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Posts posted by oneday

  1. Many countries, including America are generally after one thing...security, which can take many forms. However, one of the easiest ways for America to ensure its security is to promote Democracy and there is an extremely simple reason why. Many people I think would agree MOST people in the world are inherently good. So when you have a Democratic government represented by the majority of the people, then you have a government that is fairly stable and far less likely to start a war. So is it any wonder that America would like to see Thailand go back to being a Democratic government?

    "...Many Thais are suspecting that Washington, in supporting one side of the conflict, has a hidden agenda, possibly involving business interests..."

    Not only is this statement total complete hogwash, it proves there are many people in this country who do not understand and never will understand Democracy. There is ONLY one side, the side of Democracy. "Hidden agenda" are just empty words said by people who want to sow decent and confusion when they have nothing real to say. And there are not enough business interests in Thailand for America to be concerned about. America does have a very open agenda, they want to see Democracy return to Thailand.

  2. No, I can't believe this article. Why, Thailand is all prepared to buy 3 submarines from China. It already has great prestige with it's superbly maintained and ultra-modern aircraft carrier. Certainly, this means Thailand has a ship-shape Navy prepared for all emergencies................or not.

  3. “I presume that the officer was not at the police box at the time of the incident because he was performing these duties.”

    A single policeman on duty with no supervision...right...everyone will swallow that excuse.

    "...expat police volunteers have no law-enforcement rights whatsoever unless a regular officer on duty is with them, which is often the case..."

    So with no REAL policeman on duty means volunteers are totally useless...so what's the point?

    "...He also assured that anyone who assaulted a volunteer would face the law..."

    Really...one does wonder.

    "...Despite having the report and photos for more than a week, Col Pongphichan on Wednesday said that no effort had been made to find the culprits, as the report did not constitute an official complaint..."

    This shows how much the police value the volunteers. Why anyone would volunteer with no support is beyond me.

    With this report and the recent article about the tuk-tuk mafia being back in even greater force it would seem that Mr. P and his military and/or the entire Phuket government has taken their eye off the ball. Everything seems to have gone back to the old ways if you would believe recent reports.

    Whatever happened to cleaning up the taxi mafia at the airport...any progress there?

  4. You call others simple minded, and then you start with equating legal execution of drug dealers in Indonesia to what happened when Thaksin let his police dogs off the leash. Do you recall any teenagers having their balls blow-torched and then hung in a police cell in Indonesia? Do you recall a family cowering behind their refrigerator as police shot the shit out of their house, based on a display of unexplained wealth - they didn't tell the neighbours they had won the lottery?

    Here's news, the rest of your rant is just as ignorant and ill-informed.

    I only remember hearing a few times about him making a death penalty for drug-dealers. That's the extent of my knowledge about Thaksin. As I said, simple minded indeed and you prove the point admirably, because you didn't read my post. I said Thaksin was before my time and I wasn't defending him. "Before my time" MEANS I do not know details of his offenses.

    Ignorant and ill-informed...555, so elegant and well thought out. Ok, take the rest of my "rant" point-by-point and impress the audience with your educated and informative counterpoint.

    You admit ignorance, but then have the gall to call those more informed than yourself simple minded. I wasn't referring to court sentences, but to extra-judicial murder, quite often of innocents. But you don't want to know about that right?

    He and his proxy parties have a long history of abuse of office, electoral misconduct, political agitation based on falsehoods, promotion of class division, waste of public funds and simple self-enriching corruption. It appears you don't want to know about that either.

    Your wholesale acceptance of his class division propaganda (rich against poor, Bangkok elite) is ample evidence of ignorance.

    If you think that Thailand isn't a class society then you don't live here or you don't live in the same Thailand I do. This country is highly stratified by class based on position and money.

    Yes, I do have "gall" don't I, thanks.

    Oh, it's not that I don't want to know, but rather I'm talking about current events I'm more familiar with and which I can discuss in general terms. I told you I have heard enough about Thaksin...oh heck, just reread what I wrote.

    Nevertheless, bravo "Halloween" for a couple of posts that raise you a notch above "simple minded". They were a little better thought out, though still mostly off the mark.

    Go ahead and make your last post so you can have the final say. This will be my last visit to this thread. Goodnight "Halloween". Have a nice day.

    Sorry to all the rest for going off topic. Mods can delete it all if they want.

  5. "...The court said Theerawat's claim that he had no idea of what Chinnawat was doing carried no weight because he obviously knew something, which is why he charged more than Bt10,000 per month in rent..."

    Well there you go...all the proof you need in Thailand to throw them in jail for two years...wow!

  6. Well this is shaping up to be interesting.

    Cambodia and Viet Nam having stressful, contentious relations at their common border.

    Thailand and Cambodia having a rocky past.

    Thailand and Viet Nam cooperating...getting closer?

    Both Thailand and Cambodia brown-nosing China.

    Is the next step Viet Nam brown-nosing China.

    Where will Myanmar come down in all this?

    Will China eventually have to pick a country to fully support; Cambodia or Thailand? Of course, they will try to suck them both in.

    Where will Viet Nam end up in all this political maneuvering?

  7. US should quit meddling in all of the other country's militaries and politics.

    How exactly is the US meddling in Thailand's politics and military? Withholding money which belongs to the American taxpayer is not meddling and expressing an opinion which differs from the opinion of the Thai government is not meddling either so not sure what you think meddling really means.

    People like this don't have very high IQ's so don't go straining their brains with difficult questions. Keep it simple like asking them what wonderful country they are from. We'd love to know.

    What's next?

    Nothing I hope, until this interim military government gets a democratically elected government.

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