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Posts posted by thurien

  1. So what I am reading here is that this program will not work because the teachers are out of date

    this is for one; then, they have the "no electricity, no internet" issues for many schools. Most gravely, however, is the fact the MOE chummed up with an obscure Chinese producer who in the beginning stated a capacity of 20.000 tablets per day - a figure which they later (without shame) had to reduce to 2000/day. From the beginning, this company also felt insecure about the battery life of their produce and rather did not want to guarantee anything on that item.

  2. Worst of all, they never learn from their "better" neighbours!

    right, same with mobile internet which has been an absolutely dumb story over the years (!) already - still the Thai say "in Laos, Cambo, VN they only have 3G - we shall skip 4G and directly go into 5G..." their talent for totally ignoring facts, overrating their non-existent expertise coupled with an acid nationalism is frightening

  3. during all of our trips to PP I continue being amazed by the huge number of super pick-ups/SUVs 6cyl. up (Toyota, LandRover, Hummer, Chevy, Lexus and the like) inadvertently driven by young Eurepeans / Australians / US boys and girls ... and parked by the lot in front of the restaurants on Sisowath Quay starting lunch time until very late at night. This successful young breed mostly consists of hard-working international NGOs who obviously qualify for assisted imports of these carriages as well as very lenient working times coupled with attractive "salaries..."

  4. All I can say about that is if I needed surgery I would NOT go to a government hospital in Thailand. All of the decent surgens work for private hospitals, clinics which leaves the less experienced one working in Government hospitals

    easy, mate ... There's a big g'ment hospital in Khorat with obviously very skilled surgeons - some of these gentlemen are said and seen to also operate in St Mary's (private hospital Khorat) and Bangkok hospital (private hospital Khorat)

  5. "As a long-term solution, he urged the Anti-Money Laundering Office (AMLO) and Department of Special Investigation to look into foreign land ownership and give rewards to people who help police arrest those who break the law."

    now, these carpet-buggers will find out amazing things worth-while to be reported to police: The vast majority of investors are Chinese, Singaporean, Japanese, Malay, Russian, Indian, Arab etc. multi-nationals and they put their eggs into hotels, tourism, transport, food, chemicals, cars, electric appliances, electronics. These high-stakers will not be found between Khon Kaen and RoiEt but in the Eastern Seaboard Industrial Parks, in Ayuthaya, Bangkok, Hua Hin, Phuket and, of course, in Pity-Ya (centre of lowly fun)

  6. @pianoman: "Very few Traditional Isaan households have or use much furniture even now, and far fewer many years ago..."

    yes, it starts with the no-chair no-sofa living room plus attractive aluminum cupboard via 5 wooden boards and 4 pillars (the bed) and ends with THE glass (just ONE for a party of 8 people)

  7. Discounts of up to 80% begs the question " are NORMAL prices too high then, "

    no, that's o.k. because this is no normal merchandise, either! Most of this rubbish is being produced for those super-duper ding dong 110% bargain sales only (btw: not different from Europe, for that...Continental Xmas sales show the lowest-quality garbage from ? China! on parade)

  8. What I can tell from reading this article it is mainly the non-thai's that are causing all the trouble in Phuket. Or maybe they still can't admit it is the Thai's that are causing most of the problems down there.:blink:

    no - the culprits are non- Thai only; the armada of tuk tuk drivers all hail from Isaan which still is being viewed as Laos

  9. french they must from one of the north african parts of the old colonial then , both look distinctly arabian to me not european???????

    don't forget: there is plenty of ethnics carrying a French passport: Original Lao, Vietnam, Cambodian, North & Central African, Guyana, Polynesians, repatriated Canadians, formerly migrated Eastern Bloc from Russia/Poland etc.

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