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Everything posted by bangon04

  1. The Thailand we see and read about every day must be just fake news. The wonderful perfect modern Thailand we see regularly in the APEC adverts must be the real thing.............
  2. The ladies from the north-east who choose to work in Bangkok / Pattaya seems to be earning 500-1000 per day (with overtime occasionally)
  3. only in Thailand..... in most normal countries the airport regularly switches runways to try and ensure that planes land (and take off) into the wind if at all possible.
  4. Could it just be maybe that the Filipino has a worldwide reputation for overstay, illegal working, prostitution and other typs of immigration cheating????? Several countries have tried to reduce / abolish visas for Filipinos and usually regret it.
  5. but they did fix the problem of seatbelts in baht buses and pickup trucks....
  6. and everyone in the province will wear seatbelts and helmets at all times.....from now on
  7. "Srisuwan’s driver then held Weerawit in a neck hold and only released him after woman there pulled his hair and warned him that he is 62 years old." - yes the policeman was probably gathering evidence from a safe distance....... because nobody had lodged a complaint yet.
  8. but the video clearly shows : "Srisuwan’s driver then held Weerawit in a neck hold and only released him after woman there pulled his hair and warned him that he is 62 years old." and the police were still not doing anything until the altercation was already "over" .......
  9. as long as the qualified people are not Farang ......
  10. well the major flooding we have seen so far - suggests that the subs will soon (maybe next year) be used in Ubon
  11. and if you tie them up alongside the aircraft carrier, the revenue from (thai tourist) visitors will pay for the submarines in less than 1000 years...... Win-Win
  12. as Boomer6969 pointed out above, standard procedure would have been for 6 passing Thai males to join in and give the frenchies a good kicking. One-to-One fighting is NOT normal for thai men. (except in the ring)
  13. not to mention gambling, fortune telling, massage.......
  14. It implies that Thai regular schools stunt the growth of Thai children...
  15. Soldiers on the streets at every intersection....... will anyone notice?
  16. "as the dam held as much as 3.21 billion cubic meters of water, equivalent to 132% of its capacity." strange definition of the word "capacity"....
  17. With 23 billion available, you can expect a lot more places to declare a disaster soon.....
  18. "Regarding damaged farmland, she said that the Ministry of Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives is directly responsible for the rehabilitation program, whereas repairs to damaged roads and other infrastructure are to be undertaken by the appropriate agencies, such as the Department of Rural Roads and the Highways Department." Genius..... but it could be more fun the other way around......
  19. Senior politicians and officials frequently order the RTP to do their job ...... doesn't always work, though....
  20. Surely they can all hop up onto the Chakri Bet to set up their tents..... assuming it is still above the waterline.....
  21. After 15 years of failing to integrate the Rabbit Card........
  22. "The problem is that foreign tourism is only about 10% of GDP" Other percentages are available..... Estimates do vary......
  23. I remember "meeting" Putin in 2003 during the APEC then. The lift doors opened at the Intercontinental and I looked down to see Putin snarling up at me. His 2 bodyguards filled the rest of the lift and said "Take Next Lift"...........
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