be deep and perilous in the Land of Smiles.
  8. As Robin Williams once said, "God gave man a penis and a brain but only enough blood to run one at a time." So true!
  9. To get a better life.....simple really!
  10. Agree totally! Been here 30+ years and you'd think I'd be used to Thai drivers.......but I'm not! You have to drive defensively 95% of the time and keep your head on a swivel looking out for anything that might be headed your way, epecially the uninsured motorcycle riders! I could go on and on, but I won't, anybody who's driven here any amount of time knows what I'm talking about.
  11. Male 65 years old--120,000 baht a year, my wife 61 years old--84,000 baht a year, depending on exchange rate approx $3500 USD/$2470USD respectively
  12. Good to see something like this as govt spending/waste is the main reason the US is 36 trillion in debt. It can't keep going the way it is, eventually the US won't be able to service it's debt. I wish them luck because as thaibeachlovers said, it's a herculean task!
  13. I live full time in Thailand, it won't affect me at all.....sabai sabai
  14. Nooooo, not in Pattaya, and with a fake ID(?!), that's hard to believe! 55555

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