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Posts posted by oneday

  1. "...The International Olympic Committee ruled out conducting viral tests of Rio de Janeiro's sewage-laden waterways ahead of the 2016 games..."

    Shameless cowards. It's all about money.

    The IOC should be ashamed for allowing this to happen...for subjecting world class athletes to these conditions.

    Millions and millions have been spent and nothing has been done. Brazil probably has more corrupt officials in the city than pathogens in the water.

  2. This might all be so much simpler if they were not voting on the DRAFT as one complete unalterable document. They should put each controversial section of the DRAFT up for vote so they can refine and rewrite just those parts people disagree with the most. By doing it as a "take-it-or-leave-it" proposition they are guaranteeing failure all across the board.

  3. I still don't understand why the hell Thailand needs 200 senators and only a third of them elected by the people. This new constitution is doing it's best to take the voice of the people out of the government.

    That is correct. This is not Democracy. It is right back to the same old nepotism and cronyism it has always been and it will fail again. We will be right back into the same old cycle of "elected government", "coup", "illegal appointed government", "elected government", "coup", etc. and round and round we go.

    I want to know who those 123 selected senators will represent, because it sure won't be the people.

  4. So, so very sad. R.I.P. children.

    I guess the driver is in a sense lucky he is not around to deal with the fallout.

    Someday Thailand may come into the real world and outlaw children and all people in the back of a truck, but it will be many, many years down the road because people are too poor to afford proper transportation such as school buses. This is the government failing their citizens.

  5. My wife is constantly having people in her village asking her to borrow money. When it comes to money Thai people are not shy! The only family we loan money to live across the road and have helped my wife on countless occasions. The rest of the idiots in the village are jealous and talk a lot behind her back so they get no consideration.

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