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  1. Because like a LOT of the laws here, the police don't enforce it. Simple really! Some times I don't stop because I'll get rear ended by somebody wanting to run through it. I ALWAYS check my rear view mirror when/if I stop at these.
  2. Can't get rid of it, it's a monument to the corruption in Pattaya, that's why it's sooooo big!
  3. Just one more reason I won't register for a tax number unless I have too. Once you're in the system you're on their radar.
  4. I remember years ago when they forced the rental bike companies on Beach Rd and Soi Pattayaland 1 and 2 to move off the street. They did.........onto the footpath of Beach Rd. 55555 TIT!
  5. Instead of a "swift transfer" how about a swift firing. It reminds me of the BIB, in a lot of cases after being found guilty of a crime the punishment is usually a transfer to an inactive post. TIT
  6. Shouldn't the headline read: "Lifting alcohol restrictions could boost certain powerful individuals bank accounts by billions"? TIT
  7. I'm not advocating smoking or vaping, but seems to me that vaping is the worse of the two evils. I never smoked but both my parents did for many many years and they never had any lung problems.
  8. One of the reasons I keep ALL my bank accounts open that I have in Thailand, even if there's an insignificant amount in them. I was going to close one or two of them since I hadn't used them in years but the manager at the branch told me better to keep them going as it's going to be harder in the future for farangs to open accounts.....she was right.
  9. Exactly, the movie Idiocracy explains this phenomenon, the human race dumbing down because instead of the smartest reproducing the most, the dumbest are reproducing at an exponential rate. It was a grade B comedy but has turned into a documentary.
  10. Not just an attempt, she DID engage with it, on a very personal level. Hopefully it was worth it, but somehow I think not! You'd think at 55 years old she would have a little more experience and common sense about this type of thing......guess not.
  11. If you have a big enough bank account you can expect fair legal treatment, and if REALLY big, more than fair treatment. TIT
  12. If you don't know what you're doing better to leave them alone unless there are two people, one to turn them and one to stabilize the neck while turning. Basically the spine needs to stay aligned with the neck if you're going to turn them. Just keep in mind IF you cause any damage you could be liable. And also better to NOT remove a helmet if they're wearing one, this could also cause some, or more neck/spine damage.
  13. Respect to this guy! A lot of people now days would just film it on their phones then post it for likes/follows! Good to see there are still people out there with compassion for others and are willing to help. Also, hope the girl gets compensated properly by the driver, probably not though since this is Thailand.
  14. If you're rich and powerful....yes. if you're poor and don't know anyone with influence.....most things are not so easy. Moral of the story; power and money grease the wheels over here.
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