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Posts posted by oneday

  1. R.I.P. young lady.

    "...Police have said they believe the cause of death to be drowning, stating the girl probably fell into the canal..."

    So, so, so typical. Too damn lazy to actually do a real investigation; like maybe talk with the friends she was playing with. If there was fowl play by any of the children there is a good chance one or more of them will look really guilty. It seems as if the police never want to do a real investigation or any investigation at all. With falang it's always suicide. No wonder people do not trust police. Life is incredibly cheap here.

  2. "...She tells me normally a husband and wife don't always sit down and eat together for eg. But eat when they feel like it..."

    My wife always gets upset with me if I have already eaten, because she does not like to sit down and eat alone. What your wife said couldn't be further from the truth. Most thais look forward to eating together. It's the best part of the day for many of them. I seriously doubt a husband would be left out unless he wanted to (like me). You know Thais are always and I mean always asking each other if they have eaten, "gin kao, ru young?".

    Really, if it were me, I'd demand she get back on that pill that turned her into an angel and if not then leave as fast as you can because your life will be hell.

  3. Debt is synonym to a Thai farmer, when was a Thai farmer NOT IN DEBT? year after year, decade after decade, those farmers

    are always in debt, why? a million reasons why, will it be better? no, not the way the keep repeating the same mistakes

    over and over again and learning nothing from it......

    If I get your statement correctly, you are blaming the Thai farmer. I don't think most people would disagree with the statement that in general Thai farmer's are not a rich group of people; far from it. Of course, they will try to plant an off-season crop if possible; anyone would in their shoes. Are they in debt all the time, probably and most probably due to the horrible education system in this country and complete lack of appropriate help from the government departments who are supposed to exist for the SOLE purpose of helping the farmer.

    What you have to say is extremely heartless and people like you are what's wrong with this world. No doubt you are sitting at your computer with plenty of food on your table and you've almost certainly never worked as hard as a Thai farmer.

  4. I wonder where the US would be on there sanctimonious human rights charts. Maybe they should try taking the plank out of their own eye before trying to take the splinter out of others.

    Besides the fact you are comparing terrorists to people like those recently in the news, the Rohingya (apples and oranges), you would most certainly change your tune if it was YOUR country the terrorists have painted a target on. Terrorists have abdicated all of their rights. They are rabid animals and deserve to be treated that way.

  5. Don't look now, the crisis is already here. If they keep drafting undemocratic "Charter's" like the one their own appointed people just rejected then the junta will be in power for a long time. One begins to wonder if this isn't what the people in power wanted all along despite Mr. P's protestations that he wants to retire.

  6. "...Our country has clear rules and we have to follow the rules..."

    That begs the question; are rules set forth by an illegal, non-elected government lawful? Especially if these rules impinge on the very values and foundation of a Democratic society? What we have is "rule of law" as it existed in the day of the caveman. If you have the power then all those without power must bow down to your rule; right or wrong. It is not good for the people, but it is very good for those in power.

  7. What unnecessarily dramatic headlines. I'll bet none of these girls were there against their own free will, meaning there was no rescue involved. Somebody just wanted to make headlines to look good to the West for the next TIP report or someone didn't pay their tee money, but I seriously doubt it was done to actually uphold the law and protect underage children.

  8. Even though it is accepted practice in the the US that all credit and debit(ATM) cards expire and that date is clearly marked on the face of the card, it would appear my BKK ATM card never expires. I've had it for 7 years I believe.

    However, it is customary for all banks that I know of to charge a nuisance fee for their ATM cards. The Green bank can be one of the worst at this. At one time they wanted 800 baht for an ATM card because it was linked with some promotion and it didn't matter if you wanted the promotion or not.

    The response you got is absolutely typical in this country. They, for the most part, have no real sense of good customer service so they could care less that you were unaware of the expiration even if it is, in a sense, their fault, because they did virtually nothing to notify you of your card's expiration. In our countries you would almost certainly have gotten a letter in the mail informing you and this is what I mean by a lack of good customer service sense.

    It is also customary in this country that there are MANY things you CANNOT do except at the branch you opened your account at, unlike in the west. They are, in many ways, still very antiquated and backwards in their practices aptly demonstrated by their pathological use of the Bankbook. If you want the convenience of banking in two different provinces then you are better off opening an account in each province to avoid nuisance fees for transfers and ATM usage, whereas, you would never have to do that in the US and I assume the EU or UK.

    You say it is partially the banks fault for not informing him even thought h would have seen if he used his card at some point. You say typically Thailand. For your information I am from Boston MA USA and the Department of Motor Vehicles in order to save costs ( and generate revenue) no longer sends out notices that your drivers liscense is about to expire. Forget and get caught get ticket and have to pay fine and replacement costs for new one.

    Ah, a Thai apologist.

    I stand behind what I say. Many Thai businesses do not have very good customer service practices (notice I didn't say ALL) and when logic is brought up to them as to why they should give you a break they just get obstinate and say "you must pay". If you don't know that then you haven't lived here long or you live in a bubble.

    DMV departments and Police are two different agencies. One can't be held accountable for what the other does and so the police don't care.

    In the case of the ATM and bank...it's all in the same business and under the control on that one business. Apples and oranges my friend.

    And yes, I am moving home soon.

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