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Posts posted by thurien

  1. On 6/7/2020 at 9:37 AM, Pilotman said:

    OP, don't be so naive as to think that you will get anything other than jokes, sarcasm, bitterness and derision in answer to a question like that. Make up your own mind, don't ask others, especially on TVF. 

    one person who he could really ask, though would be any lass's mother - she thoroughly knows her daughter in and out. So give it a try and see your possible future in-laws in their stately residence

  2. just another fine example of the Thai leading class playing their favourite game "charade", the Thai version comprises the famous elements "run & hide, lay 5 tracks but all of them dead after a while, lie wide-eyed / smilingly, plant a desaster into the future by using friends and friends of friends, steal openly, deny before being interrogated, accuse your neighbour/pal/family/peer/dentist etc. of wrongdoings, keep most assets overseas (or stash away in cash under your bed), buy dozens of SIM cards registered by a friend in Singapore, always keep 40 names & addresses each of Burmese, Laos, Khmer labourers ..."

  3. On 5/24/2020 at 4:11 PM, Keyser Soze666 said:

    Man, the world has seriously changed hasn't it, and this is in a country now reporting single digit or zero daily cases, that's cases not deaths.


    This is all just freaking me out now and finding it really hard to see any positives anywhere. It's also clear that gov's are now using this situation to gain more control over people. Awful, awful times. 

    I can clearly see that the C19- situation is heaven-sent for control buffos - these Thais start following their Chinese Big Brother's total control !  And: This cannot be turned back, the opportunity is just too good, they will simply carry on

    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

    They had planned this over 2+ years ago. Just never implemented to date. But yes it is coming and I will stop going to 7-11

    just wait until their Chinese peers finally show them how to do it, there won't be a single place left anymore for your shopping

    • Like 2
  5. 14 hours ago, northsouthdevide said:

    I went in my local lotas to grab some red onions for missus northsouth. 

    She almost finished cooking dinner and realised she didn't have any, so it was a bit of a red onion emergency. 

    I also ignored the que to sign the book, and though I understand the reasoning behind it, I don't intend to pick up a pen that 100 strangers have just been handling. 

    Will avoid lotas for the time being. 

    in Lootut, fresh pens on the left, used pens on the right (will be sanitized before being moved back to the left)

    • Haha 1
  6. 3 hours ago, sahibji said:

    it baffles me that these europeans visit thailand for holiday or relaxation but end up in fighting, misbehaving and in this case murder.

    I think quite a few foreigners (not only Europeans) don't come for holiday but for settling more serious things with "business partners". Chinese, Taiwanese, Korean and Japanese shady figures are a well-known breed for sorting out things in TH

  7. 19 hours ago, 473geo said:

    There is of course the pink ID card in existence


    But guess what? it appears to be far too much trouble for many to obtain, so they whine about the time and effort it takes to be processed and about it being of no benefit

    Add an approximate price of 60 baht well no chance that is just the final straw!!! No way Jose over a a quid/ a couple of dollars surely taking advantage!!


    My wife set it all up for me yellow book and pink card - considered it might be a good idea - is it? don't really know, but it means I am on record at the local amphur, having got married there also, a 'known' person so to speak which is always a good start


    Permanent residence, why do you need it? comfort blanket? oh to resolve the hardship of immigration controls, give us a break, if it's not worth the effort then..... do one!!



    The PINKY is half-good...problem has been it does not have a magnetic stripe or chip so it is really just a piece of printed plastic (often valuable, though)


    one more thing: it is issued by your local amphur not by the government so often it is looked at as a "local card --- means what?"

  8. 58 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

    haha, my mother in law still calls me 'the farang', and that's after 23 years  of being married to her daughter, and she visited us twice in UK.  I look upon it as a term of endearment  as she always says it with a smile on her face !  

    "...with a smile on her face" while counting her monthly overseas income...

    • Confused 1
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