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Everything posted by bangon04

  1. From your link: "Of 38 adults in the COVID wards on 2 December 2021, 6 were vaccinated, 24 were unvaccinated and 8 had unknown vaccination status. Of 9 patients with COVID pneumonia 8 are unvaccinated, 1 is a child. Only a single patient on oxygen was fully vaccinated but the reason for the oxygen was Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease." which seems to support the view that anti-vaxxers are causing the problems.
  2. Would the same questions be asked if a 70-something rich old lady decided to marry a 20-something handsome young man?
  3. and Thai people will be careful not to litter or damage this shrine. - bonus
  4. The death rate from Thai driving continues to outpace the death rate from CoronaVirus. The PM tells his people not to panic......
  5. "Navy officers immediately went out to help and arrived on Koh Kram early this morning during strong winds, waves, and darkness. " at least the Belgians got a ride in the Thai aircraft carrier.........
  6. Hope the 3 shepherds and the 3 wise men are on standby...... there is going to be a virgin birth on December 7th..... oh wait.... did we do that one already??
  7. Prime Minister orders relevant Thai authorities to do their jobs.......
  8. Maybe Philippines or Singapore has some old F5s sitting around second hand....... Or just buy new Chinese fighters.....
  9. Laos has already left Thailand behind with a new Chinese railway. Seems likely that Laos cannot really afford it but China can.....
  10. If you get to age 60 and you are not a dollar millionaire on paper, you must have done something wrong.....
  11. agree - European summer in Europe, and winter in Asia... perfect compromise - best of both worlds.
  12. Sleepy, Sneezy, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, ??
  13. It seems that VTL flights are significantly more expensive than the same route normal flights to Singapore. Profiteering much?
  14. Anyway, even though the new variant is not known to be any worse than the current variants, let us all have a huge media feeding frenzy and try to scare as many people as possible until we have the facts.....
  15. Lucky that the Greeks are not easily offended.........
  16. To be fair it is not Buddhism which is the problem. The Saffron Mafia aka The Therevada Sangha have a stranglehold on the faithful, and they are only Thai men........
  17. The W.H.O. needs to send out a worldwide alarm warning about this.....yesterday.....
  18. High - Rise Bangkok is a perfect place to install 100000 new charging stations. We won't even notice a few extra hanging wires........
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