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Posts posted by thurien

  1. 2 hours ago, Kaopad999 said:

    I think it should start from 8pm. I'm not really sure if 10pm is going to make a huge amount of difference now that bars and other nighttime entertainment has been closed. But time will tell. 

    thinking about a sanitized life up-country it should start 12noon: This is when all the cowboys get drunk watching their cock-fights and else...and, not to forget: one drinking vessel for 12 people...

    • Like 1
  2. went to Khorat Immi today for renewing my annual: they do a phantastic job there, check everyone's papers in an outside sheltered area with clear distancing. Once through, you get your paper bunch back with a waiting no.  Move to an outside shaded waiting area and only go inside once your no. is called. Inside = 5 officers with 5 distanced chairs (i.e. theoret. total of customers not exceeding 5 in that wide room). I was out and done after 45 min. = hope they will stick to this procedere after Covid!

    • Like 2
  3. On 3/30/2020 at 2:05 PM, Brunolem said:

    But are you representative of the average Thai citizen? 


    the "average Thai citizen" esp. up-country hasn't seen a doctor for ages, because 

    a) she/he wants to save money  

    b) she/he knows better

    so they buy all their medical supplies otc and administer to/by themselves (sometimes asking relatives or a priest for proper application...)





  4. 22 minutes ago, glennb6 said:

    Remember Purachai back in the taxin days? Anutin must be trying to out-do him.


    If the govt declares the bars in Pattaya must shut down, stick a fork in it and say goodnight. Property prices will crash, businesses will close and throw people out of work, and crime will increase. Maybe half the locals can take up rice farming again...


    I can't believe this is even being considered an option. Govt MIGHT be able to pull this off for a few days or a couple weeks, but if it's longer or indefinite, forget about it.

    "...and crime will increaseand crime will increase"


    hmm, most probably nothing left to be pinched = not interesting anymore for gangs, touts, governmental and local figures

    • Sad 1
  5. 2 hours ago, billd766 said:

    I am 75 and live in a small village in rural Khampaeng Phet.


    The big village is 6km away and fairly normal but I have a hospital appointment in KPP 65km away. The furthest I have been since Xmas is KPP and locally everything seems pretty much normal though I see fewer people around and rarely anyone wearing a face mask apart from the ladies working in 7/11.


    I am mostly self isolated anyway, so do I need to go into a headlong panic mode yet?


    don't forget even small villages have seasonal workers going berry-picking in Europe, illegal Thais in Korea, construction workers in BKK and the inevitable local girl working bars in Pattaya...

  6. 19 hours ago, Phuketshrew said:

    And there we have it. I "arrived" in Thailand 6 times last year. I would imagine there are many more that do the same. The "tourist" numbers that they constantly spout are nonsense. Why don't they just count those entering on tourist visas as tourists? Surely that would give them a more accurate number?

    why should "they" (TAT i.a.) do this? they just build a smoke screen as gigantic as possible for multiple reasons (politics, commercial gains, entertainment industry etc.). This country is all about "hot air", just let them puff away...

    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, ThaiBunny said:

    Works well for me - I use half a tablet and it's fine. However a friend of mine complains that it doesn't work for him - although he's had a kidney transplant and is on immuno-suppressant drugs so that may be the explanation. It's not "Thailand's answer to Viagra" however; it's the whole world's generic version of Viagra, whose patent has now expired

    and it seems to be a controlled production process: Hopefully a lot safer than the "sidewalk copycats" from India etc.


    " Sidegra is made under extremely hygienic conditions by The Government Pharmaceutical organisation Thailand , it is prescribed by all Thai hospitals and Impotence specialists in Thailand , it comes in blister packs of four that is date stamped and with serial number"

    • Haha 1
  8. On 12/24/2019 at 9:03 PM, maprao said:

    I haven't had a "real" western Christmas in over 20 years. Never really missed it until the last few years..Guess it age and nostalgia creeping up on me 

    same to me; btw I am too old already for nostalgia (= forgot...)

    • Haha 1
  9. not on a visa but on new passport: went to Khorat Immi. on Tuesday with old and newly issued passports plus TM 6 plus Embassy letter to Immi that "please move visa to new pp".  No queue, the checker girl told me to get all pages of old, photo page of new pp plus TM6 copied: Volunteer helped me, copied all stuff in a jiffy at no charge. Back to Immi again, nice chat with officer while she stamped away the afternoon. Out after 45min - splendid Khorat experience, nice people

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