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Everything posted by bangon04

  1. surely there are a lot of condos in bangkok waiting for a chinese cousin to come back.... and not too difficult to buy land either if you have a Sino Thai "cousin" to help you.
  2. the taxi I took today had no rear seatbelts -
  3. Prayut's hero surely must be Ferdinand Marcos... he stretched 6 years into 20 years with a little help from the army.... (and the Reagans)
  4. Are his children allowed to come to Thailand?
  5. "to provide financial support to Puripol, so he can be trained abroad by international coaches, alongside other world-class athletes. The campaign has been signed up to by more than 600 people in just two days. The campaigner claimed that being trained abroad will offer athletes like Puripol a chance to improve their performance more effectively" National Pride in Thailand
  6. He needed to show he takes it seriously - so he had his hair dyed specially.
  7. "In the meeting Gen Prayut expressed his satisfaction with improving ties between Thailand and the US in all dimensions." specially the 4th dimension - time travelling
  8. could 1 million Thais actually be bothered to come out and protest???
  9. Prawit seems to be saying - "Not on my (expensive) watch" But will he actually live another 2 years? Maybe he is technically dead already.......who can tell?
  10. His hero should be Marcos of the philippines - he managed to stretch 6 years into 20 years with a little help from the army.....
  11. I think the plan is to install remote control chips from the PLA. Also to save more money the subs will be crewed by the PLA for the first 10 years while Thai training takes place.
  12. The Committee to discuss this proposal, and the subcommittees needed to analyse it, will be reporting back on November 30th 2022 ????
  13. "What we really need is for vehicle franchises to reopen, for our jeepneys and buses to resume traveling on the roads. " yes genius - let us go back in time and ensure that the jeepney continues to pollute and obstruct for years to come. No need to bother with any improvement - the peasants will smile and stand in line.....Proud to be Pinoy.
  14. The CCP is happy to have an extra chip inserted into new passports.....
  15. just wait for Tedros to start more panic about MonkeyPox. All they need is a vague excuse for Emergency measures (aka Martial law??)
  16. copying the Philippines - https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Xiamen_Airlines_Flight_8667 that wreck was left at the side of the taxiway for well over a year so all arriving and departing passengers could see it from the window and be reminded every time they travelled
  17. so why did they fail to paint out the name on the side of the plane - surely that is a priority?
  18. what exactly is the point of publishing 2 "mugshots" and then blurring them out so they cannot be used for identification?
  19. so Samut Songkhram is famous for poor hygiene, smelly canals and dangerous railway tracks .......
  20. The CCP is having a tantrum and throwing its toys out of the pram. An airlner might just get hit by a flying toy..... ask Malaysian Airlines.
  21. ah... the much-revered Thessakit. Such a benefit to the tourist industry....
  22. rat? toad? grasshopper? tiger penis? pangolin? Pufferfish? Snake? MonkeyBrain? Bat? Scorpion? Balut? Seahorse? Silkworm caterpillar? Tarantula? Bird Saliva? Chicken Feet? Duck Head?
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