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the gentleman

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Posts posted by the gentleman

  1. Bunch of them were acting like apes at Mc Donalds speaking loudly as if they'd been sooting off artillery all week

    Sounds like americans to me penz :o

    most people there were annoyed, staff included
    Sounds like the rest of the world , ain't it..... gentleman???


  2. Chaps, you of little culture and heritage... tisk tisk

    Anyway whay is there not a 'maybe' poll thingy?


    no whay! :D

    I was trying to be posh mate



    psoh lkie me :D

  3. Looks like I missed a lot of fun around here yesterday! :D

    Bash, any further ideas on the origin of the middle finger salute? :o

    BM, I did a few searches and the one that sticks in my mind is that it may well be an old Greek gesture, it is ment to be a phalic representation. I can't verify it as I don't know any old Greeks


    yasoo philly, skatana fuss!

  4. Everywhere in the world people did discover or invent many things, even the littlest tribe in Africa.

    Anyone knows any invention made by any Thai ?  :o

    They are more creative than most people in many countries I have lived in....and have learnt to make do and enjoy with what they got. That, in itself is admirable. :D

    and......what have they invented?

  5. Sorry for that

    Didn't see the earlier post

    Strange no one knows his name though!!!

    And as for people waking up next to dogs..well enuff said i think

    We don't have them in Phuket!!!!

    Well not wiht 2 legs anyway

    his name is Wolf or Mr Hound - he had a ruff night :o

  6. I am a foreign woman newly married to a wonderful Thai man. I have always disassociated myself from "feminists" when I lived in the USA because of their man hating antics, as most of middle American women have too. I just finished reading a book called "Who Stole Feminism" by Christina Hoff Sommers. Her well researched work shows us how these radical feminists' philosophies are weak and corrosive to society, yet many have a strong hold in the academy and have literally gone about to change the school curriculum from kindergarten through university. SCARY STUFF!! It is a small minority of extremely vocal, well organized hate mongers who have a strong hold on educators and administrators who blanch at the risk of being called a sexist (or racist or homophobe, for that matter) so when the radicals scream 'jump' they ask 'how high' without criticism of the agenda.

    Most women, myself included, are what Hoff Sommers refer to as 'equity feminists', the good old fashioned feminist who believes that women simply want the same laws applied to them as men and have the same civic rights with regard to work and voting. No special laws for us, please, just equal protection. The radical feminists have come to distain anything and everything 'patriarchial' and remotely masculine. Equity feminists disdain this radical mindset; the radicals do not have the grassroots support they need, they do not represent anyone but themselves.

    In Thailand I know that many of the foriegn men are escaping a homeland where they feel ostracized. They glare at farang women expats, or completely ignore us, lumping us in with the small group of radical feminists they have escaped from in their home countries. What is sad is that I am stereotyped this way. I am more traditional than many western women; I love to dress nicely, I don't leave the house without makeup, I keep my figure slim and I am NOT hairy! I am a girlie girl and I love being feminine. I also yearn to be the best wife I can be for my wonderful husband... believe me he wants to stay at home with me at nights, if you know what I mean...

    I've been wanting to express this ever since I saw the first postings of this slant, so I am glad to finally get a chance to say that there may be more women on your side, guys. We don't all hate you, quite the opposite!!!!

    What a refreshing look at life, thanks!

    You sound like a great lady and I think most of us would agree that an even relationship is all us men are after - do you have friends like yourself? :o

  7. What happens to the poll results, are they usefull, do they actually prove anything?

    they prove one thing Bronc, there are lot of marmite eating soap dodgers on this forum :o

  8. Soon my TG will come to live with me in my country. She says she has to send some money home each month, this i understand. But she is not able to tell me how much she needs to send, she says we will sort it out when she is over here with me. She has a Mother and Father at home on the farm, and 2 children living with her ex husbands mother. any advice on what she should send home each month when she gets here?



    she will sort it out :o , keep 10 bucks a week for yourself mate and send the rest, the farm needs a new hydroponics watering sytem! :D

  9. I too am hooked, and I even have a wee gloat too when I see my workmates pictures of their wives and lives, and thank the lord Bhudda I ain't married to a fat white bird too.


    With you on that mate! The fat white flesh loving friends say "she has a good heart though" No she hasnt, she is a heart attack wating to happen!

    Advice to white women - STOP EATING!

  10. Hi, MsNina,

    As we posted our opinions on feminists in Thailand into various threads (like bar-girls, living in Bangkok and so on), I made a new thread, where I will post from now on any related opinion about this subject.

    Please post also here feminist-related stuff, it is not good to disperse our arguments into various other threads. It is better, to have all and everything together and not to mix it up with other Thailand related informations....OK?

    I am happy to read in your last reply, that my postings are not any longer for you preposterous and hilarious, but you find them now to be peculiar and disturbing. Great, you make me happy!

    Thank you,


    How much does she weigh Yohan?

  11. mince tattys and gravy, fish and chips, cornish pasties and marmite - thanks England for your contibution :D

    Now the Cornish pasty there is a piece of work only the soapdodgers would think of.

    Imagine inventing a pastry with a disposable handle, a disposable piece of crust they could grab the meal with, cause the soapies didn't wash their hands, :

    How true that is Bronco! :D A coal miners fillet mignon :D

    Marmite is actually linked to this funny enough :o , every Sunday they would wash thier hands and bottle it! :D

  12. I think the gent forgot where he was for a few minutes.

    hopefully that means we won't have to read it in the The Bear Pit.

    Same ol' same ol' from our mate the gent.

    Like you uniform Leith, just watch the power trip :o

    I told you I am not gay, so stop following me around the forums :D

  13. Never been homesick myself, but its only 2 weeks mate, it will get better, there are plenty of Chinese in Bangkok and maybe a good rub and scrub, might do you the world of good - they definately will make you feel at home.

  14. These bassturds that think this war is great are nothing more than dog Sh*t on the bottom of my shoe! If it's such a just war, then why aren't all you a$$holes over there too?

    I've been to places just as bad as Iraq, From your posts I know for sure you haven't, are you one of those long haired hippy, liberal draft dodging freaks?

    That not so great American statesman, Patrick Buchanan, once said something very wise. for one of his campaign platforms for presidency he stated that America should pull out politically and militarily from all foreign countries. This is a man who is a hardcore conservative with many views that i certainly don't agree with, but at least he had enough sense to see the chaos that US intervention in the world creates. Terrorism stems from a long chain of events mostly perpetrated by the USA and Europe which could have been avoided if certain countries were left in peace.

    very true!

    I also find it the same with the majority of war mongering yankees, they post something that is a flame and then they cry foul play, when its done to them - very messed up people!

  15. Yea, take it to the pit!

    Oh this one goes to the pit, but your crap stays here? :D Let see where the poll leads us shall we!?

    Sorry Pepe, I tried!

    I am really surprised you would actually post crap like this, we are a decent bunch of folks in here and then you come along with this kind of sh1t!!

    it seemed ok two hours ago when you were doing it - I know the majority here are good people, dont put yourself on the list>

    Wasnt it you who said,

    "First of all I'm not your mate and secondly I get bored as he11 with all these sudo grade school hall monitors like you that open threads with topics they don't agree with and then go bitchin about what is posted there. We have Admins for monitoring what is posted here, let them do their job, my hat is off to them all for doing a good and balanced job here. You don't agree with the postings, that is your business but leave the rest of us to <deleted> alone. "

    now reap what you sow :o

  16. Too many poms?

    come on mate, it is full of aussie bartenders and Kosovars  :o


    You get the rejects there bash, cant hack it in Oz, anyone can serve hot dishwater, but to dispense the excellent vareties and specimen of malted beverage we have here requires true talent.


    you tell that soap dodger Bronc, he wouldnt know his ass from his elbow :D

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