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Posts posted by thurien

  1. 5 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    Let's see how that works out.

    If motorists have a few photocopies of their licence to show the police, won't that reduce the chance of any "fine" being paid?

    I can see if it was produced on a smartphone, their could possibly be some 'reluctance' by the police to return the phone.

    no reluctance: They the BIB have better, high-class phones than the average farang

    • Haha 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, Beggar said:

    There are so many tourist destinations full of tourists and these destinations don't provide noise and sex at every corner. But obviously Thailand wants to go back to times before. But I hear many complaints by sex tourists that sex got pretty expensive here. I don't know since I never use such a service. And what I have watched was that sex tourists don't care much about closing times. They will take home the service person much earlier. 

     I dont know a single sex tourist, but still: Looking at F/X charts tells you that everything incl. horizontal service becomes more expensive day by day for foreigners in TH

    • Like 2
  3. 22 hours ago, Sujo said:

    Malaysians dont say that. Thats arabic. Malay word for god is tuhan. Malaysians dont like arabs.


    60% of malaysians are muslim. So could be lots of chinese malays crossing the border. But then there are enough girls of the night in malaysia not to need to go. Unless they prefer thai.


    they love the MAL- prohibited combination of Thai girls, big pork knuckles, boozing till half dead

  4. 6 hours ago, Pilotman said:

    went down to the beaches just west of Chantaburi last weekend, the surf was high and the red flags almost invisible. they were there, but hidden behind trees, and buildings.  Not a lot of use in those locations.  No lifeguards to be seen at their stations.  Some people paddling but nobody in the sea swimming.  Lots of signs warning of strong rip tides, but the signs all in Thai. So not much use to tourists. Mind you, the water there is a lovely light green and clear as a bell, very inviting. 

    with all these people either coming from Nanny States (W-Europe, AU, NZ etc.) or having an extremely tiny brain: I don't need flags, people who chase me away from the beach, no loud speakers, no barriers ... I just look at the surf and tell myself "blimey"

    • Thanks 1
  5. 13 hours ago, UKresonant said:

    I think Krungsi are ahead of the pack with the FCD, electronic plastic card for in branch, ATM card for their machines, and nice paper statements through the post every so often. More likely the other banks will reduce the use of passbooks eventually. Also they could print the last 12 months of transactions for me, in a few minutes, when I asked them (in branch last month) ???? All inbound SWIFT transfers coded SWF...

    one of the advantages with KrungSri having Japanese roots...

  6. 14 hours ago, OneEyedPie said:

    The pink ID card also appears to be the Thai way of embarrassing male expats.  Quite effeminate if you ask me.  


    only for certain western countries, pink appears to be quite queer for guys.

    In Thailand, PINK is the colour of Tuesday and many males do  walk around in pinkish outfit (shirt, cap, tie, shawl/bandana sometimes)

  7. 8 hours ago, RobMuir said:

    Thaivisa notes that Thai women frequently encounter problems abroad due to the large number of their compatriots who work in the sex industry and travel to countries like Taiwan to work. 


    The Thai women are world famous for the sexual services they provide across the globe. 


    If you tell people you have a thai girlfriend or wife most will assume she is a prostitute. They might not say it, but they think it.


    I am guilty of that as well. Probably because most of the farang thai couples that I have met the woman was a sex worker.

    Just the way it is.

    what's wrong with a woman who was a sex worker before? Now she is a highly skilled, specialized wife with lots of valuable contacts!

    • Haha 2
  8. 14 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

    So helping dogs is more important than helping people. Is this what the new law means?


    why do you want to distort reality? in most cases it is not "people" it is gang / mafia rackets behind each and every beggar: THEY get the biggest piece of the cake not their "employee" (= the beggar whom the mafia owns)


    and as for the farang beggars who are free-lance con artists without mafia ties (but maybe have relatives who at the same time go for crowd funding as easy means of living in TH):


    Kick them out of Thailand right away

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