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Posts posted by thurien

  1. ... rent, electric bills, salary and other overheads it is next to impossible to make a profit let alone break-even...

    do not forget to always have a good pot of piping hot tea money ready, lotsa tea gulpers around

  2. I think one of the reasons why these sorts of schemes appear to thrive in Thailand is the Thai social structure itself. Family members and 'friends' can easily bring pressure on individuals to invest and the whole loss of 'face' thing comes into play, they just find it very difficult to say no or to change their mind and go back on a 'promise' of cash even if the scheme looks hopelessly dodgy.

    absolutely right here; it should be added that this kind of social / family- type / "amongst friends" pressure has been the success also in Western countries: "tupper ware parties", cosmetics marketing, diet products, home fashion shows and the like

  3. Thai Customs Dept facing overhaul

    ...the department would also be providing clearer rules on product classification and evaluation methods to help businesses to better estimate importation costs. The newly appointed director-general Wisut Srisuphan will lead this change

    I respectfully :) the new head and his crew, another bunch of guys to get rich now - this is what we call real "change leadership"

  4. The fact that they had all the bank records was disturbing, however

    no wonder - in my opinion Thailand is the country with the least secure area once it comes to personal data. Everything is absolutely open, no matter whether your computer- stored data, one's ID or ATM card, passport, immigration or wp details, credit cards, any phone number, address etc. etc. Now, this includes names of father, mother, grandfather, grandmother since requested all the way with a host of official procedures.

  5. I think when speaking of 'losing face' this should be remembered.... I think this will destroy the remains of the credibility of this country and its people.

    Luckily for the government: You won't lose what you don't have. As for Pattaya: This amiable sea-side resort town

    with all its congressional and conference facilities was reduced again to what it really always has been and will be...

  6. Let's hope those who are affected get sorted out to their satisfaction

    I guess there were only very few of the total foreign card holders who laid their (real) money down - most of them e.g. politicians and other dubious government figures, ageing Western movie stars, less successful soccer & tennis players, senior management of major travel agencies and so forth got this little thing for free...

  7. I have a Solomon SEGM520 (runs on DTAC) which worked o.k. with my old note book

    (Toshiba, OS Win2000Prof). I now own a new machine DELL MXP1530, OS Vista Home

    Premium SP1.

    Problem: The SEGM520- installation appears to go through half-way only, I can enter the

    Internet alright but once on stand-by or after shut-down, the Dell system seems to forget about

    the modem installation. Every time I have to start all over. My Khorat shop who sold the

    modem to me showed me with my own modem that on one of their mx (Acer with the same

    Vista, also SP1) this problem did not creep up.

    It appears to be inside of the Dell architecture, then: Anybody any good idea or same experience?

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