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Posts posted by oneday

  1. ...

    I guess it’s just the publicity associated with attempting to reconnect a severed head. Well, those surgeons really better have their shit together. Lack of blood supply leading to onset of brain death occurs in just 2 mins.. Immediate onset of unconsciousness caused by lack of blood pressure occurs in just 15 seconds...


    Actually, I don't think this would be a problem at all. They would just use a "Heart-Lung bypass" machine. As a matter of fact, now that I think about it, they would also need one for the donor body so they would need two of these machines while they are reconnecting everything.

  2. I have lived in and ridden a motorbike in Pattaya for 6 years. I live in Central Pattaya just off 3rd road and I'd never consider not having a bike. It is just way, way too convenient to have my own transportation which allows me to easily get around this traffic congested town.

    I have had my bike hauled away once, I have gotten tickets by the police. All of them were my fault. It's petty and irritating, but they were technically correct. I was never given a hassle about my IDP when I had one, but I got my Thai driver's licenses as soon as I could and have never had a problem with them. As a matter of fact, having a Thai driver's license helps me breeze through police check-points.

    Take precautions when parking your bike in high traffic areas, especially at night, by placing a wheel lock on your bike. That will not prevent someone from placing the bike in the back of a truck, but it's more likely they will go after bikes without wheels locks.

  3. There doesn't seem to be lot of difficulty in this except for the SPINAL CORD! They are going to have to sever the spinal cord and then somehow reconnect all of the nerve tissue or cords to the corresponding ones on the donor body's spine...sorry, I just can't believe we are even close to doing this yet. Do they even know what the consequences are when all signals from the body to the brain disappear. There has got to be some reaction from the brain to this.

  4. Even though it is accepted practice in the the US that all credit and debit(ATM) cards expire and that date is clearly marked on the face of the card, it would appear my BKK ATM card never expires. I've had it for 7 years I believe.

    However, it is customary for all banks that I know of to charge a nuisance fee for their ATM cards. The Green bank can be one of the worst at this. At one time they wanted 800 baht for an ATM card because it was linked with some promotion and it didn't matter if you wanted the promotion or not.

    The response you got is absolutely typical in this country. They, for the most part, have no real sense of good customer service so they could care less that you were unaware of the expiration even if it is, in a sense, their fault, because they did virtually nothing to notify you of your card's expiration. In our countries you would almost certainly have gotten a letter in the mail informing you and this is what I mean by a lack of good customer service sense.

    It is also customary in this country that there are MANY things you CANNOT do except at the branch you opened your account at, unlike in the west. They are, in many ways, still very antiquated and backwards in their practices aptly demonstrated by their pathological use of the Bankbook. If you want the convenience of banking in two different provinces then you are better off opening an account in each province to avoid nuisance fees for transfers and ATM usage, whereas, you would never have to do that in the US and I assume the EU or UK.

  5. It's a hard question because these people are certainly in need of a safe haven, but by allowing all these people to just come in and become legal residents or near enough, of an EU country, it makes a mockery of actual immigration laws and procedures. It does a huge disservice to those people who follow all the rules, pay the money, fill out the forms and go through all the red-tape to become a legal resident or citizen of another country.

    Deport them all to that island the Egyptian billionaire wants to buy for them, then all the countries that would have had to pay large sums of tax payer dollars to support them, for who knows how long, can give limited support to this island for a limited time, then the problem does not become a never-ending money pit.

  6. Every day this non-elected, illegal government digs their hole deeper and deeper.

    "...the NCPO had to stick to its original guideline to seek cooperation from all sectors to refrain from holding activities which may cause public confusion, may affect efforts to promote unity or may affect the political roadmap..."

    No one with half a brain would believe the drivel that comes out of their mouths.

  7. For all those TV posters who want to speculate the father is a bad man, put your critical thinking cap on and ponder this...

    Do you really think an organization such as Child Abduction Recovery International (CARI), that allowed themselves to be profiled in this article, would put their reputation on the line without doing their due diligence? Don't you think they would do a thorough background check on the father and at a minimum, interview neighbors, relatives and friends.

    Bravo for the father and a happy ending, as far as I'm concerned.

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